Eh, in theory, most heavy crimes have to come before a jury in Belgium as well. However, since that's pretty costly, and nobody is all that enthousiastic to do it, and juries tend to give out waaaayyy higher jail times than judges, practically all cases of "regular" versions of heavy crimes ("oh, just a murder of passion", "oh, he just touched those 11-year-old girls, he didn't really rape them", "oh, it's just €5.000.000 embezzled, but he still paid taxes on some of it!" - and I'm not kidding, unfortunately) get bumped down from felony to something I don't knwo the word for - stronger than misdemeanour, less than felony, not delict because it's criminal, not civil. Anyway, that way it's tried in front of a judge instead of a jury, but the defendant can only be given a maximum of 5 years in jail.
And yes, I can cite cases where people who "only" did any of the above three walked away with 1 year or less in jail time because of that. No jury would ever give a sentence that low to a child molester, but hey, nobody's complaining all too loudly. *sigh*
Jury duty may be crappy, but it can be worse.