My brother wants to trade me RG3 and Andrian Peterson for Drew Brees and Maurice Jones-Drew.
My initial reaction is no, but my friend said to go for it since a top RB is worth a lot and I can probably pick up a better QB later.
This is only my 2nd year doing this though so another opinion is welcomed. I still don't know the game that well.
Also I don't think naming rights to his kid is on the table.
Are you talking our league or another? Because it depends on the scoring. Drew Brees will be good for a bunch of touchdowns while MJD is the starting RB of a bad team. Peterson is also the starting RB of a medium/bad team, and RGIII is nowhere close to Brees.
I'd say no.
Charlie Don't Surf
RG3 is a FUCKTON closer to Brees than MJD's best season in his career is to Adrian Peterson's average season. I would be mashing accept as fast as possible just in case his kid did the trade on his iPad or something
As I said, it depends on the scoring, but in most cases the difference between Brees & RGIII will be greater than MJD & Peterson. RBs are going down steadily in points as the passing game lights up, and RGIII has been showing wear and there have been grumblings that we may see Cousins at some point this season.
So you mash away. But I wouldn't.
Charlie Don't Surf
the second tier of RBs are going down in points steadily while the first tier are still elite, the big disparity between elite RBs and the RBs by committee makes them more valuable imo
You are right about MJD being in a more committee style offense. I guess that does change things a bit. My footballguys app says that it would be about a 47.1% upgrade so it agrees with you based on their projections.
I fully agree with Charlie. Take the deal.
The only way you don't do it is if the scoring is ridiculously skewed to QBs or if there is an enormous difference in the value of a QB to a RB (2QB leagues or leagues with 14+ teams). Otherwise do it. Make sure you have a good second QB though as you're more likely to use him with RGIII as your primary instead of Brees.
Yeah MJD is not a good fantasy back anymore. Take the trade.
Alright, phil let's ride or die together with ADP and RGIII
Well, fuck.
Charlie Don't Surf
I'm right but for all the wrong reasons.
Charlie Don't Surf
Related story, I just picked up Asiata in the HF House of Pain league
I'm not worried about not having ADP today, as you can see by my pic earlier I still have RGIII and AJ Green to carry that team.