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Happy Lawsuit Thursday!




So I wake up this morning to the following email:

This email is in regards to a reply to one of the threads on your website '[thread name redacted]' one of your members. In reply ###, [USER] posted on the [date redacted] a comment regarding myself. In which he says ' international criminal [name redacted]. If he's not a criminal, he must be a peodophile or a 'free range rooster...[name redacted], free range rooster, you know it's right.'

This is defamation of myself and a breach of the forum rules '7. Trolling...making uncalled for personal attacks'. Please supply me with his IP address and name-registered details. My lawyer has advised me that your forum is responsible for the defamation and slander. I also request you to remove this posting from your website. Please reply to [email redacted].
My response to this so far:

Mr. [name redacted],

First, I'm going to assume you are who you say you are. I am doing so because I doubt anyone else would bother with such an off-the-cuff comment on a random message board. I'm going to assume this even though your email address has nothing to do with the actual name M****** ******* and is issued from a generic ISP instead of a company account or another identifiable address.

Let me address first the issue at hand and then the actions that have been taken or will be taken.

The quote below is taken completely out of context and you even cut the post itself up in such a way as to make it look as bad as possible. The original post ended with the line "...I Googled it, so you know it's true!" This is an obvious attempt at humor and deriding the way that the public takes things they read on the internet as truth - regardless of the voracity of the information. Much like you are doing by sending this email to me. The post was obviously not a serious attack and was therefore not deemed to have broken the rules which you have quoted.

Still, we try and make our community one which people will feel comfortable visiting. I have removed the offending post in deference to you. What I will not do at this time is to supply you with personal information on a user. This information is confidential and will not be released.

Humor is a very interesting animal, especially when you do not have the additional visual cues of body language or audible inflection and speech. Because of this I fully understand your misconception and it was because of this understanding that I removed the original post, even though it is more a case of miscommunication than defamation.

I am glad that we could resolve this issue and apologize for any unintended insult that one of my users has given.

-David Nihsen
Bottom line is, this is a guy who appears to be sue-happy. He's sued Google & Yahoo over things that he finds when he searches for his own name. Not sure what other lawsuits he's filed.

I'm not really worried as this seems to be scare tactics. The quote was nothing like what he put in the email. It was taken out of context and chopped up like it had been through a Cuisinart.

Note to self: Check to see if there's a disclaimer on the site about not being responsible for what the posters say...

God I love this job sometimes.




huh, this information should be leaked to the /b tards.

i'm pretty sure you would never have to worry again




Yay, I'd say: **** *** ***** ****, ***** ***** *****! **** **** ** ************* **** *****, *** ***** ******* ** **********!

I censored myself in order to avoid any further lawsuits, but rest assured, what I typed were very, very defamatory and insulting words aimed at defaming and insulting this lawsuit-happy guy!

ooooops... am I in trouble now?




Bua ha ha ha! I do not laugh at your frustration with dealing with stupidity (because this guy is obviously a few nuts short of a Chex Mix, but at the audacity of it.

Is this the first time you've gotten an email of this kind? We're hitting the big time!




Bua ha ha ha! I do not laugh at your frustration with dealing with stupidity (because this guy is obviously a few nuts short of a Chex Mix, but at the audacity of it.

Is this the first time you've gotten an email of this kind? We're hitting the big time!
Yeah, I'd say, any more of such mails, and Halforums will make national or even international news! And then some!

I feel famous already!




I forgot something....




Any thoughts I want to the post on the subject would most likely break the forum rules, and bring you more trouble. So here's a pair of pants


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Who is it. I want to call him an international criminal.


Element 117

oh man. Now I want to start a blog about this guy. "Foil Hat of Justice!"




Meh...I started that thread. I feel like a total jerk, even though I'm not responsible for the offending post. Sorry Dave




Why do you feel bad? You are not responsible for other people's misconceptions and miscommunication.


Element 117

Good, then we know who to hit up for legal fees.

*mafia thug pose*




Well, I'm confused. But sounds like the dude's got no grounding.




Wow. :confused: ...Nick's sig is so mesmerizing.




Wow. :confused: ...Nick's sig is so mesmerizing.





Teeheeee, I love that episode!




I was an international criminal once. I got betteh.


Wasabi Poptart

Idle threats. :rolleyes:




I was an international criminal once. I got betteh.
How does one get better than an international criminal? I mean, that's global, dude.

