[Event] [Apr 23, 2012] Melee Monday (TF2 Server)

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Staff member
This event is for the TF2 Server. Melee only! Practice your bludgeoning skills on other Forumites!


Staff member
Do we have some sort of mod to force melee-only? Once you get more than about 8 people on a server it's really hard to keep everyone on the honor system.


Staff member
Nah. Other than the fact that I'm hosting it and if someone complains or I see someone killed someone else (the deaths do show on the screen) then I'll warn then boot them.

I may make a profile server with a melee mod on it, though.


Staff member
It is. And I'm probably going to have to do that. Of course, I also believe I can do that right from in-game using the Admin console.
Why don't you just turn on Medieval Mode? Only two weapons are allowed outside of melee ones, the Crusader's Crossbow and the Huntsman.
Is it only for one Map? Lemme go check.

Looking at the wiki, we CAN turn it on for other maps. Just need to input tf_medieval 1 on the Live Console.
Huntsman snipers without ALOT of previous skill and practice get destroyed by just about everything on Medieval Mode. The "beast" is a Demo Man with Targe + Ulla Caber.
haha, oops. Forgot to set my input method to direct input instead of hiragana.

It's stupid fun. Can't play it all the time, but it's pretty good once a week.


Staff member
The reason we are having melee Monday is for those of us unpracticed people to do so with weapons that are considerably less used. It's something everyone needs to practice at at one point or another.
I agree melee only is great for a hoot. I was once on a server with about 10 total people on it, and we agreed to play melee only until more players arrived. It was on a Payload map, which gave the attackers a slight advantage, but it was great fun nonetheless.
I'll see if I can get on tonight. Installed an SSD onto my desktop this weekend, TF2 now loads super fast.


Staff member
Yeah, gonna have to either password the planned events or make sure someone with Admin rights can blast people out if necessary. Also, next week I'll be sure to have more maps on the profile.
Yeah, gonna have to either password the planned events or make sure someone with Admin rights can blast people out if necessary. Also, next week I'll be sure to have more maps on the profile.
You need to file a ticket with them and see if they can get me added as an admin. Because I did everything right, but I still don't have access.
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