[PC Game] Halforums House: Halforums Academy Love Go Yatta!


Staff member
I'm sure most of you remember past efforts in experimental social modeling of halforumites in a closed environment by Gusto and.. I forget who did the first one and the thread didn't make the transition. Well, I need a project to keep me busy after hours these days, so I thought I might try my hand at it.

However, I won't be using The Sims. Instead, I'll be using a lesser known Japanese social sim title called Artificial Academy. Instead of housemates, the Halforumites will be classmates in a Japanese High School.


"Hold on there a sec, you!" you say, "I can google with the best of them, that's a hentai game!" Yes, it is, BUT! First of all, for the purposes of this run of Halforums Academy we will be eschewing all pornographic content. As I control the simulation, I will not be engaging in so-called "ecchi" behavior, nor will I be using any such content in the updates. Even stripped of the "sex" parts of the game, Artificial Academy has a surprisingly robust system of social simulation, where the uncontrolled characters in the game interact with each other, make friends, enemies, love triangles and jockey for social standing just as actual highschoolers do. The game makes each NPC act in accordance with their personality and configured preferential tastes, and can serve as just as much a "social fishbowl" as the sims with the same amount of harmless salaciousness - nothing more offensive than regular old sim "Woohoo" type activity at most, albeit possibly in the gym storage room instead of the privacy of one's own home.

Characters can study together, eat lunch together, practice sports together and on teams. They can gossip about others, pick fights, console or annoy, and generally do all the things sims would do in a high school environment. Additionally, the game keeps a ranked scoreboard on Scholastics, Athleticism and Popularity as well as ranking other miscellaneous occurrences of note.


(don't worry about the moonrunes, I've got an english translated version, these are just example images I googled up)

Anyway, I'm gauging interest in participation in this project. To make it worthwhile, I'd say I'd need at least 8 or 10 volunteers (and hopefully a near even mix of males and females), and class size is limited to 25 max.


Characters are highly configurable and individualized in both appearance and personality, but I'll go over that more in depth if there's enough interest.

Map of the school area:

So.. anybody want in on this?

Edit: The List of "I'm In!"

Just Me


Waiting List:
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What level of participation would we have to devote to it? As far as I'm aware, the Sims project basically used forumite names and likenesses, and then they were left to their own devices, right? Would a similar level of laissez-faire gameplay apply here?

Because I'd be totally down for some Japanese high school action. Even without the ecchi elements.


Staff member
What level of participation would we have to devote to it? As far as I'm aware, the Sims project basically used forumite names and likenesses, and then they were left to their own devices, right? Would a similar level of laissez-faire gameplay apply here?

Because I'd be totally down for some Japanese high school action. Even without the ecchi elements.
Basically the same. I'll get some info for character creation from the participants, and then after that, it's all just me posting screenshots and describing action while our 16 year old selves do their thing.


Staff member
5 guys so far (Six if I have to include myself to pad the numbers). You guys need to work on the local ladies to join in or this class is going to be a total sausage fest. Which, while the simulation will run, anybody will tell you that an all-boys school just isn't as interesting as one with boys AND girls.

Remember, we can have up to 25 in the class, so I don't think room will be a problem, for anyone who wants in.
Lol, somehow a hentai game coming from you is not surprising at all, Gas :p

I wanna see Charlie and Gil do it :popcorn:
You could add some non-forumites to fill out the female side of the class as well. Could funny to go to school with Hillary Clinton or that one female celebrity that got a lot of press recently.

Forumites would be more fun, of course.


Staff member
Lol, somehow a hentai game coming from you is not surprising at all, Gas :p

I wanna see Charlie and Gil do it :popcorn:
Yeah, but I'm de-hentaificating it as I said. And Charlie and Gil is probably unlikely, as part of character creation declares orientation, and that variable is immutable and ironclad, so if one or both of those call "straight" they can't be anything more than friends. And, of course, neither has volunteered to be included.[DOUBLEPOST=1380722117,1380721890][/DOUBLEPOST]
You could add some non-forumites to fill out the female side of the class as well. Could funny to go to school with Hillary Clinton or that one female celebrity that got a lot of press recently.

Forumites would be more fun, of course.
Yeah, I'm hoping for it to be all forumites. Will give it a few days to get a chance to gather volunteers before starting to come up with ideas to address imbalance. Though, even if the girls are outnumbered it could make for interesting watching as the straight guys literally fight and compete with each other for their attention. The game has a jealousy dynamic that causes characters to confront rivals and interrupt conversations that cause that jealousy. If it comes to a head, they can even cause a confrontation forcing a person to vocally choose who they like better right then and there, with emotional repercussions both for the chosen and the spurned.
HA, I get it now!

But yes, I'm in and am excited!

Hey, women of Halforums! Come, join me! I'm sure the boys don't want just me in their school. :)
HA, I get it now!

But yes, I'm in and am excited!

Hey, women of Halforums! Come, join me! I'm sure the boys don't want just me in their school. :)
if its just you Kags, it will be a BLOOD BATH, we will literally tear each other apart to be your romantic interest. or do you not watch high school animes?
Oh this will be fun to watch. Although I can't help but feel that the whole thing is fishy... like... it's a... trap. A Gas Trap. Gastrap?


Staff member
Let me try paging some people...

I remember in HH2, @HowDroll and @LittleSin participated, and I seem to recall @Shegokigo , @Vytamindi were in the first one. Though I know Shegs isn't around any more, and Droll is pretty scarce as well. I want to say.. didn't @Squidleybits and @HCGLNS apply as well but got cut for space? They could easily be accomodated here, as well as anybody else who applied to or were in previous versions, such as @North_Ranger , @Officer_Charon , @Azurephoenix , @Wahad , @Jay , @Dave , @Ross , @Chronos[Ha-G] , @ThatNickGuy , and I notice @Bowielee has posted in this thread but not thrown his hat in the ring, and some of those other guys I listed haven't posted for months.[DOUBLEPOST=1380728609,1380728532][/DOUBLEPOST]
Artificial Girl 3 is a far superior game....

But there, all the characters would HAVE to be female, and there'd be a limit of 5, so it's unsuitable. Plus if you strip out the ecchi, there's not a lot left in AG3.

So you in, or what?
You may as well throw me in there. My character will be a master tentacled monster killer.

I just have a feeling I'll be useful.