Oh! You became a galactic criminal?




I was an international criminal once. I got betteh.
How does one get better than an international criminal? I mean, that's global, dude.

Oh! You became a galactic criminal?[/QUOTE]

Maybe he became an international criminal who can disguise himself as a newt.




Why do you feel bad? You are not responsible for other people's misconceptions and miscommunication.
Oh, I know..i just hate it when something I do goes south ;)


Element 117

Why do you feel bad? You are not responsible for other people's misconceptions and miscommunication.
Oh, I know..i just hate it when something I do goes south ;)[/QUOTE]

Well, at least we know you'll cover the legal fees.




*pfft* IN MY OPINION, the guy is insane and sue-happy.




That first part should be 3X larger and in bright red letters.


Fun Size

Fun Size

I was an international criminal once. I got betteh.
How does one get better than an international criminal? I mean, that's global, dude.

Oh! You became a galactic criminal?[/QUOTE]

Maybe he became an international criminal who can disguise himself as a newt.[/QUOTE]

I'm still trying to figure out how one earns the title "international warlord". Based on this thread, it may be legally admissible by just saying on an internet forum.

I am now an international warlord, bitches! (Ordinarily, I wouldn't be so crass, but a warlord has to be a little hardcore like that. Bitches.)




Why do you feel bad? You are not responsible for other people's misconceptions and miscommunication.
Oh, I know..i just hate it when something I do goes south ;)[/QUOTE]

Well, at least we know you'll cover the legal fees.[/QUOTE]

Honey, you don't play me nearly enough for my naughty videos to cover those fees ;)


General Specific

General Specific

I gotta obsessively read this forum more as I have no idea what this is all about.

I was an international criminal once. I got betteh.
How does one get better than an international criminal? I mean, that's global, dude.

Oh! You became a galactic criminal?[/QUOTE]

Maybe he became an international criminal who can disguise himself as a newt.[/QUOTE]

A newt?


Element 117

Why do you feel bad? You are not responsible for other people's misconceptions and miscommunication.
Oh, I know..i just hate it when something I do goes south ;)[/QUOTE]

Well, at least we know you'll cover the legal fees.[/QUOTE]

Honey, you don't play me nearly enough for my naughty videos to cover those fees ;)[/QUOTE]

What are you, a playstation?




I was an international criminal once. I got betteh.
How does one get better than an international criminal? I mean, that's global, dude.

Oh! You became a galactic criminal?[/QUOTE]

Maybe he became an international criminal who can disguise himself as a newt.[/QUOTE]

I'm still trying to figure out how one earns the title "international warlord". Based on this thread, it may be legally admissible by just saying on an internet forum.

I am now an international warlord, bitches! (Ordinarily, I wouldn't be so crass, but a warlord has to be a little hardcore like that. Bitches.)[/QUOTE]

You now owe me around 120 halbucks... :-P




A threat of legal action and I was not to blame? I am kinda surprised really (well okay not really I am more surprised that it's not Shego's fault)




No, it'll be Shego's fault when the FBI comes calling.




That's one sad mofo.

I like how you handled it Dave.




Well, YOU might have, but HE sure didn't!!

Mr David Nishsen my solicitor have advised me that the posting is Very DEFAMATORY

Please see attached documents for you information. For you information My Name is [redacted] aka Macheal *******

I am suing the Google Inc and Yahoo Inc

Also enclosed The email to my solicitor Mr Gibson

To: 'Stuart Gibson'
Subject: Emailing: Men At Work's Down Under steals from Australian folk song
Please se attachment, from http://www.halforums.com/forum/t13 on page 11
Posted by Dusty668 on 24/06/2010 resisted MEMBER of HALFORUMS

I bet it was that guy that seems to be an international criminal Michael *******. If he's not a criminal, he must be a pedophile or free range rooster. I googled it so it must be true!

---------- Post added at 10:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:59 PM

Michael *******, free range rooster, you know it's right.

If life were fair, we would never be thirsty and have to pee at the same time.

