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Halforums Games of the Year Prep and Voting thread




Every other asshole website in existence does it, why not us. Here is what I propose. We all come up with a top 5 list and send it to me or a mod willing to do it or whatever and our votes are weighted by ranking (number 1 being worth 5 points and so on down to 1 point for 5th). From this we will get what our little community has decided on is the best games released in the year of 2014.

Cool with everyone? Suggestions?




I doubt many will agree with me, but my personal favourite was Blackwell Epiphany. It was a great adventure game on its own and a fantastic ending to the series as a whole.




Every other asshole website in existence does it, why not us. Here is what I propose. We all come up with a top 5 list and send it to me or a mod willing to do it or whatever and our votes are weighted by ranking (number 1 being worth 5 points and so on down to 1 point for 5th). From this we will get what our little community has decided on is the best games released in the year of 2014.

Cool with everyone? Suggestions?
Define "released." As in, probably the games I played most this year were Space Engineers and Gnomoria, but they're both still in "early access" status.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

It's a good idea, but since I haven't played many of the latest releases (and won't get to until after Christmas, if I'm lucky), my list is going to be a struggle. Even some with high expectations like Super Smash Bros or Pokemon weren't as great as they'd been built up to be. But I'd still be happy to add my two cents.




Define "released." As in, probably the games I played most this year were Space Engineers and Gnomoria, but they're both still in "early access" status.
I loathe early access so I don't know what to tell you. I wouldn't in a million consider either personally.




I loathe early access so I don't know what to tell you. I wouldn't in a million consider either personally.
In that case I'd have to go with nominating South Park: Stick of Truth, Goat Simulator, Octodad: Dadliest Catch, and maybe Banished.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Ooh, I forgot about Stick of Truth. That was good.




Well, I'd prefer if people sent them to me so we don't all know what's going down.

Also, Gas I didn't mean to say you couldn't nominate those games, just the thought of nominating some early access not technically out yet game just had never crossed my mind. I figure if the game first became playable in 2014, you could probably be allowed to vote for them.




Well, I'd prefer if people sent them to me so we don't all know what's going down.

Also, Gas I didn't mean to say you couldn't nominate those games, just the thought of nominating some early access not technically out yet game just had never crossed my mind. I figure if the game first became playable in 2014, you could probably be allowed to vote for them.
The way you describe tallying the vote sounds like a lot of work. You sure you want to do that? Maybe it'd be easier to do an open round of nominations, then throw them all into a big poll and let people pick 5 to vote for (you can allow people to pick a specific number of multiple answers in polls now). It's up to you, though, it's your idea.




With all these console peasants?




With all these console peasants?
Well, let's be honest, it was not a banner year for PC releases. Most of this year was typical SpunkGargleWeeWee shooter sequels, and even those weren't PC exclusive. Heck, even the number 1 on my list was multiplatform.




Will agree.




I'm fine tallying shit. I have Excel.




Alright, here's how I want it.

(This list is for example purposes and is by NO means legitimately my choices).

1. (your most favorite favorite game of the year - Worth 5 points in the tally) Assassin's Creed Whatever the fuck
2. (worth 4 points) Transformers: Revenge of the Spark of Darkness Spark or what?
3. (worth 3) The Crewbisoft
4. (worth 2) Some Early Access piece of shit
5. (your least favorite favorite game of the year) The Elder Scrolls Online

The games had to have been released in the year 2014.




Alright, here's how I want it.

(This list is for example purposes and is by NO means legitimately my choices).

1. (your most favorite favorite game of the year - Worth 5 points in the tally) Assassin's Creed Whatever the fuck
2. (worth 4 points) Transformers: Revenge of the Spark of Darkness Spark or what?
3. (worth 3) The Crewbisoft
4. (worth 2) Some Early Access piece of shit
5. (your least favorite favorite game of the year) The Elder Scrolls Online
And just to be clear, you want it PM'd?




I was going to submit my favorite, but then realized the only new game I've played is DAI. The one I was going to say is my favorite is actually 2 years old. But it's new to me! :/




I'd personally exclude Early Access as they're technically betas.

If we're putting up early builds, I'd have to throw Heroes of the Storm in there, but I'm not gonna :p

Speaking of which, just a reminder that Hearthstone officially released this year, so it's in the running.[DOUBLEPOST=1419305315,1419305165][/DOUBLEPOST]Addendum, I'd also exclude re-releases from one platform to another.

For example: Metal Gear Rising: Revengence for PC and Diablo 3 for consoles.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Well, let's be honest, it was not a banner year for PC releases.
Same for consoles. 2013 rocked my world, but this year has been slim pickings.




To do my list I pulled up a list of releases for this year.

