Going to Europe - Advice?

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If you order water in a restaurant, unless you want seltzer, be sure to tell them you want water without gas.
I had one waiter in Italy I think where I had to clarify to "Without bubbles" though I can't remember how to say it in Italian.
"Liscia", "non frizzante" o "non gasata". Just be sure to say so. Also, if they offe ryou "ferrarelle" it means they are giving you some kind of weird hibrid, with just a little amount of gas.


Staff member
Just... don't order water in Southern Europe. It's gonna be tap water and it's gonna fuck up your digestion like an elephant on Viagra.
I didn't realize how dangerous ordering water could be :confused:

Good tip. I mean, I'm usually good with our Canuck tap water, so it's something I'll keep in mind.


Staff member
Well, a healthy dose of exaggeration never hurt anyone ;) But seriously, it's better to be safe than sorry. Every country has its own sources and systems for delivering water, so there's always a different balance of pathogens. If you live in the area, you've built an immunity to it. If not, you might end up with a nasty case of traveller's tummy. Mostly in eastern Europe, though. Generally drinking water is safe in the north and the west.

Same applies to dishes where unboilt water is used. I remember once being in Ireland for a week for a round-trip. Against my usual fashion, I ate a salad in one place. The next day, I was sick as a dog. Although it could have been just a bad salad...
In Greece the tap water isn't even drinkable from what they said because there's too much calcar or something in it...
Erm... Here in Spain (or, in Catalonia/Barcelona area at least) you'll be usually served bottled water when you order water.


In the Netherlands, the tap water is actually better than bottled water.
I find Utrecht to be a much nicer place than Amsterdam (less junkies and friendlier people) and it's also quite a beautiful old city. When you're here in the Netherlands, you should definitely go to the Efteling (won best amusement park of Europe several times)

You'll probably want an InterRail ticket ( http://www.nshispeed.nl/en/global-train-passes/interrail-global-pass-europe ) which lets you use all normal-speed trains for free, but if you plan to stay in one place for a while, it might be cheaper to just buy single tickets.
Interrail is only available for people living in Interrail countries. They have also changed the way it works and it's not as worthy as before.

Anyway, for non-europeans (well, non residents) there's the Eurail. It's pricier, I think, but you may want to look into it. It also carries additional advantages like discounts or a ferry from Italy to Greece.


EDIT: I did an InterRail trip once, so I've got some experience. I also got a lot of information back then before and after the trip (because I'm interested in making another one) and know a couple of fora dedicated to this. So any doubt, feel free to ask. (Eurail and InterRail are pretty similar)
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