Mr David Nishsen

Concerns Notice: s 14 Defamation Act 2005 (Vic)

You are fully responsible for all posting on you website . I demand that by 4.00pm, 5 July 2010 you

1. Immediately remove from Halforums the Material against my names Milorad ******* and Michael *******

2. Immediately activate abuse filter against my name Milorad ******* and Michael *******

3. Provide full particulars of you member Dusty668 including names IP addresses and Computer link .

4. Provide a suitable apology to myself.

5. Please note that in event that these matter are not agreed by 4.00pm, 5 July 2010

I will instruct my Solicitor to commence legal proceeding against you and website hosting without further notice.
The claims will included a claim for aggravated and exemplary damages pursuant to the Defamation Act 2005 (Vic)


Milorad aka Michael *******
[address, phone & email redacted]

---------- Post added at 11:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:11 AM ----------

My response (much less confrontational than I wanted it to be, but DragonByte talked me out of it):

Thank you for your swift response.

My lawyer has advised me that you are incorrect in your assumption that i am in any way liable for what people choose to post on my forums. The forum service I provide is merely a platform for people to express their own opinions, as a prior ruling in the United Kingdom in relation to Google Blogs established that the platform provider is not, in fact, liable for the content provided.

I have removed the post as a courtesy to you, however, and added your surname to our abuse list for the same reason. I will not be providing you with any information on any member as doing so would be in breach of the data protection act. Should you require this information you will have to first obtain a court order, warrant or subpoena.

Thank you for your time,

- David Nihsen


General Specific

General Specific

I don't think anything you do short of fully prostrating yourself in front of his obvious magnificence is going to appease him. I wonder how well this would actually hold up in court. And if it does and he successfully sues Dave for everything he's got, what he would do with the $45.76?




Oh, and he also attached the following to that email:

---------- Post added at 11:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 AM ----------

he's obviously trying the bully technique. Not gonna work.




Why would he close his letter with his nickname first, THEN his real name? Unless Milorad is his real name, but his nickname is Michael so and so.

---------- Post added at 10:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:29 AM ----------

Also, don't worry, Dave. I've got the best lawyer I could find:


General Specific

General Specific

Also, don't worry, Dave. I've got the best lawyer I could find:

Oh Scrubs, is there any situation you can't make funny?




This guy reminds me of Derek Smart, who threaten to sue a website I worked for once upon a time (Wiki Derek Smart if you don't know who he is) under similair circumsances. Suffice to say, as neither you nor a staff member of the website was the one who posted the post in question, you are not liable for the content of said post, as this is a public forum. He can request you remove the post, but you really don't even need to do that. That said, the content of the original message clearly falls under Parody. It's protected speech.

The only person he COULD EVEN REMOTELY SUE SUCCESSFULLY is the person who posted the original message and you are under no obligation to reveal said details unless he can get a court order for it (and he'd be laughed out of court when he tried to get one). Even then, he'd have to sue your server provider, not you, to get it done.

In all honesty, even if this does proceed to the point that he actually files suit against you, considering his history (and the fact that your not the only website targeted) you could probably get this dismissed as a nuisance suit.




In my opinion

this guy is a raving lunatic who is looking for any excuse to sue anyone cause he is wanting to feel important and validated cause his life is probably pathetic.

The opinions expressed by me *Hylian* at this site are the opinions of the individual author and may not reflect the opinions of the site itself.




Oh Scrubs, is there any situation you can't make funny?
Its last season with the "all new cast"? Ba-ZING!


Philosopher B.

Sometimes, when I'm alone, I sue myself.

---------- Post added at 04:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:43 PM ----------

Seriously, though, it's a shame Davinski has to put up with this shit. Some of the people in this world ... :facepalm:


General Specific

General Specific

Oh Scrubs, is there any situation you can't make funny?
Its last season with the "all new cast"? Ba-ZING![/QUOTE]

I said "situation" not poorly thought-out show continuation. (and the new show had it's moments, mostly when it was the original cast doing something, but still, moments)




Sometimes, when I'm alone, I sue myself.
You'll go blind if you do that too much.




Sometimes, when I'm alone, I sue myself.
You'll go blind if you do that too much.[/QUOTE]

Watch the new Scrubs?




[I said "situation" not poorly thought-out show continuation. (and the new show had it's moments, mostly when it was the original cast doing something, but still, moments)
Ah HA! But Scrubs is a sitcom, short for "situational comedy", wherein situations are made funny. Therefore....

....hang on, I was going somewhere with this. Screw it. I need to get out of the house. :p




[I said "situation" not poorly thought-out show continuation. (and the new show had it's moments, mostly when it was the original cast doing something, but still, moments)
Ah HA! But Scrubs is a sitcom, short for "situational comedy", wherein situations are made funny. Therefore....

