Remember when we first got Vent? Everyone was on it and we had these awesome chats?
I say we do this again!
Maybe once a night.... at a set night like.... FRIDAY NIGHTS at 9 PM EASTERN?
I promise I won't speak French.... or Italian.
Tonight's Theme is :
Feelin' Banastic with BananaHands!
I'm down for the Bananarama!
4 am in the morning for me. Sorry, but you're on your own.
Tonight's discussion must include what we truly feel about :
- LittleKagsin 's cosplay awesomeness. (with a side topic of Bones fascination of Adventure Time because of me)
- Officer_Charon 's sexy french accent (now with duet special with Adam)
- Gusto 's sounding like the dog on Family Guy
- LittleSin 's amazing ability to sound and act like Alyson Hannigan.
- Frank 's hatred of everything EA and Albertan (this may include Azurephoenix)
- BananaHands really having BananaHands.
Hal-events are why I hate living in Europe timezones.
I'm on BBQ duty tonight for my wife's birthday so it's not too likely that I will get a chance to show up. However... I will try to pop in and say hello to you folks.
However... in case I don't get to contribute to the discussion I must say...
I don't wanna sound like Seth McFarlane.
I may be a bit busy, but if you guys are still around at 10ish or so, I may pop in.
Bananahands should take HowDroll out for the drink he owes her instead Buuut I suppose I can forgive him if he'd rather hang out with you all.
I'd love to give it a try, but it will be 3pm here which is snack time, naptime, and Mommy-help-me-play-Lego-Indiana Jones-on-the-Wii time.
Should I not join in so you guys can be brutally honest about how you feel about me?
Aww man.
I will try to be on tonight at 8 pm central here, but raidrinn(Larry) and me(bones/steve) are planning to record stuff, MAYBE, we should totally record said chat..I will check with raid when he gets here.
I'd love to join in on these but I generally can't speak at a reasonable volume at night without waking up my parents.
I need a better job so I can fuckin' move out already...
Why would you not want to be there when guys from all over the world are gushing praise about you? Don't need a self confidence boost at all?
Actually the thought makes me embarassed. I don't want anyone to feel like they must praise me...I mean, I'm fine with praise, it's quite nice to receive, but still. I don't want to force anyone.
and BananaHands you might just suck at phone vent. EVER THINK ABOUT THAT?!?
Oh, sorry phil! A Kagsin is a me. And I'm on the shorter side, so..little-ish. And normally it's when people were trying to talk me in to doing something like, "Oh, c'mon who's a fun littlekagsin??" Or teasing me with 'Who's a good littlekagsin?" Etc, etc.
Good times.
We should do this next week.
we will try much harder to be on next week, i am really sorry raidrinn and me watched bad anime and got drunk and forgot all about it.
I had a really good time!
Glad to be tolerated.
I thought it was fun! Even if I was silent for most of it...I enjoyed listening to everyone.
Adam, you seriously have one of the best voices ever.
You misspelled my name... it's Ravenpoe, not Adam.
I'll let it slide this time.
Everyone's voice is awesome. I enjoyed being able to hear the beard Ravenpoe. I feel like I'm now a part of some inner halforum secret having heard it.
Well thank you. You sound pretty awesome yourself.
Also massive props to ThatNickGuy for having the best sense of humor ever and HCGLNS, Higgen, Huggles, whatever his name is for tolerating me. Oh and the New FoundLanders.
Well we could hardly here you all the way there in BC.
Ok seriously how do you get Vent?! I don't have it on my computer anymore!
Looking forward to see more people.... how does next Friday sound like?
I don't know my schedule for next week yet, but..tentitavely, I say YES!
I will be there providing nothing else pops up.
If you show up, everything will pop up.
Dammit... of course, the ONE day I don't check Halforums... sorry guys... I'll try and inflict my voice on y'all next week... or even tonight, if anyone's on...
Bumble the Boy Wonder
Fridays are never good for me
I'll sit in vent alone on a Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon/night i guess
I have no idea why the sound wasn't working for me. I checked the mic and it's working fine, so who knows.