Game Misses Out On Mass Effect 3

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Well... looks like it was just as well that I didn't pre-order from GAME. Seems like they didn't just shoot themselves in the foot, they've taken a plasma rifle and vaporised their entire lower torso. I mean, I have no idea who is responsible ultimately, GAME or EA, but honestly, I dislike both, so I'm not too bothered about who was at fault this time.

But according to the article, GAME had the brick-and-mortar exclusive to the collectors edition, with the day-one DLC. people are going to be pissed. I think that they also had an exclusive of some kind on the special DLC for Saints row 3. If they go under, so does gamestation, too, leaving... CEX as pretty much the only chain of game-only stores left in the UK, and thats not nearly as big as GAME, and only sells pre-owned stuff. whoops.
GAME's credit is in such a state that most big publisher's won't deal with them like a normal retailer anymore, it's not just EA.
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