Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

Not to mention the fact that Reagan was an awful president. He trashed the economy and had a metric fuckton of scandals.
My mother still says that the surplus we had during the 90s under the Clinton administration was due to Reaganomics reaching it's peak, and that Clinton destroyed it before W took office.

It kind of highlight's the problem with some people, when things are good, it's always due to the policies on their "side", while when things are bad, it's always the other sides fault. I consider myself a centrist who would vote either party based on their policies (which is why I wish some candidates would stop towing the party line as hard as possible), and thought Clinton was a terrible Democratic pick, but compared to Trump? I can't even fathom how anyone would pick him.


Staff member
He neither liked, nor voted for, Trump. Yet he gets 100x the shit our libertarian voters get.
My mistake. Truly. I assumed based on a lot of his comments that he was going to bite the bullet and still throw in for him.
Yeah, if anything, you should blame Dark Audit. He's been pretty vocal in his support for Trump.

You know that's a joke, right? We just don't need another Icuras/Iaculus moment. Please don't hurt me.
I probably contributed to Trump's rise the most in this forum :p I have a hispanic-like name, have out-competed U.S. citizens for several jobs, and married a precious hwite feeemale.


Staff member
I probably contributed to Trump's rise the most in this forum :p I have a hispanic-like name, have out-competed U.S. citizens for several jobs, and married a precious hwite feeemale.
Well I hope you're ready to get deported back to Mexico* where you came from, rapist!

*Yes I am aware
I probably contributed to Trump's rise the most in this forum :p I have a hispanic-like name, have out-competed U.S. citizens for several jobs, and married a precious hwite feeemale.
hwite we can forgive. That's like Walmart white.

Nordstrom white. That's real white.


Staff member
It's not so much "contributed to his rise" thing that gets me, because I find it a bit overly absurd to blame the actions of the president on a few people here. It's just I feel like for the last 6 months a lot of us were saying how he will be a terrible president for all these reasons. And a lot of people were poo pooing that.

And here we are. He's president. And he's doing all the shit we were afraid of and more. Where are the poo pooers now?

What happened to all the poo poo?


Staff member
He hasn't done the thing that were poo pooed, I don't think... the only thing I remember poo pooing was that he was gonna put people in internment camps.

What are some other specific examples of things that were poo pooed?

We're gonna be saying poo poo all day now, aren't we.


Staff member
And of course, last night I just got to the episode on Jojo's Bizarre Adventure where Kakyoin punishes a baby by mixing poo poo into its food. I had no idea it was an omen of how today was going to go.
Keeping his private business while in office. Muslim ban. Sessions. There's more, but it's been a bloated three weeks. Those three are things that were brought up as issues before he got in and have come to fruition. The Onion phrased it best "Trump threatens to fulfill campaign promises".
It's not so much "contributed to his rise" thing that gets me, because I find it a bit overly absurd to blame the actions of the president on a few people here. It's just I feel like for the last 6 months a lot of us were saying how he will be a terrible president for all these reasons. And a lot of people were poo pooing that.

And here we are. He's president. And he's doing all the shit we were afraid of and more. Where are the poo pooers now?

What happened to all the poo poo?
I don't think there was anyone here saying Trump was going to be a good President. Of course he was gonna be a terrible president. We all saw this shit coming. We were just getting tired of it getting yelled at us when we all agreed.

I don't know if you remember how, even after those of who voted "Trump" in the forum poll told you guys we did it for shits and giggles poo poo and chuckles (since we couldn't vote anyway - well, not legally) we still caught some anger from people a couple page later asking "how could there be anyone here who voted Trump in this poll!"

Huh, looking back at it, I was getting fed up with the Anti-Trumpers for their behaviour here. It's kind of like they forgot that we're family here and took out their anger on us, here. I felt a bit like an abused wife taking the brunt of her husband's impotent rage as the world outside just didn't go his way.

Keeping his private business while in office. Muslim ban. Sessions. There's more, but it's been a bloated three weeks. Those three are things that were brought up as issues before he got in and have come to fruition. The Onion phrased it best "Trump threatens to fulfill campaign promises".
DeVos is probably the worst thing, honestly. He had to literally say to himself "who is the least qualified candidate". That the Republicans went along with it shows how pathetic the party has become.


Staff member
I don't think this place is an echo chamber. I think there's actually quite a bit of variety in here. You have people on the far-left in here. You have moderates. You have (some) republicans. You have whatever Gasbandit is. We are by no means a representative cut of the United States. Because we all came here from a webcomic you wouldn't really expect that.

Personally I think that Tillerson and Mattis aren't terrible picks, neither is Gorsuch (as far as a conservative justice goes). And there are a lot of people here that would argue pretty hard with me about that. And it's not like when our extreme lefties get going people are swarming to pat them on the back.

Sure, we become an echo chamber when we talk about Devos being an appalling pick. Or when we talk about Trump being generally incompetent and a dangerous manbaby. But I don't think that means we are an echo chamber.

I think it means that we can look at the facts as they pour through the floodgates and make a reasonable determination from those facts.

If anyone here has some alternative facts they would like to put up to defend Trump they are more than welcome to. I have never seen any indication of censorship or the like here. If people's concern is that some of the responses are just too vitriolic, maybe I can understand that, but what do you expect?

I see the phrase family put out there. I like this place a lot, I truly do. And I enjoy discussing stuff here. But you are not my family.

My family is my brother in law who currently gets his health insurance through the ACA.

