[Rant] Fudge! Fudge, fudge fudgety fudge fudge, mother fudging fudge!!!

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No, the circumstantial evidence heavily pointed to him, but the state lost the bullet, didn't get the money, didn't get the bag the money was in, and didn't have anyone that could positively identify that guy as the perp.
I believe that was satire.
YOU'RE SATIRE[DOUBLEPOST=1347781364][/DOUBLEPOST]Also I've been called twice. Called the first time, told they wouldn't need me. Second time I was selected, but ended up getting food poisoning after one day on the jury and had to call out a couple days, they ended up replacing me or something.
So for all the stressing I did for the last couple of months, I got called in once. Was for a forgery case. Called 60 or so of us in. Spent 2 hours going through the "does anyone know the defendant, his lawyer, the Commonwealth Atty's, etc etc etc..." thing. They picked 31 random numbers - I got picked. 20 minute break, come back, they pick 13 numbers of the 31 left - I didn't get picked. Go home.

I'm sure the next time won't go down so easy.


Staff member
It's amazing how few times people picked for jury duty ever get put on a case. Most cases (at least here in the US) get plead out before they hit trial. But lawyers want to take it to the limit timewise because it causes pressure on the other side to plead - or because they want to have more time to come up with a better defense. Either way, they choose a lot of people for jury duty and damned few ever sit on a real jury. Of all the people I know that have been called to jury duty, only one ever actually sat through a trial.
I think NJ just hasn't figured out where I am, somehow. I got called twice when I was living in NYC, was out of country both times, been in NJ for 8 years, never been called once.
NJ always wanted to call me up for the wrong county! I lived in Atlantic County and used to get notices for jury duty in Camden County (regular county court, not the US district court) sent to my address, but using a different town name because they shared the zip code.
I wish I could be called for jury duty at this point in my life when I have pretty flexible responsibilities. I'm probably going to end up getting called in 10 years or so when I have a litter of brats running around :(
I wish I could be called for jury duty at this point in my life when I have pretty flexible responsibilities. I'm probably going to end up getting called in 10 years or so when I have a litter of brats running around :(
By then you'll be thinking, "Look guys, if I wanted to watch a bunch of kids squabble I'd hang out at home. Grow up and settle out of court rather than wasting our time here."


Staff member
I've been called at least four times, and I've served on a jury once. I wasn't working or in school at the time, I got a free lunch at The Spaghetti Warehouse, we were done by 4pm; so not a bad way to spend a day.
Called twice, first in 1989, I was doing time, er, serving in the military in basic training in San Antonio. Second time was this year, spent the day at the courthouse, third trial they were picking for got back to the number I was, was asked what I thought about the case, told the district attorney that I thought he had a weak case since his only witness was a co-defendant and that he was probably just trying to make sure if he went down he was taking someone with him. Didn't get picked for some reason.
I must be doing something right, as I STILL haven't been called! I not sure why they wouldn't summon a 22 year old anarchist who hates the government and kind-of looks like the Unabomber, but whatevs!
Eh, in theory, most heavy crimes have to come before a jury in Belgium as well. However, since that's pretty costly, and nobody is all that enthousiastic to do it, and juries tend to give out waaaayyy higher jail times than judges, practically all cases of "regular" versions of heavy crimes ("oh, just a murder of passion", "oh, he just touched those 11-year-old girls, he didn't really rape them", "oh, it's just €5.000.000 embezzled, but he still paid taxes on some of it!" - and I'm not kidding, unfortunately) get bumped down from felony to something I don't knwo the word for - stronger than misdemeanour, less than felony, not delict because it's criminal, not civil. Anyway, that way it's tried in front of a judge instead of a jury, but the defendant can only be given a maximum of 5 years in jail.

And yes, I can cite cases where people who "only" did any of the above three walked away with 1 year or less in jail time because of that. No jury would ever give a sentence that low to a child molester, but hey, nobody's complaining all too loudly. *sigh*

Jury duty may be crappy, but it can be worse.
get bumped down from felony to something I don't knwo the word for - stronger than misdemeanour, less than felony, not delict because it's criminal, not civil.
Here in Georgia, the only thing that would come close would be calling it a "misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature," but all that really does is change the strata for punishments. Rule of thumb is only felonies can result in sentencing with incarceration longer than 1 year, and/or a fine larger than $1000.
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