Dude was only 46. My guess is something to do with weight and the fact that coke does bad shit to your heart.[DOUBLEPOST=1458660655,1458660585][/DOUBLEPOST]Never mind. Turns out it was cancer. Fucking cancer.
Fuck cancer.
I'd say his life was cut short, but he certainly managed to do a lot in the time he had.
A lot of everything. Seriously, if someone does make a movie someday, it should be called The Man Who Couldn't Say "No."
Rest in peace, you magificent bastard. I wish I gave as few shits as he did.
Y'know, I have nothing nice to say about this guy. I'm relieved he'll never be mayor of my city again.
I lived in Toronto when he was voted in. I sure as hell voted against him.
And...I won't say anything else. Like @Gruebeard, I have nothing nice to say about him.