[Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

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Thought it was time for a new one.

And pre-emptive answers:
1.) I'm sorry if you are not there. But with over 900 users, I was lucky to get in these 100+ forumites.
2.) I suck at drawing life-like faces, so my apologies if I slighted your face.
3.) Yes, you are in there, keep looking.
4.) Yes, you need an avatar for this.
Awesome, NR.

And... Shego's right behind me. I do not feel comfortable with this, and yet because Shego is the forum porn star, I feel inclined to acquiesce to her in all things.

Cause that's the way it works. In fact, I feel like it's been too long since the last appreciation thread.
Awesome, I'm pretty much BOOM, right in the middle.

I actually don't even know if I was in the last one. I couldn't even remember what my avatar was at the time.


Doubt it, I've seen squirrels fall 35-40 feet out of a tree or off a power line to pavement and scamper off. A similar clip found here that looks like the same porch shows a lot of brushy area for it to land in.

So, surprised and tumbled, yah. Hurt, most likely not.
I don't see how that would be a problem, you'd just have to mind the side of the panel whenever you crossed either portal
People who player Portal know it's a perfectly valid strategy to stand in between portals and shoot a new one through one of them to get a different setting "behind" you.
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