Halforums Geekcast this Saturday!

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FFFFT, it's a time when there isn't any good football on and I could call in, but it's a topic where I don't have anything to add other than all except achewood and gunshow suck :(
FFFFT, it's a time when there isn't any good football on and I could call in, but it's a topic where I don't have anything to add other than all except achewood and gunshow suck :(
Don't you like Hark A Vagrant? Spread the good word![/QUOTE]

Oh yeah, I love Kate Beaton too

I don't really know how to validate why I don't like them past that I don't think they're funny. I can't really intelligently comment on the art or anything, and it'd just be "our tastes in humor are different"


Staff member
Damn. I'll be at a party with aging Mardi Gras fanatics.

Oh wait, that's awesome. You guys have fun. :D


Staff member
ill be about 4 hours into my 15.25-hour workday (hooray for picking up a double-shift... also money)
I second everything that has been said in this thread.

Jamboree, Talkshoe sucks, differing opinions, busy working.


I got into webcomics in kind of a funny way

I never knew there were comics in webform online, so I used to visit this one anime website which I can't remember the name of it, but this was a decade ago, anyways they had a links sidebar on their mainpage with links to places like Fark, SomethingAwful, etc and one of the links was Penny Arcade, which I got into reading simply by visiting their site one day from that link.

Then I found out there were others out there, I can't remember how I stumbled onto PvP back in 2002/2003 but I did, at one point I was reading like 10+ a day which is small compared to some peoples standards. These days, I really dont read anything other than PA and occasionally PvP. I'll check in with VGC once or twice a month to see if dude updated but past that *shrug* I used to love MacHall but Im not a fan of ThreePanelSoul. In recent years I got into PBF and XKCD. Can't say I'm a fan of Starslip or OOTS.


Staff member
sorry boss, just wakin up from the hangover like an hour ago

---------- Post added at 01:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:00 PM ----------

Also, talk shoe wasnt allowing connection at all for the last 45 minutes for me


Well, if I may say so, I think that went rather well.

BTW, if anyone wants to know what the hell I was talking about me "being" in Evil Inc, just click my Evil Inc. sig. To give it a little context: at this time in the strip, the titular company was acquired by the "League Of Justice" and thus the CEO (the guy at the head of the table) is the only one there not a villain.


Sorry I missed this, though not so much as I'm not that big on webcomics. Penny Arcade is really it for me now as I've fallen out of the other ones I followed: 8-Bit Theatre, Bob and George, PVP ( :D ).
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