....hang on, I was going somewhere with this. Screw it. I need to get out of the house. :p[/QUOTE]

Yes, you look like a shut-in, tan-man. :p


Bumble the Boy Wonder

Bumble the Boy Wonder

In my opinion

this guy is a raving lunatic who is looking for any excuse to sue anyone cause he is wanting to feel important and validated cause his life is probably pathetic.

The opinions expressed by me *Hylian* at this site are the opinions of the individual author and may not reflect the opinions of the site itself.

Can we have this permanently fixed to surround all our posts? Only, you know, it'd change to have our own names.

It's clearly the only solution




Lawsuit Thursday already? And to think I forgot to get a card.




In my opinion, the guy is nuts and very litigious. Here's his last response, which I am going to ignore.

Mr David Nishsen my solicitor have advised me that the posting is Very DEFAMATORY

Just remember that the Google Inc and Yahoo Inc are BIG but they can not defamation me

I will instruct my solicitor to issue writ against you personally and appropriate website hosting.

In Australia : Concerns Notice: s 14 Defamation Act 2005 (Vic)
You are fully responsible for all posting on you website


Milorad aka Michael *******
[address, phone and email redacted]
He lost his lawsuits against Yahoo and Google not because he was wrong and - in my opinion - a nutbag, but because they are big corporations.

Nobody ever wins against big corporations. I guess now I'm beholden to Australian law. :rolleyes:




Bend over, Dave.




This is so obnoxious. Sorry you have to deal with this, Dave. :\




So, wait, he LOST those lawsuits? Then, how is it scary and intimidating when he keeps reminding you that he sued them? That's basically saying "I'm an idiot who picks losing fights."


Fun Size

Fun Size

In my opinion, the guy is nuts and very litigious. Here's his last response, which I am going to ignore.

Just remember that the Google Inc and Yahoo Inc are BIG but they can not defamation me
Or force him to use proper grammar apparently.

Is it still defamation if the victim proves themselves to be a twit prior to the offending statement? I mean in theory of course.




That's it, I'm getting you a card now.




He can't even get my NAME RIGHT!! It's my damned email address!

Oh, and my response:

Mr. *******,

You are of course welcome to file any lawsuit which you see fit to.

My lawyer however has advised me that should you do so, he believes the best course of action would be to file a counter-suit here in the United States citing a frivolous lawsuit.

Federal Law mandates an attorney to thoroughly research the legality of all claims. Failure to make such efforts can result in serious consequences for all persons involved, including the representing lawyer.

As I am a US citizen my lawyer assures me that just as a defamation case is heard in the country of the defamation, so would a frivolous lawsuit case be heard in the country of the victim.

He has informed me that as you and your lawyer are aware that there are rulings against almost identical cases in the past, that I would most certainly be awarded my legal costs, and substantial punitive damages.

I felt I should warn you that this is my intended course of action should you decide to proceed with this matter.

In addition, any further correspondence to my email inbox will be summarily dismissed and will remain unanswered.


David Nihsen




I'm saddened that I never read the original thread.




If this continues I'm going to give his information to anyone here who frequents 4chan.




What a fucking idiot.




Good response, Dave. :thumbsup:




Dusty posted:

I bet it was that guy that seems to be an international criminal Michael *******. If he's not a criminal, he must be a pedophile or free range rooster. I googled it so it must be true!
And instead of reading it as it MEANS - which is to say everything you read on the internet should be suspect but there are those out there who read pure crap and believe it - he read it as calling him a pedophile and a free range chicken.

It's my opinion that it was the free range chicken part he's disputing. But that's just my opinion.




Man Michael ******* doesn't seem to be the brightest bulb out there does he?

The opinions expressed by me *Hylian* at this site are the opinions of the individual author and may not reflect the opinions of the site itself.




WAit, is this the swimmer guy?

Let's see... is this: Cavic or this : ******* turned to little stars?

---------- Post added at 12:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:34 PM ----------

AH! It's the second one.

Heh, hilarious, we're sort of famous now!




I can actually see now why he got upset, but it's still out of context.

If you Google his name we show up on the second page and it cuts off much of the post. In fact, it turns a very tongue-in-cheek post into something that could be taken incorrectly. Of course, once he read the actual thread he should have realize what was going on. But people skimming Google might read it wrong, too. I'm not saying we did anything wrong, but the truncation of the post by Google is probably what caused the issue in the first place.




