His recent ABC interview made my stomach hurt.
"There was terrible voter fraud. Dead people, illegals, people voting in two states. Oh, but none of that happened on my side. Nope. All my votes were 100% legitimate."
"You guys are not reporting it right, go watch FOX NEWS, they tell the truth. Watch FOX NEWS for the true story."
"The CIA gave me a standing ovation. It was a home run speech."
He even showed off that picture that was actually from the Women's March and not his inauguration, which he has STILL not caught on. My guess is because deep down he does not want it to be the truth, so he believes it's a legitimate screen grab.
I mean holy shit guys, we basically got a president that does not even listen to his own intelligence, and instead decides what's important by watching FOX NEWS. Worst yet, when he does get intelligence about things (like Voter Fraud) he believes it anyways because some german golfer told him a story about a whole lot of latin people at a voting center. Yes, Trump, legal hispanics are not mythical creatures, like the Unicorn.
It's going to be a long 4 years.