So like the #FourComics thread, I saw on Twitter that #FourGames was also trending. Same as with comics, it's listing four games that influenced you to become a gamer as a young lad or lass.
As before, if you do post cover pics, please put them behind a spoiler to save on scrolling.
My four:
Missile Command (Atari 2600)
I had other games, as well, like Asteroids and even E.T., but this is as good an example as any of where my gaming started.
Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt
And the NES era began with a bang. I could mention a slew of other NES games that I played later on, like Battletoads, Shadowgate, or Nightshade, but this started it all. Though it's not without mentioning...
Final Fantasy I
I remember reading about this in Nintendo Power and getting so frigging hyped for it. I played the hell out of it. This was my first ever RPG and I became a fan of the series for years after (with Final Fantasy IV, as I've mentioned many times, being one of my all time favourites).
King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown
And my love for adventure games began with one of the very first ones. I remember being introduced to this through the son of one of my dad's friends. He actually helped me with the puzzles and read a lot of the text aloud in a dramatic voice. While the quality of Sierra games is arguably hit and miss, this one was a big hit for me.
As before, if you do post cover pics, please put them behind a spoiler to save on scrolling.
My four:
Missile Command (Atari 2600)

Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt

Final Fantasy I

King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown
And my love for adventure games began with one of the very first ones. I remember being introduced to this through the son of one of my dad's friends. He actually helped me with the puzzles and read a lot of the text aloud in a dramatic voice. While the quality of Sierra games is arguably hit and miss, this one was a big hit for me.