I wonder if we can get Jack Thompson to sue us. ¨That would put us in the news!




The fact that it is him and not his lawyer contacting you is a big red flag. People who actually have lawyers use them for communication, because by not doing so you may end up saying something that will bite you in the ass. Also, the fact that he has not sent any paper communication is another red flag. In both cases his actions do not represent the actions that a remotely decent lawyer would ever take.




True, but he does have at least one case in front of the Australian Supreme Court right now.

And that search I spoke of on Google? I can't replicate it. When I Google his name now we don't show up on the first 10 pages. Do they change that dynamically or did they remove the listing?




it's still in Google..if you have mad skillz, you can search and get a cache of the page in question, revealing his name.




I'm not talking about mad skills. I can find the original, too. I'm talking about just the search that a random user might make.




I'm not sure this guys is what I would call a legal bully. The fact that he has taken these other people to court means that he is willing to go to court, although seeing as he lost one battle already it probably sets precedence you would be able to cite yourself.

My suggestion (take it with a mound of salt and run it past your lawyer) is that you should let him know that he needs to show evidence that he is who he says he is before you can comply with his requests, because email like this is not an adequate way to show that.




I'm not talking about mad skills. I can find the original, too. I'm talking about just the search that a random user might make.
I searched his name in Google and nothing came up with us, even when searching "Michael ******* halforums"




It's my opinion that it was the free range chicken part he's disputing. But that's just my opinion.
Bawwwwwk bawk bawk Why don't you have a bawk seat over there? bawk




It's my opinion that it was the free range chicken part he's disputing. But that's just my opinion.
Bawwwwwk bawk bawk Why don't you have a bawk seat over there? bawk[/QUOTE]


Wasabi Poptart

I would cease communications with this twit, Dave.



Oh wow lol. You know what I do with emails like that? Send this as the reply:

Unless you get a court summons and an actual text from a lawyer, I wouldn't worry about anything.




Man, I miss all of the good stuff. I love how Dave email-bitch slapped Michael. Golden.




I would like to thank DragonByte for the advice. Without him my responses would have been MUCH more confrontational and probably have caused more trouble than the whole thing is worth.



Dusty posted:

I bet it was that guy that seems to be an international criminal Michael *******. If he's not a criminal, he must be a pedophile or free range rooster. I googled it so it must be true!
And instead of reading it as it MEANS - which is to say everything you read on the internet should be suspect but there are those out there who read pure crap and believe it - he read it as calling him a pedophile and a free range chicken.

It's my opinion that it was the free range chicken part he's disputing. But that's just my opinion.

I'm trying to figure out where Dusty's statement even came into play in the thread. Is this Michael guy a known criminal? Dusty's post seems to be out of the blue within the context of the other thread posts.




Dusty posted:

I bet it was that guy that seems to be an international criminal Michael *******. If he's not a criminal, he must be a pedophile or free range rooster. I googled it so it must be true!
And instead of reading it as it MEANS - which is to say everything you read on the internet should be suspect but there are those out there who read pure crap and believe it - he read it as calling him a pedophile and a free range chicken.

It's my opinion that it was the free range chicken part he's disputing. But that's just my opinion.

I'm trying to figure out where Dusty's statement even came into play in the thread. Is this Michael guy a known criminal? Dusty's post seems to be out of the blue within the context of the other thread posts.[/QUOTE]

Shooting victim Michael Trkulja sues Google | News.com.au




I think it played off of the fact that this guy is litigious and Australian and says something about the Australian court system. Other than that until this very morning I wasn't even aware of the post.




Dusty posted:

I bet it was that guy that seems to be an international criminal Michael *******. If he's not a criminal, he must be a pedophile or free range rooster. I googled it so it must be true!
And instead of reading it as it MEANS - which is to say everything you read on the internet should be suspect but there are those out there who read pure crap and believe it - he read it as calling him a pedophile and a free range chicken.

It's my opinion that it was the free range chicken part he's disputing. But that's just my opinion.

I'm trying to figure out where Dusty's statement even came into play in the thread. Is this Michael guy a known criminal? Dusty's post seems to be out of the blue within the context of the other thread posts.[/QUOTE]

Shooting victim Michael ******* sues Google | News.com.au[/QUOTE]

So this guys name is michael *******? muaahahahahahaaaa...

