Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread


Staff member
I'll try and check it out. The Cold War is a pretty interesting topic right now because it has colored so much of who we are as a nation these days, yet it seems so damned far away.

And wasn't McArthur one of the people aching to sling some nukes? Or....who was it that was so intent on nuking Vietnam?
I'll try and check it out. The Cold War is a pretty interesting topic right now because it has colored so much of who we are as a nation these days, yet it seems so damned far away.

And wasn't McArthur one of the people aching to sling some nukes? Or....who was it that was so intent on nuking Vietnam?
According to the wiki article on MacArthur, not likely:
President John F. Kennedy solicited MacArthur's counsel in 1961. The first of two meetings was held shortly after the Bay of Pigs Invasion. MacArthur was extremely critical of the military advice given to Kennedy, and cautioned the young President to avoid a U.S. military build-up in Vietnam, pointing out that domestic problems should be given a much greater priority.[360] Shortly before his death, MacArthur gave similar advice to President Lyndon B. Johnson.[361]
FYI he was also out of the military before the end of '51, so again, I doubt it.

Also, warning, that podcast I linked is about ALL of the nuclear "shenanigans" from 45 to just after Cuba (brief Regan mention) and not just Cuba. But there's a good hour (At least) on Cuba.
Trump threw ABC and NBC into the "fake news" pit. This from the man who refuses to read intelligence briefings and says he'll just find out what's going on from Fox News. Because Fox News knows more than people who've made careers finding out global news before the press and public.

What a complete dipshit.


Staff member
Trump threw ABC and NBC into the "fake news" pit. This from the man who refuses to read intelligence briefings and says he'll just find out what's going on from Fox News. Because Fox News knows more than people who've made careers finding out global news before the press and public.

What a complete dipshit.
My first thought when I heard he "refused to read" intelligence briefings was the whole "are we sure he can actually read?" conspiracy theory.
My first thought when I heard he "refused to read" intelligence briefings was the whole "are we sure he can actually read?" conspiracy theory.
Yeah, it's come full circle. The left is scrambling at any crazy theory, as if they need anything more than the truth. Morons.
Yeah, it's come full circle. The left is scrambling at any crazy theory, as if they need anything more than the truth. Morons.
I don't think the Trump can't read theory was anything anyone actually seriously thought, it was just fun to mock.

I think he can read, he just doesn't.
I don't think the Trump can't read theory was anything anyone actually seriously thought, it was just fun to mock.

I think he can read, he just doesn't.
I'll be honest, sometimes it's hard to tell what people are serious about, and that's as someone who sees this stuff all the time now.
That's where I heard it, it's just that his behavior makes what should be an obvious joke into something more believable.
Sean Spicer's thoughts on Melissa McCarthy's portrayal of him:

"SNL used to be really funny. There’s a streak of meanness now that they’ve crossed over to mean."

Are you shitting me with this?


Staff member
The ad has been in production for almost a year. It is not anti-anyone. But the fact that an ad talking about inclusiveness and the positive role that immigrants have played in American history comes across as anti-Trump says a WHOLE LOT about Trump.
Well okay, but he's been saying this stuff for more than a year


Staff member
Sean Spicer's thoughts on Melissa McCarthy's portrayal of him:

"SNL used to be really funny. There’s a streak of meanness now that they’ve crossed over to mean."

Are you shitting me with this?
I believe that was actually in reference to the cold open on Trump and Bannon, and in fairness it wasn't the best cold open they have done.
In other news, I only JUST NOW saw that your avatar is not a random collection of colored lights and realized it was Thanos holding the Infinity Guantlet. /headdesk
Wait, Thanos is in the pic... oh, there he is.

Weirdly, i saw it was a gauntlet of some sort, but not Thanos in the background, so i didn't associate it with the Infinity Gauntlet.
I'll say it again: these are US citizens with proper papers being illegally detained without any reason, being searched and having rights (privacy, counsel, habeas corpus) violated, by the federal government. This is the exact type of thing the whole 2nd Amendment is supposed to provide security against, it's exactly what people have been saying they were afraid of Obama would try to do. That there's not even a *peep* from the right about any of this only goes to show.
I'll say it again: these are US citizens with proper papers being illegally detained without any reason, being searched and having rights (privacy, counsel, habeas corpus) violated, by the federal government. This is the exact type of thing the whole 2nd Amendment is supposed to provide security against, it's exactly what people have been saying they were afraid of Obama would try to do. That there's not even a *peep* from the right about any of this only goes to show.
It shows that some are more equal than others
I'll say it again: these are US citizens with proper papers being illegally detained without any reason, being searched and having rights (privacy, counsel, habeas corpus) violated, by the federal government. This is the exact type of thing the whole 2nd Amendment is supposed to provide security against, it's exactly what people have been saying they were afraid of Obama would try to do. That there's not even a *peep* from the right about any of this only goes to show.
...I assume you mean the 4th amendment (probable cause)? The 2nd is the one about keeping/bearing arms, unless you were suggesting the mounting of an armed uprising...

...I assume you mean the 4th amendment (probable cause)? The 2nd is the one about keeping/bearing arms, unless you were suggesting the mounting of an armed uprising...

Yeah, pretty sure he means the 2nd is there so you can protect all the other amendments if the courts fail at it.