I cannot in good conscience call this man -
ahem - this human flotsam, this odious blackguard, a piece of shit. For you see, but a little while ago, that pile of butt-nuggets you now see floating languidly along the bottom of yon hopper was a glorious sandwich. It is not, therefore, far removed from its origins.
Bobby Franklin, on the other hand, is what happens when you shit ... and re-eat your shit. Having re-ingested said crappings, you then regurgitate them along with whatever else you've eaten this dreary morn in a sort of bile cocktail
, and gaze upon what you've done. Upon seriously and methodically contemplating its runny, chunky funkiness, you then re-spread it between two dried cow turds, whereupon you squeeze it together and open wide.
You are now holding in your grease-stained mit a Shitbile Special, otherwise known as What Bobby Fucknuts Franklin Sees When he Looks in the Mirror. It is suspected that this sight, being as it is
fucking terrible, puts him into such a wretched, miserable state, that he must then traverse the world trying to impose his horrible, bigoted morality on good and reasonable people.
There is, unfortunately, no known cure for being an Insufferable Fucknut, aside from of course passing on. Sadly, however, a common side effect of being a
complete and utter cock-wart is longevity, coupled with pasty, pasty white skin that causes you to resemble an honest-to-Zod vampiric beast-creature.