Edit: funny thing is, though the word filter filters the actual word in the link, the link itself works... ^^ oh-oh, I see another lawsuit coming! :whistling:


General Specific

General Specific

Yes, he is Michael Starstarstarstarstarstarstarstar




I said nothing and I'm not allowing his name to be uttered on the boards.

He is the Halforums Voldemort.








I said nothing and I'm not allowing his name to be uttered on the boards.

He is the Halforums Voldemort.
Huh huh, he said "Voldemort"... huh-huh...




I've gotta think the guy is just completely ignorant to how the internet works, and I just hope he wises up before he sees how deep the rabbit hole goes.




We could make a wikipedia page for the guy and stand back and watch him try to sue them as well.


Fun Size

Fun Size

But he read somewhere on the internet that he could sue us, so it's gotta be true, right?



Jane get me off this crazy thing!




He is the Halforums Voldemort.


Fun Size

Fun Size

Wait, does the RIAA have a message board somewhere? We might be able to solve two problems at once here...




I've gotta think the guy is just completely ignorant to how the internet works, and I just hope he wises up before he sees how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Dude was originally in the news (the story that started all the news attention) because a HITMAN shot him POINT BLANK RANGE in the back! The guy was going to shoot him again but his weapon jammed so he beat feet. (Which says a lot about his abilities as a hit man, I suppose.) The dude lived but the newspaper ran some stories that apparently (I haven't seen them) made it look like he was a part of a criminal organization. Not sure how or why. Anyway, the thing is the guy might have reason to be a tad paranoid. But that doesn't mean he's right in our case.




Am I the only one who thought of this when they saw the free range chicken thing?


Wasabi Poptart

I said nothing and I'm not allowing his name to be uttered on the boards.

He is the Halforums Voldemort.
I'm suing you for using my idea without asking for my permission. :p


General Specific

General Specific

I'm suing you, Wasabi because I had the original idea which you just expanded upon



This whole thing is clucking futz. If a hitman has already tried to take him out, you know he IS mixed in with illegal activity. He's scamming.. is he from Nigeria? Besides, if he does sue, then he has to give up his address, right? Then the mafia will know where to go and finish the initial job.


Element 117

DAVE. if you need a fundraiser at all for legal fees, I will contribute funds and art/etc. Just saying. Even if its the cost of paying for DragonByte's dinner.




I have his name, address, email and phone numbers already.

---------- Post added at 04:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:17 PM ----------

DAVE. if you need a fundraiser at all for legal fees, I will contribute funds and art/etc. Just saying. Even if its the cost of paying for DragonByte's dinner.
I doubt it will come to that. but thanks.



You know, hitman don't just shot random people. They are paid to shoot specific target for specific reason.

Now of course it could be a wrong target, but that is something a hitman wouldn't do normally. (unless it is a newbie ;) )




Maybe the hitman just wanted some free-range chicken for dinner.




Jane get me off this crazy thing!
called love...








Jane get me off this crazy thing!
called love...[/QUOTE]





Jane get me off this crazy thing!
called love...[/QUOTE]

Oh my God oh my God, I almost posted that! :clap:



Maybe the hitman just wanted some free-range chicken for dinner.
yea... probably.


Wasabi Poptart

I'm suing you, Wasabi because I had the original idea which you just expanded upon
I'm counter-suing YOU for making false claims and...for being a dookie head. So there!




nookie head?




I miss all the fun when I'm working...




No you don't. Just got this. Enjoy, folks.

Mr Nihsen

I did give you chance to provide me with particulars of you member Dusty668

You did not responded as requested they for you and your website is Fully Responsable

This case is not as you lake to be Frivolous Lawsuit.

