General Specific's AMA thread

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Ok, I figured I'd jump on the bandwagon now that it is stationary and empty.

Ask me whatever you like and I may answer it, it may even be the truth.
It's an actual picture of me. All of the other photos I have posted were of my adopted brother, Gunter.

In reality, I am a short cartoon character.


Staff member
-Do you miss "Sheep in the City" or whatever that cartoon was called? I know I do.

-What's your favorite food?


Staff member
If there was one animal you could hunt into extinction which one would it be and why?

Which animal would you LEAST like to see become extinct and why?
-Do you miss "Sheep in the City" or whatever that cartoon was called? I know I do.

-What's your favorite food?
"Sheep in the Big City" and yes, it was an awesome show. I'd settle for a DVD set of it, but even that seems unlikely.

Depends on my mood. Can't beat a good steak.

If there was one animal you could hunt into extinction which one would it be and why?

Which animal would you LEAST like to see become extinct and why?
Mosquitos. It'd take a long time and they'd have to invent tiny guns, but I hate those little blood suckers.

Dodo birds. Uh, I mean dogs, yeah dogs. Don't have any secret caches of birds to supply me with tasty meat. :sneaky:


Staff member
Let me rephrase my first question. Which MAMMAL would you most like to hunt into extinction and why?
Let me rephrase my first question. Which MAMMAL would you most like to hunt into extinction and why?
Shetland Ponies, they know what they did.

Which is funnier: monkey in a suit or monkey riding a dog like it was a horse?

Monkey in a suit riding a dog is not an option.
Dog in a suit riding a monkey.

How do you feel about pears?
Love them.

---------- Post added at 04:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:09 PM ----------

Pears of what?
A pair of pearly pears?


I may have to try this type of thread out.....Seems very Amusing .

What is your favorite color? Favorite Day of the week? Do you have any pets? Are you really a short cartoon character? cuz if you are that would be pretty cool !

YAY that was fun! everyone should do an AMA!
So that's it? No more questions? No one is curious about me?

Well, then, I have one piece of advice for you - Get to know me! Get to know my likes, my dislikes. What makes me tick? What makes me me? Do I always come to life in the Spring? Why do I never wear a hat? Why was I banned from Bangkok? Get to know me!

Now, here's a letter from a man who lives in Manhatten: "Dear General, before I got to know you, I was nothing, nowhere, nobody. I didn't have a cent to my name. In fact, I didn't have a name - I couldn't afford one. And then I got to know you, and today they call me Donald Trump!" Get to know me!

What do I do in my spare time? Have I always had this much hair? Where is my secret freckle? Why do women call me "The Anchor"? Am I Jon Lovitz in disguise? Get to know me!

Now, here's a letter from a woman who lives in Europe: "Dear General, before I got to know you, I was nothing, nowhere, nobody. I had bad teeth and couldn't afford braces. And then one day, I got to know you. Well, I never got those braces, but today they call me Queen Elizabeth!" Get to know me!

Now, here's a letter from someone who didn't get to know me: "Dear Blank, I didn't get to know you, signed Nobody." Now, I know some of you are probably thinking, "What a jerk!" Congratulations! You're getting to know me! So, remember, if you want to get to know me, get to know me!
My most embarrassing moment was the time when my parents walked in on me while I was masturbating to spider monkey porn.

My dream job is to be paid obscene amounts of money to sit at home and play video games.
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