Finally, a restaurant that bans screaming kids

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I have to admit I feel ambivalent about this kind of policy. On the one hand I have personally experienced how a constantly whining and crying baby on the other side of the restaurant can make a dining experience an excercise in self-control so as not to dunk the little howler monkey's head in the salad bar dressing... but on the other hand I have also witnessed well-behaved children and their parents who are there for the same reason as I am; to enjoy a nice meal. The former I could live without; the latter will be penalized for the former's infractions.
Sounds reasonable to me. Honestly I think a restaurant should be allowed to ban any group they want, whether by age, race, sex or whatever. They'd just have to face the consequences of the massive damage done to their reputation.


Staff member
I can count on half a hand the number of times I've ever been bothered by kids in a restaurant. Is this really a problem? Sometimes kids cry. You could be the greatest parent in the world, and you can't always stop it. I don't have any problem with the restaurant doing it, I just don't understand the problem.
Screaming kids shouldn't be up to the restaurant but the parents. It's not the kid's fault because they're KIDS. They don't understand everything yet and their emotions are like a big wobbly tower of Jenga.

Now, parents who won't take their screaming kids outside the restaurant until they calm down? Or at least do something about it other than ignoring them? THAT'S someting I have a beef with.


I love kids and I don't even mind them yelling and carrying on. But there are times I want to be out to eat in a no kid zone. That is what I am happy about.


Staff member
I don't think I've ever been bothered by kids at a restaurant. Like MAYBE once, possibly? Babies in a movie theater, though, yes.
Screaming kids shouldn't be up to the restaurant but the parents. It's not the kid's fault because they're KIDS. They don't understand everything yet and their emotions are like a big wobbly tower of Jenga.

Now, parents who won't take their screaming kids outside the restaurant until they calm down? Or at least do something about it other than ignoring them? THAT'S someting I have a beef with.
This! And if the parent won't make them leave the restaraunt bot an outright ban that's just stupid. As to the poster above, why? Because it is a rarity for me to take my wife out to eat even rarer than that is to find ababysitter. My side of the family is usually too busy and hers lives a few thousand miles away and we dont always have money for a babysitter and dinner so I have to take my kids. On the same hand a restaurant that bans kids is probably out of my price range so I wouldn't be going there anyway and that's my thoughts on the place without ever seeing a menu. But I don't think me and my wife should be punished for having children and no nanny or babysitter to care for them and we for sone unknown reason decide to take care of our children ourselves instead of dropping them off at an orphanage
This! And if the parent won't make them leave the restaraunt bot an outright ban that's just stupid. As to the poster above, why? Because it is a rarity for me to take my wife out to eat even rarer than that is to find ababysitter. My side of the family is usually too busy and hers lives a few thousand miles away and we dont always have money for a babysitter and dinner so I have to take my kids. On the same hand a restaurant that bans kids is probably out of my price range so I wouldn't be going there anyway and that's my thoughts on the place without ever seeing a menu. But I don't think me and my wife should be punished for having children and no nanny or babysitter to care for them and we for sone unknown reason decide to take care of our children ourselves instead of dropping them off at an orphanage
How are you being punished by not being allowed to bring your kids to a place you've established you wouldn't go to anyway? I'm sure there exist other restaurants.

The restaurant is a fairly upscale place at a golf course. It's meant to serve golfers and people who just want to have a relaxing dinner or drinks. A screaming baby or a toddler running between the tables just ruins the atmosphere. It's not that I don't like kids, but they should be confined to restaurants that have ball pits or crayons and paper so the kids don't get bored and fidgety.

That being said, I'd love to see similar bans applied by movie theaters. I haven't been bothered to much by kids in restaurants, but I have CONSTANTLY been bugged by idiots who bring their three-year-old to R-rated horror flicks.
I dunno what you all are talking about, almost all theatres around here ban young children at R movies after 6pm.

The only problem is that almost no films are R anymore....
I dunno what you all are talking about, almost all theatres around here ban young children at R movies after 6pm.

The only problem is that almost no films are R anymore....
Not in NY and not here. If a parent bought the ticket and is accompanying, they can get into anything. I remember seeing Seed of Chucky in 2005 and this couple had some screaming infant on their laps from before the movie even began. They did leave shortly after the movie began, but the people who assume they can go to a movie and their baby will just sleep are complete idiots.


My parents are going to buy a restaurant soon, they hope. I had been thinking of suggesting finding a way to not allow kids after 5 pm but now after reading this thread I guess I won't. It never occurred to me there would be any objection to that.
I think there is alot of hurt feelings and what not in this thread, i agree with both sides. I dont see this policy as any different then some upscale restaurants that require formal attire. is it bullshit for parents like crimson, suuuuure, but the guy has a right to say, you know what, WE ARE NOT A FAMILY RESTAURANT, take your business to dennys or any number of other fine establishments.
That's exactly why I don't see the reason for getting so upset about it. There are probably a hundred restaurants within 10 miles of this place that don't ban kids under 6. Odds are this will increase their business, not decrease it, and it's not like it's a chain. No, it isn't kids' fault that they don't understand things, can't control their emotions or volume, etc, but there are tons of places to go with your kids, both behaved or not.