“International Criminal or Peodophile ora ‘free range rooster ...Michael *******.
This is clear as mud Defamation
You website and your member 668 have defame me World Wide
“In reply #18, Dusty668 posted on the 24.06.10 a comment regarding myself. In which he says ' international criminal Michael *******. If he's not a criminal, he must be a peodophile ora 'free range rooster...Michael *******, free range rooster, you know it's right.'”
I am Not
This Defamation case will be issued in the Supreme Court of Australia
I suggest that You and your Solicitor Should read this case very carefully.
After all email that you send me I believe that you need get new solicitor expert in Defamation Lawsuit
Please find enclosed the Famous Gutnick case This case exactly lake this case.
The famous Gutnick case[/FONT]​
These questions of jurisdiction and publication have actually been considered previously by the High Court in the defamation lawsuit between miner Joseph Gutnick and the Dow Jones Company, after Dow Jones website Barron's Online published an article in October 2000 titled "Unholy Gains" which made several claims about Gutnick that he considered defamatory.​
Gutnick lives in Victoria, and Barron's is published in the US, but the Supreme Court of Victoria found that where someone reads an article is where the defamation takes place – not where it was published, because defamation only happens once content is consumed and until then "no harm has been done". Therefore, Dow Jones was found to have published the information "in Victoria". The court warned: "If a publisher publishes in a multiplicity of jurisdictions it should understand, and must accept, that it runs the risk of liability in those jurisdictions in which the publication is not lawful and inflicts damage."​


Milorad aka Michael *******
[address, email and phone redacted]





Wait for the letter, if ANY from his solicitor. And you are definitely under no compunctions to release any user info without a subpoena.

This guy is a winner. Seriously. At the risk of sounding defamatory, he doubtless ******** ***** ***** ** * *****.




He's right, though. It IS defamation "clear as mud". Which means not at all.




*facepalm* Just got four words that sum this up perfectly:

Oh, for Christ's sake.




I repeat: what a fucking idiot. I would be slightly worried if he had even a basic grasp of English, the law, or common sense.

Still, if anything actually happens we can all help out. I know Amy offered already, and I'm sure most of us would pitch in as needed.




If anything happens I have plans in place that will revolve around changing the name of the, placing it under new management and guarding my own personal finances.

And it wouldn't affect you guys at all other than the url change.


Wasabi Poptart

He's citing a case about a written publication. How does this apply to the internet?




He's citing a case about a written publication. How does this apply to the internet?
It doesn't, and he's a moron. You're looking for logic from a person who is clearly out of touch.




I think it's time to 4chan him, honestly.




He's also still doing all these contacts personally, rather than through his lawyer.




I won't do that, Calleja. If someone else does I can't stop them, but I'm not giving up his name, address, phone or email on the boards. That would be wrong.

---------- Post added at 10:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 PM ----------

He's also still doing all these contacts personally, rather than through his lawyer.
At least he got my name right this time.









Hell, I wouldn't even know who our /b/ users are any more.


Wasabi Poptart

He's also still doing all these contacts personally, rather than through his lawyer.
Which is more reason why I think Dave needs to block the guy's email address and forget this BS. Until there is something in writing, as in an official piece of paper, this is all talk by someone who is obviously trying to draw attention to himself.




Release his email and let us all decide what to do with it :devil:




*facepalm* Just got four words that sum this up perfectly:

Oh, for Christ's sake.
Four more: Christ, what an asshole.




Dave, you would be AMAZED who's a /b-tard here...


Wasabi Poptart

/b/ is not your personal army
Not that I would know really.




I feel like I've seen Something Awful tackle this in the past.



when did Jack Thompson move to New Zealand??


Element 117

Michelle TrunkaJunklick can go suck it.




So there was this episode of This American Life, right? And they were initially just going to film this really old guy married to this really young Korean girl. But it turns out, that dude was in the middle of this lawsuit. He believed he was being overcharged on interest rates for the land he had bought, and he was suing them for that money back or something or other. Either way, he took it upon himself to be his own attorney, and then sent a bunch of increasingly crazy and threatening letters...which ended up sending him to prison for ten and a half months.

So his marriage is falling apart while he's in prison because he's still obsessing over this case. It doesn't work, he eventually gets out, starts planning a major lawsuit to sue pretty much the entire system...his wife wants a divorce.

The end of the episode notes that he got evicted off his land. And he's writing a book on law, now.

You guys should really check out This American Life sometime.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

I'm going to stand up and say what should have been said a long time ago: He's at least two free range chickens. Dusty, you should feel ashamed for saying he's a free range chicken when he's clearly multiple free range chickens.




Don't you actually have to do something within the borders of a country in order to be sued in it? You've never even BEEN to Australia, the server isn't hosted there, your ISP doesn't operate there... so under what grounds is he even able to sue you?




Man, I haven't seen such barratry since I read that site about Bernard Shifman.

And yes, I learned the word "barratry" from that site.




