Favorite Band Avatar week

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Philosopher B.

Oh shit. I can't decide between a pic of Jimi or Bootsy. DILEMMA.
It's too hard to pick a definite favorite, so I just went with the band I enjoy the most at the moment.

And I do enjoy them. A lot.
Since the only editing program I have is MSPaint, if anyone can resize this adequately,

I would be grateful. I believe the maximum dimensions are 150x200.


Staff member
3 things.

1) Pink Floyd beats all.
2) Nice pick, Garbledina!
3) Holy shit, Ame! That joke is sending me laughing all the way to hell!
Love the NIN love in here! If I could be bothered to change mine it would probably be a NIN one as well. Probably one of the Ghosts images. What an amazing album.
Here's a sig I made a while back for any Daft Punk fans:

And another that requires only minor retouching to make useable for others:

Another Tenacious D av:

Modest Mouse:


If I feel like it, I may throw up one of the Modest Mouse ones as my own, but not right now.
Gonna skip this one....It's been too long since I've been myself for a while.
If I changed it, it'd be either the RHCP or Led Zep, though.
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