HalNights : Sexy Night Chats

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Remember when we first got Vent? Everyone was on it and we had these awesome chats?

I say we do this again!

Maybe once a night.... at a set night like.... FRIDAY NIGHTS at 9 PM EASTERN?

I promise I won't speak French.... or Italian.

Tonight's Theme is :


Feelin' Banastic with BananaHands!
Tonight's discussion must include what we truly feel about :

- LittleKagsin 's cosplay awesomeness. (with a side topic of Bones fascination of Adventure Time because of me)
- Officer_Charon 's sexy french accent (now with duet special with Adam)
- Gusto 's sounding like the dog on Family Guy
- LittleSin 's amazing ability to sound and act like Alyson Hannigan.
- Frank 's hatred of everything EA and Albertan (this may include Azurephoenix)
- BananaHands really having BananaHands.
I'm on BBQ duty tonight for my wife's birthday so it's not too likely that I will get a chance to show up. However... I will try to pop in and say hello to you folks.

However... in case I don't get to contribute to the discussion I must say...

Bananahands should take HowDroll out for the drink he owes her instead :p Buuut I suppose I can forgive him if he'd rather hang out with you all.
I'd love to give it a try, but it will be 3pm here which is snack time, naptime, and Mommy-help-me-play-Lego-Indiana Jones-on-the-Wii time.
I will try to be on tonight at 8 pm central here, but raidrinn(Larry) and me(bones/steve) are planning to record stuff, MAYBE, we should totally record said chat..I will check with raid when he gets here.
I'd love to join in on these but I generally can't speak at a reasonable volume at night without waking up my parents.

I need a better job so I can fuckin' move out already...
Actually the thought makes me embarassed. :oops: I don't want anyone to feel like they must praise me...I mean, I'm fine with praise, it's quite nice to receive, but still. I don't want to force anyone. :)
Just when the rest of you lumps join, we've already discussed how changing from paper to coin currency impacts strippers.


I have decided that since you have an idea of my aprearance and my general location, you shant have an idea of what I sound like to stalk me.

Also, Vent is a bunch of douche bags. (they screwed over a friend of mine)
Yeah, so about to say, hey I feel like joining vent and my mic doesn't work. At all. Headphones seem completely dead.

Hey, apparently it's just my front jacks that are jacked which doesn't help me any since I don't have a separate mic and headphones set anymore.
Night was fun, though I was only half paying attention while playing Diablo.

Glad to provide you all my sexy voice. Fun fact: you can hear the beard.
I'm there! but I don't have a mic so I'm just making comments in the chat. I've already boo'd nick for his prom night joke!
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