French Toast

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I was playing Sims 3, and my Char kept eating French Toast for breakfast, so I was thinking to myself, what is the fuss about this meal. Is it really that good?

So I went to the grocer and bought the things I need for French Toast:

2 Eggs
1/2 a Cup of Milk
Half a Pack of vanilla Sugar
A dash of Cinammon
Some Toast
and butter to fry them in.

Well,I was suprised, they are kinda pancake-ish from the texture. Are they supposed to be like that,or should they have more of a crispy texture?
Some help from the Americans who know the taste firsthand would be appreciated.
No, they'r enot supposed to be more crispy. Pancakey is pretty much right. And French Toast is awesome. Nom nom nom and all that. Now I'm hungry :-(
Yeah..they were pretty awsome. But is frying them in butter tight? or should I use oil?
They tasted great with Sausages. And scrambled eggs.


Staff member
The outside might have more of a little crisp to it after you've fried it. Otherwise it's pretty soft.
Parts can be kind of crispy from the fry, but generally they're pretty soft.

And to put it a bit more politely, they are also delicious with syrup and you may be missing out on all the deliciousness by not having any.


I don't know why, but the biggest surprises I get on this forum (and those like it to an extent) is when someone talks about a meal that is so basic to my (near) everyday life. Sure, I understand there are different cultures with different foods and such, but when someone's talking about *my* food as if it's something completely new and different... it's just a much bigger 'shock' (for lack of a better word) then say, religious / political views.

It just makes me feel all warm and excited inside. Sure it's one thing when you're feeding your children something for the first time and get their reaction. However, when you see something like this, someone that's grown up and may or may not be inclined to do this kind of experimenting, it's just really cool. I know I never think to do it. I can't imagine playing a game and really wonder.. "What does this food taste like, and can I make it? It looks simple enough."

More on topic. It sounds like you're making them fine. Every recipe is slightly different. Mine is very basic..

2 - 3 eggs in a wide bottom bowl.
just enough milk to cover all the eggs except the yokes.
a dash of pure vanilla extract.
sometimes cinnamon when I'm craving the taste.
basic white bread dunked in batter and then put in a butter greased pan.
fry until relatively dry and brown.

Maple syrup (all this talk made me think, maybe syrup is something different in different parts of the world) to taste. Although my wife doesn't really use syrup.. other things work too. powered sugar, cinnamon at this point instead of during cooking.. fruit..
Wanted to buy Maple Syrup.But you cant get that only in special stores here in Germany.
Used Honey instead,which was kinda too sweet for my taste.
So it was Sausage and Scrambled Eggs with the Toast.

Wasabi Poptart

You don't have to fry it in butter. You only have to brush a light coating of butter on the pan to help keep the egg mixture from sticking. It won't be crispy. Kind of pancake-ish, I guess.

I usually make mine like Elph's recipe except I always add cinnamon. Sometimes instead of milk I'll use a flavored coffee creamer, like hazelnut. It's a nice change. The only thing that goes on top after it's cooked is maple syrup. Some people like powdered sugar or jelly.
My best friend makes a baked french toast. You prepare it the night before and refrigerate it so the bread soaks up all the egg. There is also a caramel syrup that you put on it. When you get up, you put it in the oven. It's very rich, but delicious. This is just about the same recipe (I'd copy hers for you, but I can't get to my kitchen atm).


* 1 (1 pound) loaf French bread, cut diagonally in 1 inch slices
* 8 eggs
* 2 cups milk
* 1 1/2 cups half-and-half cream
* 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
* 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
* 3/4 cup butter
* 1 1/3 cups brown sugar
* 3 tablespoons light corn syrup


1. Butter a 9x13 inch baking dish. Arrange the slices of bread in the bottom. In a large bowl, beat together eggs, milk, cream, vanilla and cinnamon. Pour over bread slices, cover, and refrigerate overnight.
2. The next morning, preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). In a small saucepan, combine butter, brown sugar and corn syrup; heat until bubbling. Pour over bread and egg mixture.
3. Bake in preheated oven, uncovered, for 40 minutes.
I like making banana french toast. You start with

1 egg per person*
pour an equal amount of milk to egg
1-2 people half banana 3-4 whole banana and so on
a teaspoon of vanilla
mix in a blender
*Most people like more eggs in their french toast than I do so add more eggs and less milk to fit your taste

I put out the bread before I start so it sits for 15 minutes and can soak up more batter

After cooking the french toast I spread a little coating of butter or margarine on which then melts and then sprinkle powdered sugar on so it makes a glaze :drool:


mmm French Toast

you should eat it with Kinnekessuiker (lit. Children's sugar)

if you can find it over there, i guess it will be hard to find
it's a type of blond brown sugar
I sometimes add a dash of nutmeg to my french toast when the mood strikes me.

