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Favorite late night snacks!


Shaw Coyote

Shaw Coyote

So, it's after midnight, you can't sleep, and your stomach is growling like mad. What do reach for?

For me, it depends on how hungry/awake I am. Lately, it's either been a bowl of strawberry Special K, or a spoon full of peanut butter.




Usually just a bowl of whatever cereal is in the cabinet. Sometimes I make a whole pancake/egg breakfast before going back to bed.



Slow burning protein
aka Cottage Cheese :sneaky:




brains, dogg.




cereal or a cheese sandwich with tomato smooshed on my george foreman




I will usually grab some cereal. Of course if there happens to be some yummy leftovers in the fridge I will grab that.



I usually munch on cereal or pretzels.



So, it's after midnight, you can't sleep, and your stomach is growling like mad. What do reach for?

For me, it depends on how hungry/awake I am. Lately, it's either been a bowl of strawberry Special K, or a spoon full of peanut butter.
:vomit: I like peanut butter, but put it on some bread man!

I usually try to hold out till morning if I get hungry at night.

But if I absolutely can't I usually will slap together a baloney sandwich.




A sandwich, if I have the materials (I'm picky with my breads ;) ). Otherwise I'll probably heat up a bit of left-overs or have myself a thick slice of cheese to nibble on.


Wasabi Poptart

Triscuits and pico de gallo or popcorn




quesadillas or a cheese grilled sandwich, usually.




Yogurt and granola and frozen fruit. However, I'm trying to lower my sugar intake and yogurt is, in general super high in sugar so I've switched to low sugar canned fruit and cottage cheese. Of course then I back that up with a nice glass of 16 year single malt scotch so...



So, we all know that eating at night is really, really bad for you right?




I guess it's not very healthy, but I doubt it's REALLY REALLY bad for you. Cyanide is really, really bad for you.




So, we all know that eating at night is really, really bad for you right?
Thats what I had thought too but the other day on NPR they said a new study refuted that and showed it wasn't really that different from any other time of the day so... *shrug*




A Clif Bar. Chocolate chip, usually.



So, we all know that eating at night is really, really bad for you right?
Thats what I had thought too but the other day on NPR they said a new study refuted that and showed it wasn't really that different from any other time of the day so... *shrug*[/QUOTE]

I don't buy it. When you're sleeping you metabolically shut down and go into anabolic mode. When you wake up your body kick starts into catabolic pathways to generate energy, and needs food to get things going. That's why you're supposed to eat a big breakfast and gradually decrease the amount of food you eat during the day till about 7 o'clock or so. It's kind of like stoking the engine on a locomotive and then just added additional wood on the fire (actually it's almost a spot on analogy). You wouldn't throw in more logs when the fire has died down significantly. Where the locomotive would simply not burn the logs, our bodies take the additional nutrients and store them for later i.e. makin' da triglycerides.

I've never had the means to test it, but I think one thing behind American obesity is due to our meal schedules. A lot of Americans rarely have the time in the morning for a good calorie loaded breakfast. We usually eat a smallish-medium size lunch, and get home, hungry, to a huge dinner. Many regions are the complete opposite. Breakfast is medium, lunch is huge, and dinner is very small. Personally, I try to eat a big breakfast and small meals throughout the day (a big mac here, a sandwich there, a bag of pretzels...).




so it's the SLEEP pattern you're talking about, not the time of day. Cause, see, I usually have not gone to sleep at all when I have a late night snack. I don't think I've EVER woken up, gotten up to eat something, and gone back to sleep.



Frankie Williamson

My late night snacks are usually full on meals, because I can be working till 7 am sometimes.




I bet you must pull some pretty late nights out on patrol looking for delinquents like LeQuack to oppress, right?



I bet you must pull some pretty late nights out on patrol looking for delinquents like LeQuack to oppress, right?

So who's the bigger dickhead? LeQuack for bringing up the topic in the appropriate threads, or you for calling him out for no reason?




It was meant to be a joke which apparently fell flat, so probably me.



Mocha Almond Fudge ice Cream (made by Blue bell) which are only available 3 months out of the year :(




Hell yes, Blue Bell. Not that late, because it makes me feel ill, but that is awesome ice cream :D


Kitty Sinatra

It was meant to be a joke which apparently fell flat, so probably me.
I laughed . . . but then my jokes are worse than yours so I'm no judge of that.

Also, I'd say the only dickhead in this was Chaz, since he called you a dickhead . . . though I guess that would make me a dickhead, too, for calling Chaz a dickhead.




Well I'm glad at least one person got a chuckle out of it.



Philosopher B.

I go for a big-ass bowl of pretzels and then slather that shit in Spicy Gulden's. After which I usually drink juice. Cranberry, to be exact.




+1 on the pretzels. Awesome snacking material.




Typically late night snack is just a glass of water, unless there is pie in the fridge. Pie can't be allowed to make it to breakfast, it's just common sense.



It was meant to be a joke which apparently fell flat, so probably me.
I laughed . . . but then my jokes are worse than yours so I'm no judge of that.

Also, I'd say the only dickhead in this was Chaz, since he called you a dickhead . . . though I guess that would make me a dickhead, too, for calling Chaz a dickhead.[/QUOTE]

You wish you were cool enough to be a dickhead. You're just a pussyfoot.




A flour tortilla spread with peanut butter, then sprinkled with coconut flakes, chocolate chips and pecans. Microwave until the peanut butter is hot, maybe 20 seconds (nuking it until the chocolate is noticeably melty will make the tortilla tough). Then roll and let the hot PB melt the chocolate. Make sure to wait for it to cool a little before eating.


General Specific

General Specific

quesadillas or a cheese grilled sandwich, usually.
I do a quickie quesadilla.

Tortilla, covered w/ chesse. Microwave that sumbitch for about a minute, throw salsa, sour cream, whatever else I feel like at the time on there. OM NOM NOM NOM!
