Okay, here's the House and what they are like. I don't have pictures yet because I didn't take them during creation so of course I can't figure out how to get back to them.
Cajun Gal:
This girl loves to cook and will be a great asset around the house. Not only is she one of the friendliest people around, but she's also very neat and tidy. She does get excited easily but makes up for it with her childish demeanor. Someday she hopes to be a 5-Star Chef.
Lally Gal:
Cajun's and her sister Lally (you have to have a last name) room together to fend off advances by the numerous male occupants. As the younger sister, Lally taxes Cajun's patience to the core. Lally likes the attention of the male roommates and flirts with them constantly. She has a good sense of humor and parties like a rock star, but will fly off the handle at a moment's notice. Her secret shame is that she likes the rush she gets from stealing stuff. If the roommates are missing items you can bet they end up with Lally somehow. She really has no wishes for her future other than to become fabulously wealthy. But she doesn't know how she'll do it without a steady job. Oh well! BEER TIME!!
Adam Davis:
Adam is the group's workaholic. He's everything you look for in a worker - ambitious, hard worker, he knows how to schmooze the customers. If it weren't for the fact that he has amazing luck, he'd have been fired long ago as he can't seem to keep his mouth shut. His jokes fall flat and he's more liely to offend than amuse. But he wants to learn many new jobs. Master of none, but he loves new challenges.
Rob King:
Rob is a fucking genius on the computer. He sits in front of it all day long doing God knows what because nobody else can understand what it is he's doing! He has a flare for this sort of computer/artsy thing which is great because his athletic prowess sucks. He tries to be dangerous but can't seem to keep his feet from tangling. Then he gets mad and sets shit on fire. He wants to be the best handiman there is, though. Go go gadget Rob King!!
Black Cat:
Black Cat is David Beckham with a mohawk. He's cool, he knows he's cool, and he knows YOU know he's cool. He's that fucking cool! He loves the outdoors and is athletic as hell, plus he has charisma and ambition to spare! The girls all swoon over him but he can never fully commit. Can he be tamed by Lally of Cajun? Black Cat wants in his heart to be super popular. He may very well get there some day.
Chaz Wozel:
It's the first day and already this loner hates everyone in the house. In fact, it's his mission in life to make their life a living hell. While he's definately artistic and wants to be someone someday, his evil and mean spirited plans for world domination may get in the way of a steady job. Emperor of Evil Chaz Wozel. That has a nice ring to it.
That's the house, folks. I'm outfitting it now. Another note, every character is dressed in steampunk gear. Oh, yeah. This is gonna be fun.