That's a Marilith, from D&D.
Van Fanel from EscaflowneRed Shirt White Wings
close. Ragna from BlazblueWhite Hair in Red = I'm almost certain this is someone from Guilty Gear.
I was told this was from Beetlejuice but can't find any reference for it.
This resembles the executioner from Resident Evil 5 and the upcoming film, Resident Evil: Afterlife.Unidentified Cosplay 3 of 15
Bloody Axe-hammer
Warrior of Light from Final Fantasy Dissidia
Genesis Rhapsodos
This is likely Deliah Blue from the Star Wars: Legacy comic books.
Isn't that Cammy from Street Fighter?Military Girl
Ah, now that you mention it. Didn't take much searching:.Isn't that Cammy from Street Fighter?
I think that's supposed to be Lenneth from Valkyrie Profile