My family is my wife who may not be able to do her post doctorate due to the hiring freeze.

My family is my nieces and nephews who need a good public education, and some of whom depend on CHIPS.

My family is my parents who depend on a strong economy to see them through retirement.

My family is the reason I get so angry about this.
DeVos is probably the worst thing, honestly. He had to literally say to himself "who is the least qualified candidate". That the Republicans went along with it shows how pathetic the party has become.
She's not so bad for the Party if their goal is scrap the Department. I mean she's still a bad choic for that because I don't see her having the skills to effectively strip away the department's work and pass it on intact down to the states. And I've said it a couple days ago, but here's it again: You simply don't need a federal Education Department to have a well educated populace. Canada is an example.

Your states would just need time to get their poo poo together (although I'm sure many of them would be just fine right off the bat*) and so a person in charge with the skills to do that would be what is wanted.

But Devos will work, too. It'll just be like rebuilding after a fire for the states.

*Because given the glacial pace government works they're still doing things like it's 1979.


Staff member
Halforums? No, not incredibly. This thread? Oh for sure. It's like a dick waving contest over who can be more outraged.
But yeah, this. For me, it's a major contribution to "outrage fatigue." Two weeks of people constantly screaming about trump is teaching my brain to tune out people screaming about trump, and I recognize that as bad and dangerous.


Staff member
I sincerely hope you guys are right and that Trump isn't the dangerous lunatic some of us think he is. I really really do. And I'll admit that some of the outrage has been a bit shrill. But I hope that Trump isn't what we think he is.

Because if he is, and 2 weeks of outrage is enough to get you to shut down, then I really don't see you putting up much of a fight when it really matters.
i hope I was never part of the abusive group. I know I've never hidden my disgust with this administration but I hope it didn't spill over onto any of you.
The first draft of my post had a couple names. Yours wasn't included.

(And I hope it's obvious that the abused wife metaphor, although apt, was a large exagerration of a small feeling - and it was truly fitting in another way since I feel sad and sorry for them, I understand their rage and sympathize with them; and that's why it hurts!)

Huh. I have feelings. Dang, JCM is a good programmer.
I don't think there was anyone here saying Trump was going to be a good President. Of course he was gonna be a terrible president. We all saw this shit coming. We were just getting tired of it getting yelled at us when we all agreed.

I don't know if you remember how, even after those of who voted "Trump" in the forum poll told you guys we did it for shits and giggles poo poo and chuckles (since we couldn't vote anyway - well, not legally) we still caught some anger from people a couple page later asking "how could there be anyone here who voted Trump in this poll!"

Huh, looking back at it, I was getting fed up with the Anti-Trumpers for their behaviour here. It's kind of like they forgot that we're family here and took out their anger on us, here. I felt a bit like an abused wife taking the brunt of her husband's impotent rage as the world outside just didn't go his way.

I ended up putting some people on ignore, which is something I never do, just because I got sick of them foaming at the mouth and yelling at people that agreed with them.


Staff member
I think for some of us, myself included, we go a little hard here because we need this place to vent. I can't talk about this at work. And I don't need my wife to worry about this while she works on her dissertation so I downplay as much stuff as I can. And it's fucking eating me alive.
I think for some of us, myself included, we go a little hard here because we need this place to vent. I can't talk about this at work. And I don't need my wife to worry about this while she works on her dissertation so I downplay as much stuff as I can. And it's fucking eating me alive.
Conversely, my wife (and about most of my closest friends) are terrified because of the expected/imagined moves Trump might make on immigration, LGBT rights, etc that could destroy their lives here. It's nice to have a place where not everyone is tearing their shirts off while screaming in panic.
I think for some of us, myself included, we go a little hard here because we need this place to vent. I can't talk about this at work. And I don't need my wife to worry about this while she works on her dissertation so I downplay as much stuff as I can. And it's fucking eating me alive.
Venting is fine. We all need to vent. "Oh my god can you believe this what the hell?" sort of stuff is common, and allows people to share their feelings and get it out.

Posts like "I hope you're all fucking happy now!" (afaik this never came from you, I'm listing it in general) get really damn tiring, because who is that directed at? This isn't Brietbart.


Staff member
I've definitely said similar things. And I believe it. But I'm projecting issues I'm dealing with in my real life onto here. So many of the assclowns I work with spent the last 6 months talking about how Trump was the only option and now they all say "I don't want to talk politics at work" to avoid taking responsibility for their words.

So I come here and I look for people who fit a similar enough bill and I put all that anger on them. And I'm not even sure it's unfair.
I've definitely said similar things. And I believe it. But I'm projecting issues I'm dealing with in my real life onto here. So many of the assclowns I work with spent the last 6 months talking about how Trump was the only option and now they all say "I don't want to talk politics at work" to avoid taking responsibility for their words.

So I come here and I look for people who fit a similar enough bill and I put all that anger on them. And I'm not even sure it's unfair.
Well, now I feel vindicated for using the abused wife metaphor.

You're bringing home your anger and waiting for your wife to say something like that guy at work said. You take out your anger on her because you can't direct it toward the person who actually made you angry.
Well, now I feel vindicated for using the abused wife metaphor.

You're bringing home your anger and waiting for your wife to say something like that guy at work said. You take out your anger on her because you can't direct it toward the person who actually made you angry.
Or it's like blaming the news media and calling it all fake news when reality doesn't fit the shape you want it to.

... maybe we deserve this president.