Google voice

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Has anyone used this, and can give first hand experience to how it works? I'd love to see if I really can set up quality, free phone calls, it would be a big money saver.

Also, yes, this is a shameless plea, but could anyone pm me and send me an invite?
Sorry, I should have been more clear. The FYI was for anyone who was curious, but more specifically for Attila the Hun there.
My friend used it, and he seems to enjoy it. The voice-to-text mail does not work that well. I left him a few voice mails, and even speaking as clearly as I could it still got a few words wrong, but since it also records the voicemail itself, there doesn't seem to be that much of a problem.

I don't know how well it is for making calls though.
I find its attempt to transcribe speech-to-text fun. I've asked friends to call and leave messages while I am away that I can read as emails. I've also used it through gizmo5 to make free phone calls to US numbers from outside the US, though you need a stable broadband connection.
I use it frequently when I'm at home because it gets better quality than my cell-phone and I refuse to buy long-distance landline service. Works great, and I have it set up to have one phone number which will ring both my landline and my cellphone, so I can be reached regardless of where I am. As a bonus service, when someone calls, you can choose to pass them along to voicemail while you listen in, which is occasionally useful.

In my specific case, I also get the best international rates for calling my parents (who live in Europe) from the US.
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