I know if someone called ME a free range rooster, I'd sick the dogs on ya.


Fun Size

Fun Size

It seems only appropriate that a Lawsuit Thursday lead into a Fuck You Friday.




Hmmm, I googled him and I get a lot of results for someone living in Kingston, ON. A quick review of that guys facebook page reveals that he is indeed from Kingston.....



No you don't. Just got this. Enjoy, folks.

Mr Nihsen

I did give you chance to provide me with particulars of you member Dusty668

You did not responded as requested they for you and your website is Fully Responsable

This case is not as you lake to be Frivolous Lawsuit.

“International Criminal or Peodophile ora ‘free range rooster ...Michael *******.
This is clear as mud Defamation
You website and your member 668 have defame me World Wide
“In reply #18, Dusty668 posted on the 24.06.10 a comment regarding myself. In which he says ' international criminal Michael *******. If he's not a criminal, he must be a peodophile ora 'free range rooster...Michael *******, free range rooster, you know it's right.'”
I am Not
This Defamation case will be issued in the Supreme Court of Australia
I suggest that You and your Solicitor Should read this case very carefully.
After all email that you send me I believe that you need get new solicitor expert in Defamation Lawsuit
Please find enclosed the Famous Gutnick case This case exactly lake this case.
The famous Gutnick case[/FONT]​
These questions of jurisdiction and publication have actually been considered previously by the High Court in the defamation lawsuit between miner Joseph Gutnick and the Dow Jones Company, after Dow Jones website Barron's Online published an article in October 2000 titled "Unholy Gains" which made several claims about Gutnick that he considered defamatory.​
Gutnick lives in Victoria, and Barron's is published in the US, but the Supreme Court of Victoria found that where someone reads an article is where the defamation takes place – not where it was published, because defamation only happens once content is consumed and until then "no harm has been done". Therefore, Dow Jones was found to have published the information "in Victoria". The court warned: "If a publisher publishes in a multiplicity of jurisdictions it should understand, and must accept, that it runs the risk of liability in those jurisdictions in which the publication is not lawful and inflicts damage."​


Milorad aka Michael *******
[address, email and phone redacted]

Yo. Lawyer type people. Question for you. Don't all Mikey's threats mean dick since Dave doesn't live in Australia? I mean seriously, this sounds like the damn Simpson's episode from which I derived the greatest internet handle ever: CHAZWOZEL!

THE SWEDISH ARE IN ON IT TOO! Swedish man sues Google for defamation - The Local
Swedish man sues Google for defamation




THE SWEDISH ARE IN ON IT TOO! Swedish man sues Google for defamation - The Local
Swedish man sues Google for defamation
Damn it Swedes, you used to be so cool. Next thing you'll tell me is that there is no Swedish bikini team.





If you're going to sue someone at least put the effort into proofreading.




The best was the woman who sued a search engine because a porn star had the same name.




I think it is nice how stupid people who have access to the internet tend to bring solidarity to our forum.




I think it is nice how stupid people who have access to the internet tend to bring solidarity to our forum.
We all stand behind our Great and Beloved Leader Dave Ni Sen! *pounds fist on chest and salutes*




That's Nishsen, to you!



Yo. Lawyer type people. Question for you. Don't all Mikey's threats mean dick since Dave doesn't live in Australia? I mean seriously, this sounds like the damn Simpson's episode from which I derived the greatest internet handle ever: CHAZWOZEL!
I am not a lawyer, but you don't have to live somewhere (or even have been there) for their courts to have jurisdiction over you. For example, Marc Emery is rotting in an American jail for a crime he committed while in Canada.

I'm not sure what level of contact is needed to establish jurisdiction over someone, and it probably varies from place to place.




The first thing he did wrong was to sue about an opinion on the internet. The second thing he did wrong was to sue a web forum full of intelligent people who can see through his charade so easily that it's borderline comical. If this case did in fact hold some merit and was ruled in the favor of the plaintiff, it would be setting a disturbing precedent that would eliminate half of the web's content. All that would be left is porn.

If there were any grounds to, I say counter-sue his ass back to the time where he didn't think he could get away with these types of frivolous actions.


Candle Jack

1: it sounds like a frivolous lawsuit, for which you can countersue
2: it seems to me that it's harassment of a sort..




why are you posting as your alt?



cause it's Freakazoid Friday!
