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Actually, I think that is gone bad too. I still watch, don't watch anything else either way =|

I still care about the show, but things are becoming hit or miss, the Bieber musics are dreadfull, only somehow saved the one where Artie (Artie! <3) sung, who was reasonable.

Last episode was funnier when re-watched, but they did "GAY GUY CONFUSED OF HIS SEXUALITY AGAIN!" grrrrr the fact that Blaine hasn't kissed any guy on screen (or that the only guyxguy kiss was forceful) still bugs me

so urgh


Philosopher B.

I took a break from watching it a while ago, after the Britney episode I think or the one after that. I'm thinking of catching up on it all in one go and then taking my own life.
Well, that was certainly a very interesting episode.

Santana's a lesbian and it appears that Brittany is bi... Quinn and Finn are back together again too... Interesting.
Santana's a lesbian and it appears that Brittany is bi... Quinn and Finn are back together again too... Interesting.

I haven't seen the episode yet, but that's nothing new.
The series has strongly hinted that they've been sexual partners several times in the past. "This beats the usual scissoring."
Santana's a lesbian and it appears that Brittany is bi... Quinn and Finn are back together again too... Interesting.

I haven't seen the episode yet, but that's nothing new.
The series has strongly hinted that they've been sexual partners several times in the past. "This beats the usual scissoring."
But the difference between past episodes and this one is that Santana actually said that she didn't want to be with anyone but Brittany and that she loved her.
but the actual quote "Santana is a Lesbian and apparently Britney is bi" was what was purported to be "surprising." It's been pretty explicitly stated several times now.


Staff member
So.... does anyonelse hates Holli too? And that Kiss "song" that they made... it was just painful

and seriously, Kurt doesn't like to watch porn because he thinks about the actors as having mothers??


Staff member
What the FUCK am I watching?!?

This show has gone from dumb to WTF is going on? This has been dumb as fuck.
Seriously, why am I still "watching" this thread? this show hasn't been any good since midway through first season and I keep getting updates about this thread, where people keep complaining about how bad this show has gotten. I have a very limited TV schedule, and I swapped this out for Community. If you haven't, you are a fool, unless you already swapped something else for community, in which case you need to swap this out for Modern Family*

*if both Modern Family and Community are part of your TV schedule but you still watch Glee, God help you.
All I can figure out is that me and the wife keep watching it because its like watching a train wreck. It just keeps finding ways to get worse.

Philosopher B.

You wanna talk about sins, let's talk about that stupid voice!

Zark, what a tool.
Watch this video for a stupid far-right reaction to the KLiss.

Wow... she was really unprepared for that interview. She never even talked about the subject at hand, it went from yay Jesus (I liked that she brought her bible for the interview) to evil liberal agenda to muslims...


Staff member
Wow... she was really unprepared for that interview. She never even talked about the subject at hand, it went from yay Jesus (I liked that she brought her bible for the interview) to evil liberal agenda to muslims...
"underprepared" is the keyword here, even the way she dressed looked... dunno, she doesn't look like someone who is goig to speak about they political views in national televisons.

Either way, she is ignorant, and not only the "prejudice" type of ignorant, she is a real moron that doesn't know why she believes in what she believes and vomits a stream of stupidity at us, her blog is nothing better.
Honestly the last episodes been sitting on my DVR since it aired and I just can't bring myself to care. Perhaps when they stop trying to treat their insanely over the top satire of a show seriously it will get good again.
I think it peaked in the middle of the first season. After it came back from the first hiatus, it sort of declined. I feel like it started to take itself seriously, and one of its early merits had been its unabashed self-knowing sense of humour. I haven't watched since the second episode of season 2.
I think it peaked in the middle of the first season. After it came back from the first hiatus, it sort of declined. I feel like it started to take itself seriously, and one of its early merits had been its unabashed self-knowing sense of humour. I haven't watched since the second episode of season 2.
I am convinced that the show lost one or more of the talented writers right around that time. They introduced Jesse to the show and it went down hill from there. The second season has been a pale shadow of the early part of the first season. I think the writers they have now cave to Producers/Marketers in an attempt to have stories that appeal to their perceived audience yielding that garbage that we get now. Even Sue is no longer fun to watch.

After last night's episode, my girlfriend has finally lost interest so I might be able to pass on the rest.


Staff member
I am pretty much on it because of the LGBT storylines and occasional minor character, but Will, Sue, Rachel, Finn and Quinn are just worthless now.

Oh, and the songs.

I couldn't believe what they did with friday.


After last night's episode, my girlfriend has finally lost interest so I might be able to pass on the rest.
any specific reason?
I liked the last couple episodes a lot more than most the rest of the season. I can't believe they did "Friday"! At least they changed it up enough that I didn't have to mute it. The lyrics are still shit, but if you ignore that (rofl) then it sounded pretty decent. :p

Also, Lea Michele CANNOT sing Adele. They did not do her justice at all.


Staff member
^Glee version of friday is ALOT better if english isn't your first language, it is easy to ignore the lyrics that way, and it sounds genuinely nice.

Also did you like Born this way?


Staff member
I think the return of Jesse was the straw the broke the proverbial camels back. She really strongly felt that it was beyond ridiculous that Rachel didn't knee him in the little sopranos after the way he treated her.
The sad truth... I genuinely feel that fits Rachel characterization of someone that "can apreciate the drama" of a slap in the face, really, I don't have high expectations of the little miss golden star.

but yes, it is annoying.

Loved Born This Way! Tired of hearing it on every show lately, but it was great. And their shirts rocked! CAN'T SING was my fav.
That music number was epic... I totally did not tear up because of it, not me >.>


Staff member
I thought this was interesting... Discovered via RK Millholland's twitter.
Very good points...

...the sad thing about glee is that the writters lack creativity for stuff like "gay kid that is too poor to buy designer clothes"... also little time, the show is like a paragon of Essemble Darkhorse trope. To much characters have a degree of popularity, too few can actually have the screen time and they obviously want to give a gay aesop every other episode... so we Kurt being only the gay kid with gay storylines.
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