[Movies] Green With Envy

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I did not want to watch this trailer and was mildly amused at Espy's reaction. Now all I have to say is....

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Good gravy, that took me completely by surprise. So I immediately had to get my sister to watch, she loved it too.
Amy Adams is trying to make me fall for her, isn't she...

Seriously did not see the thing at the middle coming... and the film looked cute already...
That's great. Some of the cameos are gonna be crap and hopefully mercifully brief (Selena Gomez, Katy Perry), but there's some fun ones in there too, like Neil Patrick Harris and Danny Trejo.


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Oh great, just another cookie cutter romantic comedy that's gonna suuu... suuuhhh.... suuuhhhhhHHHHOOOLY SHIT! WANT!!!

What? Of course I like the Muppets.


Staff member
Wow, completely surprised. Well, if I could have picked one actor to be in a movie with muppets, it would be him. Can't wait. :)
Wow, completely surprised. Well, if I could have picked one actor to be in a movie with muppets, it would be him. Can't wait. :)
/agree. I always wanted to see Chris Cooper along with the Muppets. ;)
/agrre again. Can't wait. It's been way too long without Muppets!
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