What this sounds like to me is people going "But MY kid is different, MY kid is special and well-behaved, so why can't MY kid go in the restaurant?" Your kid isn't special; get over it.

And then, 6 years old isn't some magical behavior problem cut-off. Some kids have screaming tantrums as teenagers. Some kids can't behave regardless.

The first time I can remember going to the movies was age 3. My sister and I were chatting like idiots, but then my dad (mom wasn't with us that night) yanked us both close and said this was a special treat, and if we didn't stop talking, we were going home right then. My dad never fucked around with false threats, so I listened and even my 2-year-old sister shut the hell up and watched the movie. And that stuck from then on.

Point is, if you teach your kids that going out is a privilege and that they'll be left out of it unless they behave, great. This restaurant wouldn't need this policy. But there are still all the other restaurants in the country to go to. It doesn't have to have a ball pit--it just doesn't need to be this place.
I have two young children. Not that young any more, seven and nine. I also have a .... we'll call her "niece" that lives with me who is two as of today. I can not afford to take my family out to dinner on a regular basis, it is a rare occasion. None of us can afford a babysitter, especially not for three all the time, and the kids are always welcome with us.

I still support this policy.


Staff member
I'm still scratching my head over this. I said above that I could count on half a hand the number of times I've been bothered by kids at a restaurant. I take that back. I really can't recall ever being bothered by it. I've seen movie or tv characters get bothered by it. I know everyone's different and all that, I'm just personally confused.

On another note, isn't this already what people go to nice restaurants for? Kids aren't explicitly banned, but I've never really seen a kid in one of those places. Like as not, you'd be going to a place like that for a quiet night out anyway.

Ban TEENAGERS. I can't stand oily douchy boys throwing the word "fuck" around while doing that "her her her" laugh over something that's not funny while disrespecting the waitstaff. Same at the movies. I haven't had any problem with kids at movies, but definitely with teenagers with stupid laser pointers and loudly narrating.
I remember around the DC metro a year or two ago they put up these little devices called Mosquitoes that supposedly emitted an annoying sound too high-pitched for adults to hear, but would annoying anyone younger than 20-something and cause headaches with prolonged exposure.

They were taken down after a few months because of age discrimination though.

(Personally I found them stupid because many little kids have to go with their parents through the subway and the last thing they need is another reason for the kid to be crying.)

But for a luxury establishment, I suppose that's an option. I've not had teenager problems in a real restaurant before (I don't think Denny's is as great as the guy in the news article thinks), but movie theater, yeah. We pretty much stopped going to opening nights around here, partly because matinee is cheaper, and partly because of jackass teenagers shouting at the screen (not constantly or I'd have gotten someone to kick them out) or destroying the restroom.
More restaurants should support this. I also wish some airlines would do the same.

I've gotten into a few situations with parents unable/uninterested to handle their children in restos. Just because you can't handle your kids, doesn't mean my dining experience should be affected. I'm not paying money to sit at a table beside yours and can't even get a decent conversation going. I've gotten quite a few deals/people removed over the years. A lot of times people just need someone to lead the charge because soon after I complained, many others did.

I'm sorry but that's how it is. Get a babysitter or order in, I don't care. My woman and I wouldn't see it any other way when it'll be our turn to be parents
I can count on half a hand the number of times I've ever been bothered by kids in a restaurant. Is this really a problem? Sometimes kids cry. You could be the greatest parent in the world, and you can't always stop it. I don't have any problem with the restaurant doing it, I just don't understand the problem.
Added at: 12:19
I love this thread because the most vocal people in it don't have kids , and have no fucking clue. Sometimes there are no babysitters, and you want to go out. Taking your kid to the bathroom and yelling at them doesn't always work. Believe me, parents get just as fed up with their toddler screaming as much as you do.

And the other funny thing is the place is in Monroeville, PA. Most folks' idea of a night on the town without the kids in Monroeville involves Denny's and bowling.


Yup. This restaurant is for douchebags.
Added at: 12:19
I love this thread because the most vocal people in it don't have kids and have no fucking clue.
A clue about what? I definitely have a clue about not wanting children around at restaurants at night.
More restaurants should support this. I also wish some airlines would do the same.