I used to have a girlfriend who didn't use vanilla in her friench toast. I was like "WTF? GTFO!" and then I broke up with her.

But to be honest, that probably had more to do with her being a crazy bitch and less to do with her french toast. But I mean, come on! No vanilla? How was I supposed to just accept that?
There's only so much a guy can take. Being a crazy bitch you can take for awhile but being a crazy bitch and making bad french toast to boot.
Well good day to you.
My best friend makes a baked french toast. You prepare it the night before and refrigerate it so the bread soaks up all the egg. There is also a caramel syrup that you put on it. When you get up, you put it in the oven. It's very rich, but delicious. This is just about the same recipe (I'd copy hers for you, but I can't get to my kitchen atm).
That is indeed a nice way to do it. It comes out almost like a warm custard! OM NOM.

I haven't had french toast in years. I will have to add it to my list for next week.


I sometimes add a dash of nutmeg to my french toast when the mood strikes me.

I used to have a girlfriend who didn't use vanilla in her friench toast. I was like "WTF? GTFO!" and then I broke up with her.

But to be honest, that probably had more to do with her being a crazy bitch and less to do with her french toast. But I mean, come on! No vanilla? How was I supposed to just accept that?

No vanilla in french toast should be regarded as a capital offense.
My Canadian recipe is :

1/2 cup butter (unsalted)
1 cup packed brown sugar
2 tablespoons corn syrup
5 eggs
1 1/2 cups half-and-half cream
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon brandy-based orange liqueur (such as Grand Marnier)
1/4 teaspoon salt

Canadian Syrup
Toast (or in some cases, I use French Bagettes)
I sometimes add a dash of nutmeg to my french toast when the mood strikes me.

I used to have a girlfriend who didn't use vanilla in her friench toast. I was like "WTF? GTFO!" and then I broke up with her.

But to be honest, that probably had more to do with her being a crazy bitch and less to do with her french toast. But I mean, come on! No vanilla? How was I supposed to just accept that?

No vanilla in french toast should be regarded as a capital offense.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. I'd dump her too.

Cinnamon, nutmeg, meat sides... hell, even syrup! All negotiable. Vanilla? It's guillotine time.
I sometimes add a dash of nutmeg to my french toast when the mood strikes me.

I used to have a girlfriend who didn't use vanilla in her friench toast. I was like "WTF? GTFO!" and then I broke up with her.

But to be honest, that probably had more to do with her being a crazy bitch and less to do with her french toast. But I mean, come on! No vanilla? How was I supposed to just accept that?

No vanilla in french toast should be regarded as a capital offense.[/QUOTE]

Is it as bad as adding Beans to a Chili?


I love THE toast. I only ever eat it when I make it though, it's always, blech when I get it at restaurants.

I don't always put vanilla in it. Sometimes I don't have it or I can't afford it. That's increasingly less of a problem now that I've been out of school for a while.
People getting offended over not using vanilla seems so adorable and naive to me, since it seems that only Jay and I are making it RIGHT using the proper syrup.



One day I'd like to 'French' just one side. Then on the other put some prickly pear jam on it. Maybe this weekend.
Well, it's true that in 1450, Maestro Martino in his work Libro de arte coquinaria suggested the use of rose water instead of vanilla, but that's simply because he was a heathen who didn't know any better....
I love THE toast. I only ever eat it when I make it though, it's always, blech when I get it at restaurants.

I don't always put vanilla in it. Sometimes I don't have it or I can't afford it. That's increasingly less of a problem now that I've been out of school for a while.
imitation vanilla extract, just as good as real vanilla extract in dishes where vanilla is not the main flavor and much cheaper.


I love THE toast. I only ever eat it when I make it though, it's always, blech when I get it at restaurants.

I don't always put vanilla in it. Sometimes I don't have it or I can't afford it. That's increasingly less of a problem now that I've been out of school for a while.
imitation vanilla extract, just as good as real vanilla extract in dishes where vanilla is not the main flavor and much cheaper.[/QUOTE]

For a time even that was too expensive for me. But yeah, that's what I use now when I need just a hint of vanilla. The real stuff when I need a real amount.


You want to use a good soft bread thickly sliced for french Toast.

Typically challa if available...
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