Goofing off at work...

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Staff member
When work is slow, I must admit I surf a whole lot and spend tons of time here. But I don't get fired. You know why? Results. Even with all my goofing off, I deliver better results and high value to my employer, and they know it. And they also know that when the going gets tough, I put away the browser and get'er'dun. For instance, my recent absence was due to me working 10 hour days (and 4+ hours a day on weekends) to cover for a sudden vacancy in the business, since I am the only other person in the building who understands how to operate our commercial scheduling and billing software.

Now that we have a replacement and I've got her trained somewhat, I can goof off a little again, while I catch up all the stuff that didn't get done while it was hell time.

But, yes, we've fired people for facebooking instead of doing the work I gave them to do. That's the difference. If your work is done, if at the end of the day your goals are reached and you are a demonstrably valuable asset... surf away IMO.
My bioreactors and robots are not currently exploding. That means I'm working and working well.
I'm defintely on Halforums more than I'm doing actual work.

Customers are something that interrupt me between posts. :mad:


I goof of quite a bit while I'm at work, but that's simply because there is no work to be done. During a typical eight-hour shift I only receive about an hours worth of actual work, meaning that I have to find a way to fill the remaining seven hours with something.

Unfortunately that something is school and homework as opposed to the forums, which make me sad because I like you people.

For the most part.
I love that you made that a link and not an . It was a nice little surprise.

Now let me make one with at the end of the extension....


I goof off pretty much half the day. I've asked for more to do, to learn more about the company, but nobody follows through with it. As a result I spend my time dinking around. If something has to be done I work my butt off, but I gotta fill that time to make it look like I'm busy.
I don't really see the problem, even for people being paid on taxpayer money, so long as the work still gets done. For instance, if they just have it up in another tab all day and only check it every now and again for a quick minute or two break.

Synopsis: People got fired for facebooking all day at work.

My take: \"Do people actually work at work anymore?\"

-Says the asshole posting from work during downtime in his office-
One of my older lady co-workers picked on me for watching Colbert while i had nothing else to do... 2 days after she was watching some movie while she didn't have anything to do... if the work gets done on time then who cares...
During downtime at work we generally just watch movies, drink terrible coffee and zap each other unexpectedly with tasers with their cartridges removed. We have 0 real internet access at work, which I personally think is beyond fucked up.
Our internet is filtered through OpenDNS so I don't get the majority of social networking sites anyways. And, by nature of my job, I'm expected to work on social networking so if I really wanted to have access to Facebook, all I would have to do is ask.

I don't need to hear about Farmville, so I'm not too worried :) That said, I have Twitter, Blogs, Youtube, etc all part of my communications plan so they'll never be blocked.
A few years ago the article was "Workers spending too much time sending emails" then "Workers spending too much time instant messaging." Now it's Facebook and Twitter. As long as you havae work you will have people trying to find ways not to do it. People are going to screw off on the job. If you have a boss that's cool with it when you do work you'll work your ass off. If your boss is a dick then when you do work you'll do as little as possible.
When I was 19 we would smoke weed on the loading dock at my summer job. The internet is probably a fair bit tamer.


At one job I'm always busy and I like that. At the other, it gets so slow that I watch movies uninterrupted at times, and only slightly interrupted at others. I don't like that job as much for the activity. Don't get me wrong, I like watching a movie or reading a book, but I'd like to reserve that for my off time and get something productive done while I'm being paid.


All this dang Facebooking and tweeting is costing the company valuable time that could be spent on Fantasy Football team alignment!
Nothing is filtered, but it is monitored. My job has a no-tolerance policy.

There's also no downtime; if next week's order if finished ahead of time, well, there's also the week after waiting to be done. In the fantasy land where that's done already? We can get three weeks ahead then.
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