Ever get in one of those moods where you just fuck all to everything?

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So do any of you guys ever get in that attitude where you just fuck all to everything?
I had a decent good day despite it being a Monday had a test that wasnt as bad as I thought it was for one of my upper division courses.

Just after I got done with some of my other real life responsibilities I got in a fuck all everything attitude.

This is kinda strange because I normally don't get in this mood unless something stressful happens, but that doesnt happen to be the case.

Could it just be that I just needed to vent something that I didnt know that was stressing me? I usually go to the gym when I'm feelin that way but it's been too exhausting a day.
I went through a depressive, pity-party spree for about the last month and a half. I started calling them my "blue-black" days b/c I feel like making everyone a bit blue-black, that I come in contact with. I was nearly pissed off all day. It sucked.

I've since snapped out of it, and have felt great! Trying to put more positive in my head and avoiding the negative. It seems to help.
You might just need a day or two off work so you can lock yourself in your apartment and just veg out.


Staff member
I play hookie from my responsibilities every now and then.. usually on a slower day when I'm absolutely certain the world won't end if I take it easy. It's good for you, as long as you can pick things back up again the next day.


Do you mean saying "fuck it all" and just lazing around, or saying "fuck you" to humanity and being a giant irritable prick for a while?

Because the latter is my general disposition anyways. :D As for the former, I'm sort of in that mode right now. My dad is going through some difficult times - he's been unemployed for two years, is obese to the point of affecting health/mobility, and is suffering from gout/arthritis in his knees/legs at the same time - and has needed to move to a smaller apartment. He had no money for movers or even the cheapest U-Haul truck, and neither did I as I just made my one yearly football purchase (Michigan vs Illinois tickets, tailgating in Champaign for the MAIZE AND BLUE!). So while it was gonna be difficult with some of the bigger furniture and his tall and unwieldy computer desk, we figured we just call some friends up and offer the usual pizza/beer and get this done.

No dice.

NO ONE could or would help. Not a single person; my brother-in-law was here for about a hour before he started feeling abdominal pain and went to the hospital, where apparently he sprained or ruptured or did something to his pancreas. So I've had to move my dad into his new apartment on my own, couches and all. Keep in mind I'm all of 5 feet tall with the corresponding small armspan. And in the middle of this, I got a phone call from a out-of-state friend. He recently got engaged and I'm slated to be in the wedding party as a groomsman. Well his fiancee has had some heart issues for a while and they came to a head; apparently her heart is too weak to fully pump throughout her body. Her lungs almost stopped operating because of this. She's now continually hospitalized, on the transplant list but it doesn't look good. So after a quick shower, I drove 5 hours to Indianapolis to be with them for all of Sunday before driving the 5 hours back and getting right back to the moving. I've had maybe 6 hours total of sleep since this all started last Thursday.

So yeah, right now I'm in one big sore-and-tired "fuck it" mood. :p


Yes chippy i know i didnt spell it or put it in grammatically just was peeved off at the time.

Even if I'm in that type of mood I just can't shirk off my responsibilites I still go and put on a good face haha I just have a hard time switching off and knowing when to stop

I also meant to say that I'm just a bit stressed and needed to cool down


So do any of you guys ever get in that attitude where you just fuck all to everything?
I had a decent good day despite it being a Monday had a test that wasnt as bad as I thought it was for one of my upper division courses.

Just after I got done with some of my other real life responsibilities I got in a fuck all everything attitude.

This is kinda strange because I normally don't get in this mood unless something stressful happens, but that doesnt happen to be the case.

Could it just be that I just needed to vent something that I didnt know that was stressing me? I usually go to the gym when I'm feelin that way but it's been too exhausting a day.
I'm quitting smoking. That day for me is today
...and probably tomorrow, too.


I don't get angry, I just get more pissed off. And that anger translates into doing what I did wrong better, faster, and harder.
Honestly, when I get into those moods, I stay away from the forum and usually the Internet in general. That's not a slam. I just know how likely it is I'll read something that normally wouldn't bother me but in that mood could really set me off.
I can tell you the last time I just wanted to say, "fuck it!" and just leave work and head home and fuck all the God damn responsibility in the world. A couple of weeks ago during a night shift I was called out to a Metis colony about an hour and a half out of town for a possible domestic dispute. I finally get out there, the husband is long, long, long gone. The wife, who called us in the first place, is absolutely no help and is basically denying she called in the first place. She's drunk as fuck and completely useless. I search the area (lazily admitted, this shit happens all the God damn time here). Call it in. Get recalled to the detachment by my sergeant. Drive all the way back into town, only to arrive just in time for ANOTHER FUCKING CALL by the same woman. My SS this time decides more of us should go back and decides I should go too (at this point my shift had been over for an hour).

I wanted to stab him in his fat face.
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