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Germans say No to Battlefield 3/Orgin





Lots of Gamers are returning their Battlefield 3 games after finding out that Orgin is being the usual dickwads.
Lots of Props for the Retailers for taking back the games even when the CD-Key was used.

On the side,is there a country more serious about their personal data then Germany?
Remember Google Street View? We even got a Political platform called "The Pirates" whos main
agenda is Internet Freedom and that the State isnt allowed to Monitor the Internet or the PC of people without a court warrant.




I don't know what it is about Origin exactly, but I delight in seeing it fail. Maybe it's because I'm a Valve fanboy, or maybe it's because I don't like EA very much, I dunno.
Added at: 06:59
Oh, also, I saw Tiq in the commentors in that article! Cool!




I was reading some comments on another forum (no,im not being unfaithful HF,it was a link i got of KOTAKU) where some kiddies were saying stuff like "I dont care,i got nothing to hide".Well,I also dont have nothing to hide, exept for like a ton of porn,just in case the internet breaks down for a day or two, but I might have documents on my PC that contain personal information,health docs or even workrelated stuff that no one but me and my employer should have access to.
What about if the Game is installed on the Parents PC? Did they agree to have their PC scanned?
I long for the days where I could be a totaly irresponsible dickwad.




On the side,is there a country more serious about their personal data then Germany?
The only countries i can think of that would have as much historical reason to, still haven't gotten to the point where they're not still a bad place to live...



I don't have Battlefield 3 :) but I remember seeing that Battlefield 2 DOES have a clause in the EULA that allow software punkbuster to monitor system and check for external software AND phone home with its data.




I don't know what it is about Origin exactly, but I delight in seeing it fail. Maybe it's because I'm a Valve fanboy, or maybe it's because I don't like EA very much, I dunno
Oh, we know the real reason you want Steam:

Nerf Now #617


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I solve the problem by not putting EA games on my computer.




Fig knows me. He knows me well. :D




I was really excited for Battlefield 3, but when I found out it forced you to use a shitty beta launcher that is analogous to spyware, I decided to wait until EA caves in and gets rid of the origin requirement.

I got nothing to hide either, but I do have enough personal info on my computer to make me weary about installing Origin.

Both fucking war games fuck over PC gamers. Battlefield with it's Origin, and Call of Duty with its dedicated servers not supporting leveling. What the fuck does infinity ward have against dedicated servers? I just want to play the fucking game without dealing with hacking ass-hats. That's what ultimately caused me to switch over to Bad Company 2. The hacking in MWF2 was that bad.




Just thought

the entire time.




We only talk like that if you foreigners are around.Then we roll our eyes when your gone.




Man, I did not know Origin came back... Then I found out that they did not, so Lord British is still cool in my book.




Someone showed me this and....yeah fuck origin

sup cache

here's them reading your tax info

and more and more



Frankie Williamson

Man, I did not know Origin came back... Then I found out that they did not, so Lord British is still cool in my book.
Yeah dude, when I heard about Origin at E3, I instantly popped a Wing Commander boner and was in for the ultimate letdown.




Just like Nicks prom night?

yey..first time I used that one.

Why do i feel so dirty inside?



Frankie Williamson

Because you should.




Holy crap! Origin can go straight to hell man! There's no excuse for that kind of stuff... :(