I've gotten into a few situations with parents unable/uninterested to handle their children in restos. Just because you can't handle your kids, doesn't mean my dining experience should be affected. I'm not paying money to sit at a table beside yours and can't even get a decent conversation going. I've gotten quite a few deals/people removed over the years. A lot of times people just need someone to lead the charge because soon after I complained, many others did.

I'm sorry but that's how it is. Get a babysitter or order in, I don't care. My woman and I wouldn't see it any other way when it'll be our turn to be parents
So your kid's going to be locked in the cellar for most of his life? You need to take them out and socialize them too.


I think the general idea is that some restaurants are family restaurants and it is ok if some aren't.

Maybe the solution is to only take dates to topless steakhouses. Most people wouldn't want to take their kids there so they won't whine if they can't.

It's brilliant!
Ok let's get centered here. McDain's Restaurant and Golf Center is not exactly Le Bernardin. It's a geezer diner - a place where they all go after church to talk about whatever it is retired old farts talk about.

If you're taking your date on an exclusive date to a fancy place where the atmosphere has to be magical, McDain's Restaurant and Golf Center should be at the bottom of your list.

I've never heard of people taking their kids to tie and jacket restaurants, and I'm sure they're not allowed to. But a dump like McDain's should cater to kids. The lady in the article had a 20 person party that she had to reorganize because they wouldn't let her bring the kid. That's pretty ridiculous.

And that's the crux of my argument. What kind of places are you guys going that screaming kids ruin your meal? Applebees? If so, then piss off with the complaints.
It's his restaurant. If he wants to institute a no-young-children zone, why should it bother me? Do people complain that you can't take kids under the drinking age into many bars and dance clubs?

I can control my kids - unless they are actually in pain, they can almost always be distracted quietly in places where they need to be quiet.

Some parents never practice that with their children, or somehow feel that their children should be free to express and conduct themselves however they wish whenever and wherever they want without repercussion. Unfortunately we all get to deal with that, and I'm fine with a restaurant realizing that unless they create a policy, then they won't be able to maintain the atmosphere they desire.

Screaming kids rarely bother me any longer. I might sneak a knowing smile at the afflicted parents, but for the most part it isn't an issue.

However, I wasn't always like that, and I would have found it difficult to date when I was younger if there was a screaming kid in the booth next to me. I would have enjoyed knowing that there were places that could guarantee the atmosphere that I wanted.

Having a policy of kicking families out that have screaming kids, unfortunately, gets taken advantage of. Make the kid scream just prior to receiving the bill, and refuse to pay if you get kicked out. So the only easy way to maintain that atmosphere is to have an age limit.

What I don't get is the sense of entitlement I'm seeing from some - as though the restaurant has no right to set such a rule, that the family should be able to go wherever they like. It speaks to the sense of self-centeredness that seems to have grown up with my generation.
Mathias, buddy, pal...its on a COUNTRY CLUB! OF COURSE ITS FOR DOUCHE-BAGS!:D
It's no country club. It's a cheapo golf course with a mediocre bar and grill.
Added at: 12:48
It's his restaurant. If he wants to institute a no-young-children zone, why should it bother me? Do people complain that you can't take kids under the drinking age into many bars and dance clubs?

I can control my kids - unless they are actually in pain, they can almost always be distracted quietly in places where they need to be quiet.

Some parents never practice that with their children, or somehow feel that their children should be free to express and conduct themselves however they wish whenever and wherever they want without repercussion. Unfortunately we all get to deal with that, and I'm fine with a restaurant realizing that unless they create a policy, then they won't be able to maintain the atmosphere they desire.

Screaming kids rarely bother me any longer. I might sneak a knowing smile at the afflicted parents, but for the most part it isn't an issue.

However, I wasn't always like that, and I would have found it difficult to date when I was younger if there was a screaming kid in the booth next to me. I would have enjoyed knowing that there were places that could guarantee the atmosphere that I wanted.

Having a policy of kicking families out that have screaming kids, unfortunately, gets taken advantage of. Make the kid scream just prior to receiving the bill, and refuse to pay if you get kicked out. So the only easy way to maintain that atmosphere is to have an age limit.

What I don't get is the sense of entitlement I'm seeing from some - as though the restaurant has no right to set such a rule, that the family should be able to go wherever they like. It speaks to the sense of self-centeredness that seems to have grown up with my generation.
I hate the medicated smell of old people, and it's illegal to put an age limit on restaurants in PA. Why should my meal be ruined with the smell of Ben-Gay and the disgusting sight of watching an old man gum through his mashed- potatoes.
Why should my meal be ruined with the smell of Ben-Gay and the disgusting sight of watching an old man gum through his mashed- potatoes.
When I get to that stage I'll buy a blendtec blender and simply drink my meals, so I don't disgust you as much. You'll never know if it's a chocolate shake, or a four course thanksgiving meal.

Then I'll change my colostomy bag at the table.
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