Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread


Staff member
Trump is pushing hard with his "plan" to replace all income tax with tariffs on all imports. He's claiming that "it's a tax on a foreign country" and that no one in the US will pay for it. Which is just an outright lie. Such a plan would cause prices on everything to skyrocket.
Trump is pushing hard with his "plan" to replace all income tax with tariffs on all imports. He's claiming that "it's a tax on a foreign country" and that no one in the US will pay for it. Which is just an outright lie. Such a plan would cause prices on everything to skyrocket.
But that's a sacrifice he's willing to make.
Yeah, I... Don't think Hillary ever said Trump *would*. I mean, "Kamala Harris won't breathe" does not imply Trump is a real life dragon.


Staff member
"Our primary focus is not to get out the vote. It's to make sure they don't cheat. Because we have all the votes we need."
- Trump in North Carolina

Voting hasn't even begun yet, how the fuck can he already have all the votes he needs? (This is a rhetorical question. Clearly he is telling yet another Big Lie to set up challenging the results of the election.)
Why does it say “unexpected Republican win in Republican polls”?
Trump suck that much that he’s considered a dark-horse with his own party?
My guess is that the second half of the image is a -cough- "Trumped-up" (i.e., fake news) chyron that's there solely for the purpose of sarcasm.

Ah got it.
Sadly we live in an age where a Republican might actually say something that a Liberal would jokingly quote them saying.
Putting this behind a spoiler because Trump is looking like 70% dead and it's kinda nauseating:
We're at the Little League World Series again (yay, go Taiwan!), so that means to get here, we've had to drive through some...interesting...areas. There is the occasional Trump-supporting house, though thankfully far fewer are advertising that fact than before. Some of the ones that are really going all-in are unhinged. But there was one that still has me at a loss: we saw a beat-up house with a very tiny front yard that was just littered with mass-produced Trump signs. I'm not going to find the image because I don't want that fucker in my algorithm, but it was a sign that read, "A Hero Will Rise", and beside the words was a line drawing of Trump, obviously traced from a picture. So, you'd assume with that tag line, it'd be an image of him trying to look majestic, or at least presidential, but it's him, slouching, scowling and looking incredibly wrinkled.
What I'm trying to wrap my brain around, is that of all the photos you could pick from, you chose THAT to go with that tagline?!? Or better yet, for the person displaying it, THAT'S your image of a hero?!? I know that the past 8 years I feel like I've taken crazy pills, but how low are we really going to set this bar?
In a related-follow-up to my last post in this thread, on our way home, we passed this billboard, ironically minutes away from where I saw the previously mentioned sign:

This is how you do it.
That's awesome.

I live in an area that is very red, so any signage that runs counter to that is welcome. A couple of weeks ago, I saw a Harris for president sign in someone's yard and that made my day.

Also, for anyone who is intetested:
I cannot fathom how there is >1% of the U.S. population that supports Trump. I truly don't get it. What is so scary about Harris that a person would pick Trump instead? Is it just simpleton tribalism? Red v blue? I can give them a pass (kind of) for voting for him once, but twice!?! No way. Any Trump supporters now are bedfellows with pedos and scum IMO.

I cannot fathom how there is >1% of the U.S. population that supports Trump. I truly don't get it. What is so scary about Harris that a person would pick Trump instead? Is it just simpleton tribalism? Red v blue? I can give them a pass (kind of) for voting for him once, but twice!?! No way. Any Trump supporters now are bedfellows with pedos and scum IMO.

There are effectively 3 categories of people voting Trump:

1. Rich people that care about nothing but keeping their money.
2. Bigoted people looking to punish as many "others" as they can, for no reason but the lulz.
3. Ignorant, brainwashed people who only watch Fox News and Newsmax and Jor Rogan and Charlie Kirk and are straight up living in some alternate reality and refuse to admit they're being lied to.
Okay, I hate Donald Trump and I think the people who support him are misguided or monstrous. But I think it's helpful to accurately pinpoint the reasons that Trump supporters still like him and hate Harris.

