Goodbye, Kobayashi

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Staff member
This is sad news indeed! He is one of those actors who you never know the name of but always recognize and like. I first saw him in (*groan*) James and the Giant Peach but after that I saw him everywhere!
He was a marvelous actor. I really respected his role in "In the Name of the Father." I felt he carried that movie better than Daniel Day Lewis...
The monk from Dragonheart, Kobayashi, the only good character in Lost World, so many, many great roles. Few actors could pull off creepy like this guy. Great loss, I really felt it.


Staff member
He's writing histories and shooting arrows at immortal kings for God now... Pax vobiscum, frater Gilbert de Glockenspur. Requiescat in pace, frater Laurence.
Poor mr. Postlethwaite. You had the worst name ever for me to spell, but damn if you weren't a great actor. I'll miss him, I will.
Man I heard about this on the radio. I had just hoped that it was some other actor not him. They played a interview with him and I can honestly say that there was nothing of "him" in his parts. He truely was an amazing actor who could put on an entire person.
He was a marvelous actor. I really respected his role in "In the Name of the Father." I felt he carried that movie better than Daniel Day Lewis...
While I disagree about him carrying the movie better than Daniel Day Lewis, I too will remember him as Da'.
A great actor gone. /sad

Lots of his merits have been mentioned here, not the least being Obadiah.
I'll throw in his beautiful performance in 'Brassed off'.
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