Favorite Band Avatar week

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It's hard to pin down a "favorite band", but here is one of my favorites.
Somebody find me a decent avatar-size picture of Testament (logo or bandmembers) and I will change it.


Staff member
Actually, hell with it...changed avatar.
I've never actually heard the Protomen but I've heard good things. :)[/quote]

Great stuff. Since they are based out of tennesee, and do not get out this way up north, I have only been able to see them once at this past Bonnaroo. When I found they had won the battle of the bands in nashville to get on the lineup, I cackled with glee.

Somebody find me a decent avatar-size picture of Testament (logo or bandmembers) and I will change it.
I will see them in February with Slayer and Megadeth! Wooooooo!!! :rouckout::rouckout:

Cobbled this up in paint quick for you:

I actually DO have a favorite band, but you all know who they are anyway and I don't like changing my avatar... it feels like a superhero changing his costume.


We are two Mariners,
our ship's sole survivors,
in this belly of a whale....

Since Bowielee already has mine and I'm quite attached to my newest avatar, I'm gonna pass on this one.

Still think this should have been "avatar months" but hey, whatev.


Not gonna change this time either - I always end up changing avatars, and then posting a whole two times before everyone changes back.

But it is tempting to steal general specific's modest mouse gif...


I don't have to change mine, weee...

Also this helps me avoid persecution for my terrible taste since the only people who would know the symbol are people who know my favorite band...
I'm just glad I caught this one at the start of the week. I normally don't see the avatar threads until it's Thursday or Friday.


Staff member
Uhm, they're really neither. Somebody just comes up with an idea, and then people have them for an inordinate amount of time. What's the big deal either way?
Yeah they sorta stay until another avatar theme pops up that people want to do or until they want to go back to an old one.

I actually like this one and for once it's not a gif, so I'll probably keep it awhile.
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