HalTV Cribs

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What it do, what it do Halforums! Welcome to Hal-Tv Cribs! I'm yo boy Phil, AKA Furious P, AKA P-Rig, AKA Snufflebottom, and this here is my crib!

Come on in, won't you?

Aiight, aiight so here's my living room. Pretty dope, I know. Let me show you some of the highlights.

This is a chair I got from my boy Jacob, AKA Jacob. It's still got some of his cat's hair in it though so I'll have to vacuum it again. We got it in front of the fireplace 'cause it's getting warm and we don't want to burn the place down quite yet.

This is the couch and coffee table. Dunno why I got a Dr. Pepper on it if it's just for coffee though. Don't tell Five Oh though. I can't do another nickel.

This is what it looks like from the couch. You know how I be browsing that halforums and watchin' that third season of Avatar. Don't be hatin' if you like book 1 or 2 better though.

To my left we got my two favorite stools from my grandparent's old house. They're real good for spinning, even if they are a bit short for the bar.

Up next is the dining room. We got this fitted out with a band spanking new 20 year old table that I used to use as a child. Lots of memories here and now it's all mine!

This is the Kitchen! There's really not much to say about it!

AWWWW SNAP! What's this? Bathroom right next to my room? No walking down a hallway to go number 2 in the middle of the night for me! BELIEVE IT!

Yeah, keep it real ladies. Don't need to start no riot over this quite yet. This is where the magic happens! If it's in my grandpa's old recliner or a futon I got off craiglist for 30 dollars you know I keep it strait up chillin all up ins.

Otherwise I got my rollaway chair next to my first closet. That's my Tv there on the floor, but since I ain't got that cable there's not much point in it there.

Maybe I should put it in my other closet over here? It's big enough for that and my dresser, speaking of which...

BOOM BABY! Best cigars that 5 or 6 dollars can buy!

But I can't let y'all leave until you see one of the best parts! 72 square feet of chillibile, livible balcony for late night chats and recreation!

Thanks for stopin' by, but y'all gotta get all up outta here!

So who's up next?
Damn. I only got one room to my name but it'll be cleaned out by Monday, maybe I'll take some pics.
Cool, I'll participate in this. Getting a new computer desk tomorrow and the place needs tidying up, so gimme a few days.


Staff member
Unless you enjoy pictures of piles of books, folders, paperwork and other refuse of an overworked teacher, I think I'll give this a pass.

Until I move out to my new crib in the summer... :)
Y'all _WOULD_ do this right after my wife's out of town & my home looking EXTRA crappy...

Give me a little bit, maybe about Thursday or so
Seeing a lot of excuses but not a lot of awesome pics of awesome cribs full of awesome people!
ok I shall post of my humble bedroom(since I still live with my folks ^_^)

work desk:

my basic water bed:

my entertainment center:

the rest of my dvds:

Yeah that's right, I still have both Christmas and Thanksgiving decorations up!

This is were you could put your coat and boots I suppose.

Dish storage, food preparation and liquor cabinet.

Wall of fantastic art.

Photo of device used to cool beer in summer months.

We eat dinner here.

My living space, but currently childrens play are number 21135125


Storage space of 99% of Barbie North America toys.

Loft above the car hole, where most of the family downtime is spent. PS3, Wii and XBox for the kids and wife, Hot Wheels and Leaf games for me!
I would totally take the Hot Wheels over the tech toys! Y'all are making me have to clean, dammit, and that's a bit tough right now.
I have a decent sized bathroom but it isn't that large a room! Actually, cleaning is a problem because I'm on crutches and in an immobilizer following knee surgery to replace my missing ACL and repair meniscus so large scale cleaning gets to wait a bit, okay because my house is far nicer in warmer weather. Who really wants to see the pool cover and a tarp over the grille anyway? Some really nice and entirely too neat for having kids houses so far!
I haven't taken photos of the place since we moved in last year...

Laundry closet

Living room

Sara & Jake's room

I don't have a pic of our bedroom, though... Haha

And I posted this one in another thread already, but here's the walk-in closet because I <3 it so much.

I don't have a pic of our bedroom, though... Haha

And I posted this one in another thread already, but here's the walk-in closet because I <3 it so much.

1) I don't want to be an alarmist but I think a strange man is stalking you. (besides <insert name of forumite that amuses you most for this joke to work, my gut says Bumble> )

2) I've had bedrooms smaller than that closet.
Yeah the closet is huge. I considered making it a craft room but... It's obvious why I didn't do that. :p we joked a lot about getting someone else to live with us in the closet though.


Staff member
If any of our member base is having some camera trouble, I can post up some good shots of most their interiors and exteriors from my files....
Wouldn't be hard with me, since the governor has declared open war on higher ed in this state. As part of it, my salary and contact information are all online in a searchable database. Apparently since taxes pay my salary, it's okay to rape my privacy.
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