Boy, it HAS been a mediocre year for video games.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I think someone explained that game-makers or studios were wary about an industry crash coming at one point and stalled out on projects. Then when they didn't think that was going to happen, projects started up again, but there was going to be a gap. This year was that gap.




And just to be clear, you want it PM'd?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Sent mine.

Could only vote for games I played, so while I may otherwise have voted for Shadow of Mordor or Smash Bros Wii U, I sadly haven't yet touched them.


Celt Z

Celt Z

Hmmmm...I'm really going to have to see if the games I've been playing came out this year or not. I can think of 4 that did and I really enjoyed, but they were all sequels.




Sequels would definitely count.




Yeah, most of the games I've played this year are either still unreleased or from 2013 or earlier.




Yeah, most of the games I've played this year are either still unreleased or from 2013 or earlier.
That's because it was pretty much a crap year for new games.

If I didn't have the WiiU, my list wouldn't have even hit five.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I bought a bunch of games this year.

Most of them sucked.




Man, I almost never buy games new, so I won't be able to vote on this until 2016 or so.




Man, I almost never buy games new, so I won't be able to vote on this until 2016 or so.
I see very, very little point in buying any game at full price these days, unless they're Blizzard and will never go on sale anyway.




I see very, very little point in buying any game at full price these days, unless they're Blizzard and will never go on sale anyway.
Basically this. Most games aren't worth 60 bucks... my only exceptions are Fallout and Elder Scrolls games, which I feel are still worth while, even at 60 + dlc.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

If Skyrim had cost $100, I'd still have gotten my money's worth and been just fine with it.

That said, yeah, most aren't worth $60. I do pay new price if it's a company I want to support (Atlus) or if I feel it's worth full price (Atlus). 3DS games tend to be $35 to $40 and for a lot of them that's a reasonable price. It used to be that Nintendo games would stay top dollar forever, so I've bought a lot of them at full price, but nowadays that isn't true.




If Skyrim had cost $100, I'd still have gotten my money's worth and been just fine with it.

That said, yeah, most aren't worth $60. I do pay new price if it's a company I want to support (Atlus) or if I feel it's worth full price (Atlus). 3DS games tend to be $35 to $40 and for a lot of them that's a reasonable price. It used to be that Nintendo games would stay top dollar forever, so I've bought a lot of them at full price, but nowadays that isn't true.
Nintendo DOES still have some pricing issues, especially when it comes to digital titles. Super Mario Brothers shouldn't cost me $5 on a portable... it should be 99 cents or part of a bundle at least. But Nintendo believes that doing that would devalue their product and make it seem cheap or worse than other products, which is exactly why they didn't like dropping the price on other classic titles.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Nintendo DOES still have some pricing issues, especially when it comes to digital titles. Super Mario Brothers shouldn't cost me $5 on a portable... it should be 99 cents or part of a bundle at least. But Nintendo believes that doing that would devalue their product and make it seem cheap or worse than other products, which is exactly why they didn't like dropping the price on other classic titles.
That's true to an extent, but a lot of their new titles have gone down in price or had sales, something Nintendo didn't used to do.




Everyone should vote for Earth Year 2066 for best game of the year. Proof:

Especially the part around the 6:10 point.




All votes will be counted when I get home from one of the fucking heart wrenching crime scenes I've ever been part of. So getcher votes in soon. I'm like an entire day or two from home right now so you still got a bit of time.

Best Christmas ever.




I'ma give you folks who haven't done this yet until New Years to do it.

@Jay Get a God damn list to me if you don't want some Wii-U game to win yo.




If that's the case i give up on this peasant forum


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Now that I've played Shadow of Mordor for 15 hours in the past four days, my list would probably look slightly different.[DOUBLEPOST=1419802536,1419802504][/DOUBLEPOST]
If that's the case i give up on this peasant forum
Or you could just give him a list. If you don't feel there were any good games this year, that's up to you.




I don't even remember 2 weeks ago




As someone who couldn't afford a $1500-2000 gaming rig, I'll be the last to complain about console pleasantness while running AAA games @ 60FPS.




If that's the case i give up on this peasant forum
My list was straight up 1%




I only had 2 console games on there.

But PC gaming was shite this year. It's a sad state of affairs when the Nintendo release lineup is considered bountiful compared to other stuff.




There's been some good games, it's just the AAA lineup that was generally broken trash.

Lookin' at you Ubi.




I know I say it often, but a lot of PC games suck so bad because they had to be developed for simultaneous (or earlier) release on consoles.




Gimme a list of some sort Gas. FUCKIN' DO IT.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Gimme a list of some sort Gas. FUCKIN' DO IT.
Didn't know you? His and Jay's opinions are too good for us. :p




Gimme a list of some sort Gas. FUCKIN' DO IT.
Well, I pretty much did in the thread but I can PM it to you, I suppose.