1) Homophobia and transphobia: These are people who are uncomfortable with homosexuality, transgender people existing, and anything that deviates from the worldview they were fed as kids. They'll own up to it, too! They just phrase with euphemisms, platitudes, and couched commentary (JD Vance's favorite kind).

2) Misogyny: People uncomfortable with the idea of a woman president. People who don't like that women are making policies, writing laws, and generally expressing their own independent thoughts. Old-fashioned woman-hating dickbags.

3) Disaffected men: There's a strong overlap here with misogyny, but it's not 100% the same. These are men (mostly young) who feel like society doesn't respect their manliness. They associate many of the traits we sometimes call "toxic" with manhood, and they resent the hell out of the fact that things like being aggressive are looked down upon. To be fair, sometimes perfectly valid characteristics of masculinity are criticized too while they’re growing up - and that’s frustrating. They also tend to have fewer job opportunities (they are disproportionately unemployed), don't see many men in school leadership roles, and are consuming a steady diet of digital entertainment that caters to their worst impulses. They see Trump as virile and manly, and a champion for their masculinity (don't fucking ask me - I don't get it either). These are the suckers who are also being taken for a ride by the grifters in the "manosphere."

4) Racists: Nothing special here. It's no secret that white nationalists love Trump, and they are horrified by the amount of non-white people they see in society. They were raised to believe white people are paragons of civilization, and people are challenging that worldview.

5) Working class: The class that has been hurt the most by the economy of the last 25 years. Advances in technology have taken away a lot of their jobs, but the shift towards more global trade has hurt even worse. They lost job opportunities to other workers overseas or automation, and they're upset. These folks don't have much education past high school but don't want to go back to college. They just want industrial jobs that are never coming back, and Trump keeps promising them (lying to them) that he'll fix it. To be fair, Democrats have steadily been ignoring these people for decades. But Republicans were too, and Trump only pays lip service.

6) Tribalists/people who hate Democrats: This is the one I'm most familiar with. My brother is a classic example. He grew up in the SF Bay Area, and he resented feeling like the political landscape was always shifting. Things that were okay to say one year became taboo the next; ideas that were mainstream moment became outdated the next. And there's a feeling among these folks that liberals/democrats/whatever are smug and elitist assholes who move the goalposts so they can score social points by shaming others. We've all met some insufferable liberal asshole - and that's who this groups imagines when they think of all Democrats. They see Democrats as an "other" that aren't part of "real America." For them it's less about Trump and more about "Not whoever the Democrats are running."

7) Evangelical Christians: Primarily single-issue voters who want abortion to be stopped at all costs and want Christianity forced on everyone else as hard as possible. Trump promises to do both. They despise the idea that other religions (or atheism) would be tolerated, much less respected.

8) Uber-wealthy and tech bros: They want all the money; Trump promised to lower their taxes. Harris hasn't addressed this, but you can bet she would like to see the highest echelons pay more. That's all they need. There's a not-insignificant chunk of middle class who want to vote for Trump because they are under the delusion that they will be ultra-rich one day too, and they want taxes lowered before their glorious arrival amongst the uber-wealthy club.

Did I forget anyone?
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3) Disaffected men: There's a strong overlap here with misogyny, but it's not 100% the same. These are men (mostly young) who feel like society doesn't respect their manliness. They associate many of the traits we sometimes call "toxic" with manhood, and they resent the hell out of the fact that things like being aggressive are looked down upon. They also tend to have fewer employment opportunities (they are disproportionately unemployed), don't see as many men in school leadership roles, and are consuming a steady diet of digital entertainment that caters to their worst impulses. They see Trump as virile and manly, and a champion for their masculinity (don't fucking ask me - I don't get it either). These are the suckers who are also being taken for a ride by the grifters in the "manosphere."
We need strong, actually mentally healthy men to start stepping up and trying to combat this. Lots of other folk in different demos have laid out the tools and the knowhow to do so. It stinks because it is actively ignored.