Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

The cheeto :D campaign manager :D just sent CNN :D a cease and :D desist :D letter :D demanding they :D retract their :D poll :D that says :D Biden is :D leading :D because :D cheeto :D:D:D:D doesn't feel :D it's :D true.

Problem is, a few weeks ago everyone was convinced Health Care would be The Top Story for the elections. Now it's Racial Issues and Systemic Racism. Both, you know, great topics as far as the Democrats are concerned.
But with modern day attention spans and the media cycle being what it is, the chances of people still remembering, what, FOUR MONTHS from now are slim.
The economy will be okay-ish again (due to terrible choices and policies that'll only give a temporary booster shot to the stock markets and not help normal people, but screw that), reform on racism will be well and truly buried in paperwork on the Hill, with wishy-washy reform bills held up in Congress with the media spinning it to Democrats wanting to abolish all law keepers. Heck, five more Major Topics will have surfaced again and gone away - guessing a hot summer will bring back Climate Change, policies to ease suffering from Covid will increase the deficit so there'll be Budget nagging, and something unexpected will turn up - let's say some more sexual assault allegations for Biden, or perhaps his dementia is exposed or whatever.
By November, if the Republicans handle it well, people will once again be oh so very tired of everything related to politics, people will be thoroughly convinced once more that it's all the same and we need Real Change Any Way Possible, and that China/Africa/Europe/Mexico is to blame for their woes, not the poor and unappreciated President trying his best but being misunderstood.
Don't worry, maybe Health Care will shoot back to the top when the second wave hits (***and makes the main news cycle***)
I'm just glad that now they won't be able to blame the inevitable uptick of coronavirus on the protestors, since trump is holding major events.*

* they will 100% blame it on protestors regardless
Does it weird anyone else out that the "Party of Lincoln" as they like to call themselves, sure gets pissed off whenever someone bans the Confederate flag? Yes I know of the whole ideological flip the parties did decades ago, but once again the lack of self-awareness just gets to me with these people.

Also, I am torn because part of me wants the people of Tulsa to just gather and block him from doing his stupid rally. On the other hand I know that would just give him more ammunition to call them all animals and galvanize his base even more. I honestly don't even know what to do in the long run. When people are so unapologetic and hateful you know it's not just going to go away even if Biden wins. Trump brought on the simmer and sooner or later, I feel it's going to boil with these people.
With each passing day, each passing hate-filled tweet and FB post, it's more and more obvious the only ones remaining are the thugs, the racists, and those who still think he can make them another billion on top of the several they already have.

I tried to think of the most cheeto way for cheeto to leave the White House.

He's going to take all the art off the walls and move it to his golf courses.
Does it weird anyone else out that the "Party of Lincoln" as they like to call themselves, sure gets pissed off whenever someone bans the Confederate flag? Yes I know of the whole ideological flip the parties did decades ago, but once again the lack of self-awareness just gets to me with these people.

Also, I am torn because part of me wants the people of Tulsa to just gather and block him from doing his stupid rally. On the other hand I know that would just give him more ammunition to call them all animals and galvanize his base even more. I honestly don't even know what to do in the long run. When people are so unapologetic and hateful you know it's not just going to go away even if Biden wins. Trump brought on the simmer and sooner or later, I feel it's going to boil with these people.

The Lincoln Project are anti-Trump Republicans. George Conway is one of the founders. So, #NotAllRepublicans?
Does it weird anyone else out that the "Party of Lincoln" as they like to call themselves, sure gets pissed off whenever someone bans the Confederate flag? Yes I know of the whole ideological flip the parties did decades ago, but once again the lack of self-awareness just gets to me with these people.

Also, I am torn because part of me wants the people of Tulsa to just gather and block him from doing his stupid rally. On the other hand I know that would just give him more ammunition to call them all animals and galvanize his base even more. I honestly don't even know what to do in the long run. When people are so unapologetic and hateful you know it's not just going to go away even if Biden wins. Trump brought on the simmer and sooner or later, I feel it's going to boil with these people.
There's a part of me that hopes protestors use the Tulsa Massacre not only against Trump and his klansmen, but bringing more attention to something that's been shamefully erased from our general education.
Well what we all suspected has finally been verified and put into a book. Melania refused to join cheeto at the White House and begin duties as first lady, until she got a much nicer prenup.
So Trump had a round table in Dallas about the police and racism, does not invite three biggest members of Dallas law enforcement, who also happen to be black. Instead invited one Dallas cop and others from smaller suburbs outside of Dallas.

Honestly? I don't think their race had anything to do with it. All three are known democrats, and Trump likely saw them as a conflict. The baby hates being criticized, so he is going to stack these types of events and meetings only with people he knows will support him politically so they won't question what he says.


Staff member
You just know had they shown up Trump would have said, "This is the worst thing to ever happen to a President in Dallas."

Looting has broken out in Washington. Send in the National Guard to beat the shit out of and pepper spray and shoot the perpetrators.