Grainy yogurt

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Staff member
So my brother just opened up a container of plain yogurt. He showed it to me, and it has an unusual, grainy texture. I took a bite, and it doesn't taste bad;it just feels different. I think it's fine, but I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else.
no, but seriously, that's like.. not normal, and gross and you should get the nearest available priest to exorcise you or something.


Staff member
So my brother just opened up a container of plain yogurt. He showed it to me, and it has an unusual, grainy texture. I took a bite, and it doesn't taste bad;it just feels different. I think it's fine, but I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else.
Is it a different brand than usual? There are a variety of types of yogurt, and some do have a grainier texture than others do.
Yeah.. I fear for your brother's stomach contents... I think there's a distinct possibility they will be expelled. Fast. From either end.. or both. Yeesh.


Staff member
Nah it's the usual brand. In fact, for a while I got the generic supermarket brand, and that was actually creamier than this name brand. Weird. O well, it doesn't seem to have killed him.... yet. I'm used to a little bit of graininess, but this is more than I've seen, at least in a while. There wasn't as much of that liquid that's on top of plain yogurt when we opened this one. Maybe that's why.
It's fine as long as it doesn't get in your mouth. Otherwise, you're a goner.

It's actually okay. Some yogurts turn out like that, especially homemade yogurts.

Homemade yogurt maker for a few years. Food science nerd.
No.. no, no, no, no. I love me some yogurt but I have NEVER had any sort of liquid on top of it as I crack it open. I'd throw at the nearest wall and call my nearest available priest. What, you think I was being funny about that? Yogurt is serious business, ceej!
Hey Calleja, guess what else? American yogurt doesn't have jalapenos or other types of hot peppers in it! We put . . . wait for it . . . FRUIT IN OURS!! *GASP*


Staff member
Easy. You thaw out frozen fruit, mix it in with plain yogurt, and then throw out your fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt. :p

Wasabi Poptart

I have some kefir that's grainy. It didn't kill me when I drank it. It just feels weird on the tongue.
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