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Halforums - how do I love thee?




Good evening, fair forumites
(or perhaps good morning?)
Before you read further,
One simple warning:
The following views
expressed are my own.
They're rather quite cheesy
And will make you groan.
"Is he drunk?" You may ask.
"He is possibly high?"
Well maybe I'm both!
Or neither, but this poem is nigh.
I'd just like to say
that I appreciate
What this forum has given
me up to this date.
Countless hours I've spent
Perusing it's wares.
Given me laughter
(and sometimes a scare)
So here I now am
At two in the morning
Listing off members
*insert relevant rhyme for morning*
First there's the Mex
Who bangs more chicks than I
But knows how it feels
To cum in one's eye.
Dave, Old and wrinkly,
His hooties a'flappin
Keeps us together
So deserves some clappin'.
The mysterious Shego,
A blood-soaked destroyer
Yet infringes Disney
(you'll hear from their lawyers).
The goddess-like Cajun,
With her ukulele,
Her musical styling
could make me swoon daily.
ThatNickGuy, who's always
Making his puns
Before Shannow face-palms
and ruins the fun.
LeQuack, that wacky
Fun-filled old duck.
Listing which officers
He'd like to fuck.
Reguarding the fuzz,
Here right on time,
Is stopping the crime.
Chazwozel the unionized
shark you can't miss.
He's a rather cool guy
(though I'm not on his list). :(
North Ranger, all pantsless,
Never causes tension.
His epic beard alone
Deserves honorable mention.
Impure Vyxen, Halforums'
Coder extraordinaire,
Without you everything
Would all blow in the air.
Chasing after a sheep
While rewatching Scrubs,
General Specific
Deserves some love.
When one needs a smile
And needs it real fast,
topics posted with Gusto!
Are always a blast.
Tinwhistler is a poster
Who never gets sloppy,
even while posting
his little pink floppy.
Espy, the baby,
Who Steinman called out
on his smoking addiction
with 864 packs, no doubt.
For those who I've missed
Sorry for your luck.
It's not that I hate you,
It's just that you suck. ;)

(seriously though, yous guys are awesome, I'd keep writing if I wasn't falling asleep here. Feel free to add more verses.)
(also, half way through this I remembered somebody doing something similar around Christmas, couldn't find the thread, so apologies in advanced if I subconsciously stole somebody's ideas.)






Kitty Sinatra


North Ranger's picture's better.




Chilling on the corner
with a license to thrill
sippin' on a 40
is my homeboy named Phil






Sure just completely ignore me :humph:

j/k :)

good job :thumbsup:




I feel like how I imagine one would if they found themselves waking up naked in bed with a random, ugly stranger.

Naw, I keed

---------- Post added at 08:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 AM ----------

Sure just completely ignore me :humph:

j/k :)

good job :thumbsup:

Hylian's a super
Teen extraordinaire
Who always runs around
in underwear



Matt² up reading, sharing an orange...
Gets up for the fridge, but in sleep hits the door hinge
Blood from his noggin awakens his senses
...and I got nothin more.... =P




For those who I've missed
Sorry for your luck.
It's not that I hate you,
It's just that you suck. ;)
Bitch pls, the real reason i'm not in there is because none of you can write my name without going into spasms...


Element 117

For those who I've missed
Sorry for your luck.
It's not that I hate you,
It's just that you suck. ;)
Bitch pls, the real reason i'm not in there is because none of you can write my name without going into spasms...
Do you write your name in seizure font?




@Li3n, Tripod Brain
Looks like it came from an oven.
Yet he could give you
Some hawt Euro lovin'


General Specific

General Specific

It's just a matter of finding something to rhyme with "At Li three n"




Do you write your name in seizure font?
I admit nothing...

---------- Post added at 03:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:42 PM ----------

It's just a matter of finding something to rhyme with "At Li three n"
Latreen not good enough for you?!


Element 117

It's just a matter of finding something to rhyme with "At Li three n"
"bat three trees in."


corning, horning, mourning, warning

*why yes yes, I get OCD about this stuff, it's tough how it affects me, strangely enough.*




Oh man, that was awesome.

See? Good things can come from my name change, "Calleja" would have thrown all the metric off :humph:




This thread is nothing but fluffing for the forum pornstars!




Wait, I'm a pornstar?

Don't tell my mom, she's always said I'd end up being one and I'll be damned if I'll let her be proven right.


Element 117

You have gone to some length to detail your sexual exploits and mishaps. On the Internet. What do you think?




exploiT and mishaP, singular. Never again, me buckos.


Element 117

Once was enough for Paris Hilton. You should cash in, really.




Halforums proved it can't handle more than one Calleja sexual mishap without running it to the ground and chasing me away for months. I have nightmares about what would happen if I ever shared some of the actually embarrassing ones.




Perhaps...but what are the odds that we'd do that TWICE?

Not Likely, I'd say.
