Where were you the first time I had that character unidentified?Flame pants is Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail.
Yay, I got one! =^^=
Hmm, now that you mention it... close, but it's lacking all the bits of leather, bone and other decoration/armor present in most Zeno Clash characters.Owlbear looks very much like a creature from ZENO CLASH.
I only slack half off. =^^=Where were you the first time I had that character unidentified?(Oh, helping to identify the character right below. I guess you weren't slacking off completely.)
Unidentified Cosplay - Animals 1 of 2
White Rabbit
I know, right? Is it from a Jim Henson work? Labyrinth or Dark Crystal?That Riding Bird is crazy familiar too but I just can't place it....
Totes was gonna say this.It looks kinda like something from Wizards or Heavy Metal...
Ah, interesting. A very different look than I had picture in my head from the novel, and different from the BBC mini-series as well.Orange and Green Pirate is Door from Neverwhere.
The cosplayer looks a lot better in that dress.Leather Dress is Padme Amidala.
Darn pretty girl, but don't go overboard...The cosplayer looks a lot better in that dress.