Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

It's not incompetence, it's 100% intended. Now that the Trump-right doesn't believe any news source that isn't Fox or Breitbart they're completely free to tell us about all these terror attacks that never happened. Anyone who says otherwise is fake news. It'll be the new alien abduction, really. People will start coming out of the woodworks suddenly remembering the attack they survived. Next time a gas station gets robbed people who weren't there will clearly remember that the gunman shouted "Allah akbar!" even though when caught the suspect will end up being a white christian ISIS convert.
Trump wants this to be a 1984 situation of "how many fingers am I holding up? You don't know how many fingers I'm holding up until I tell you how many I'm holding up" but without the torture ... except he keeps fucking up both in public and private. Hard to look competent when your own advisor openly tricked you into giving him more power and then you publicly bitch about it.
...or that her son (and herself) were SICK while traveling. This is the one I'd focus on. They're going to another country WHILE sick by their own admissions. That's just weird on its own.

...or that she was apparently traveling with her phone and somebody else's too that had content that was "claimed" to be benign.

...or any other reason she's not saying.
Well, Kellyanne committed a crime today on air. So that's cool.

And I have to do deal with some real shit at work. Great day so far.
Customs agents are not doctors, they can't tell the difference between the symptoms of cancer and bubonic plague, nor should they be expected to do so.
No, but nobody says they looked ill. They asked "is anyone ill?" and she said "yes, my child has cancer".

Besides, that way madness lies. They can't tell the difference, great, they're not allowed to judge. if you look *really* sick/dangerous, they can call in a doctor. If not, they can't decide not to let you in - unless you think "a common cold and a skin tone darker than #ffcd94" is a valid reason to refuse entry.
...or that her son (and herself) were SICK while traveling. This is the one I'd focus on. They're going to another country WHILE sick by their own admissions. That's just weird on its own.

...or that she was apparently traveling with her phone and somebody else's too that had content that was "claimed" to be benign.

...or any other reason she's not saying.
"Sure, they say they're okay but WHO REALLY KNOOOOWS?!" could be applied to everyone who approaches our borders.
And besides, the Quebec/US border is so damn porous every little virus already gets passed back and forth. There would be no practical use in stopping one person from crossing just because they're sick.

Hell, we'd probably be worse off if we tried creating two closed ecosystems right beside each other.


Staff member
She needs to go, obviously. The interesting thing will be if an ethics committee goes after her now, or just keeps her in their hand to drop as a Trump card (badum tiss) on a future stab at POTUS himself.
I can remember when Reagan caught shit for showing preference to the Girl Guides by buying a box of cookies as a promotional event.

Now it's buy our stuff or rue the day.
Between this and Conway actually getting busted, Trump is going to be cranky for his 3am Twitter session.[DOUBLEPOST=1486684207,1486683707][/DOUBLEPOST]Hello, I am a 5 year old throwing a temper tantrum.



Staff member
It seems to me that "SEE YOU IN COURT" is not a particularly threatening thing to say to a judge.[DOUBLEPOST=1486684777,1486684663][/DOUBLEPOST]I mean, it's like saying to a DJ "I'LL HEAR YOU ON THE RADIO, MISTER"
Ok, I'm starting to see the funny in all this. Not sure where this puts me in the grand scheme of things.

Maybe my brain is moving away from the painting.
Guys guys Um guys he also signed 3 EO that reportedly turn the USA into a police state.

And uh yeah he uhm didn't know what nuclear treaty he was bashing to Putin was actually about....
I honestly couldn't decipher exactly what those Executive Orders meant exactly, but it's probably not good for any future protests. Likely they're meant to be vague for the sake of wide interpretation ... or because Trump wrote them himself for a change. I'm surprised they weren't in crayon.[DOUBLEPOST=1486690727,1486690323][/DOUBLEPOST]My wife is theorizing Trump may be approaching senility in some ways.


Staff member
This is such a shit show.

Where are all the people that were talking about how Clinton was so bad a few months ago? I would LOVE to hear their explanation as to how the administration isn't just constantly and publicly shitting itself.
This is such a shit show.

Where are all the people that were talking about how Clinton was so bad a few months ago? I would LOVE to hear their explanation as to how the administration isn't just constantly and publicly shitting itself.
Their explanation is that Trump is simultaneously that Trump is doing a great job, but also that we need to give him a chance. At least the ones I've brushed past are completely out of tune with reality right now. I could ask my family, but I'm pretty sure they only follow this shit leading up to an election and then don't have a fucking clue past that. I don't talk to my mom about this because one of the first questions will be "Who's Steve Bannon?" and I just don't have the patience. -_-


Staff member
I really do think people just turn off when their leader gets into office. I'll admit I did it with Obama. I would follow the major once a month issues but not the day to day stuff like I am now.

The problem is that the day to day stuff now is more like the once a month stuff used to be.

I mean shit Steinman checked out of here turbo fast after the election, guessing because he didn't want to have to defend any of this shit.
As much as I love my mother and step-dad, as they watch my kids, I am having issues going over to their house these days. They always watch FOX, and even when FOX has a segment talking about a negative aspect of the Trump policy, all my step-dad does is say "So what?" aloud. It takes all my strength to not scream at him about his damn privilege since he is a retired white guy living off pension and welfare.

Also really hate my mother constantly comparing Trump to Reagen. "Reagan wasn't a politician either." she says to me, "Mom, he was Governor of California for almost 10 years. He didn't just walk off a sound stage and decide to be president, and you know it. He didn't even win his first bid, it took him another 4 years of preparation before he won. Trump literally walked off his TV show and decided "President? Why not" and you don't honestly see a problem?"

She just looked at me uncomfortably and couldn't answer me, I didn't even bring up the fact that Trumps opinion on Russia would probably have Reagan punch him in the face. The only thing Reagan and Trump have in common is an unusually close first name. Stop bringing him up.


Staff member
Not to mention the fact that Reagan was an awful president. He trashed the economy and had a metric fuckton of scandals.