Happy Lawsuit Thursday!

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Staff member
No you don't. Just got this. Enjoy, folks.

Mr Nihsen

I did give you chance to provide me with particulars of you member Dusty668

You did not responded as requested they for you and your website is Fully Responsable

This case is not as you lake to be Frivolous Lawsuit.

“International Criminal or Peodophile ora ‘free range rooster ...Michael *******.
This is clear as mud Defamation
You website and your member 668 have defame me World Wide
“In reply #18, Dusty668 posted on the 24.06.10 a comment regarding myself. In which he says ' international criminal Michael *******. If he's not a criminal, he must be a peodophile ora 'free range rooster...Michael *******, free range rooster, you know it's right.'”
I am Not
This Defamation case will be issued in the Supreme Court of Australia
I suggest that You and your Solicitor Should read this case very carefully.
After all email that you send me I believe that you need get new solicitor expert in Defamation Lawsuit
Please find enclosed the Famous Gutnick case This case exactly lake this case.
The famous Gutnick case[/FONT]​
These questions of jurisdiction and publication have actually been considered previously by the High Court in the defamation lawsuit between miner Joseph Gutnick and the Dow Jones Company, after Dow Jones website Barron's Online published an article in October 2000 titled "Unholy Gains" which made several claims about Gutnick that he considered defamatory.​
Gutnick lives in Victoria, and Barron's is published in the US, but the Supreme Court of Victoria found that where someone reads an article is where the defamation takes place – not where it was published, because defamation only happens once content is consumed and until then "no harm has been done". Therefore, Dow Jones was found to have published the information "in Victoria". The court warned: "If a publisher publishes in a multiplicity of jurisdictions it should understand, and must accept, that it runs the risk of liability in those jurisdictions in which the publication is not lawful and inflicts damage."​


Milorad aka Michael *******
[address, email and phone redacted]

Wait for the letter, if ANY from his solicitor. And you are definitely under no compunctions to release any user info without a subpoena.

This guy is a winner. Seriously. At the risk of sounding defamatory, he doubtless ******** ***** ***** ** * *****.
I repeat: what a fucking idiot. I would be slightly worried if he had even a basic grasp of English, the law, or common sense.

Still, if anything actually happens we can all help out. I know Amy offered already, and I'm sure most of us would pitch in as needed.


Staff member
If anything happens I have plans in place that will revolve around changing the name of the, placing it under new management and guarding my own personal finances.

And it wouldn't affect you guys at all other than the url change.

Wasabi Poptart

He's citing a case about a written publication. How does this apply to the internet?


Staff member
I won't do that, Calleja. If someone else does I can't stop them, but I'm not giving up his name, address, phone or email on the boards. That would be wrong.

---------- Post added at 10:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 PM ----------

He's also still doing all these contacts personally, rather than through his lawyer.
At least he got my name right this time.

Wasabi Poptart

He's also still doing all these contacts personally, rather than through his lawyer.
Which is more reason why I think Dave needs to block the guy's email address and forget this BS. Until there is something in writing, as in an official piece of paper, this is all talk by someone who is obviously trying to draw attention to himself.


Staff member
So there was this episode of This American Life, right? And they were initially just going to film this really old guy married to this really young Korean girl. But it turns out, that dude was in the middle of this lawsuit. He believed he was being overcharged on interest rates for the land he had bought, and he was suing them for that money back or something or other. Either way, he took it upon himself to be his own attorney, and then sent a bunch of increasingly crazy and threatening letters...which ended up sending him to prison for ten and a half months.

So his marriage is falling apart while he's in prison because he's still obsessing over this case. It doesn't work, he eventually gets out, starts planning a major lawsuit to sue pretty much the entire system...his wife wants a divorce.

The end of the episode notes that he got evicted off his land. And he's writing a book on law, now.

You guys should really check out This American Life sometime.
I'm going to stand up and say what should have been said a long time ago: He's at least two free range chickens. Dusty, you should feel ashamed for saying he's a free range chicken when he's clearly multiple free range chickens.
Don't you actually have to do something within the borders of a country in order to be sued in it? You've never even BEEN to Australia, the server isn't hosted there, your ISP doesn't operate there... so under what grounds is he even able to sue you?
Man, I haven't seen such barratry since I read that site about Bernard Shifman.

And yes, I learned the word "barratry" from that site.
Hmmm, I googled him and I get a lot of results for someone living in Kingston, ON. A quick review of that guys facebook page reveals that he is indeed from Kingston.....


No you don't. Just got this. Enjoy, folks.

Mr Nihsen

I did give you chance to provide me with particulars of you member Dusty668

You did not responded as requested they for you and your website is Fully Responsable

This case is not as you lake to be Frivolous Lawsuit.

“International Criminal or Peodophile ora ‘free range rooster ...Michael *******.
This is clear as mud Defamation
You website and your member 668 have defame me World Wide
“In reply #18, Dusty668 posted on the 24.06.10 a comment regarding myself. In which he says ' international criminal Michael *******. If he's not a criminal, he must be a peodophile ora 'free range rooster...Michael *******, free range rooster, you know it's right.'”
I am Not
This Defamation case will be issued in the Supreme Court of Australia
I suggest that You and your Solicitor Should read this case very carefully.
After all email that you send me I believe that you need get new solicitor expert in Defamation Lawsuit
Please find enclosed the Famous Gutnick case This case exactly lake this case.
The famous Gutnick case[/FONT]​
These questions of jurisdiction and publication have actually been considered previously by the High Court in the defamation lawsuit between miner Joseph Gutnick and the Dow Jones Company, after Dow Jones website Barron's Online published an article in October 2000 titled "Unholy Gains" which made several claims about Gutnick that he considered defamatory.​
Gutnick lives in Victoria, and Barron's is published in the US, but the Supreme Court of Victoria found that where someone reads an article is where the defamation takes place – not where it was published, because defamation only happens once content is consumed and until then "no harm has been done". Therefore, Dow Jones was found to have published the information "in Victoria". The court warned: "If a publisher publishes in a multiplicity of jurisdictions it should understand, and must accept, that it runs the risk of liability in those jurisdictions in which the publication is not lawful and inflicts damage."​


Milorad aka Michael *******
[address, email and phone redacted]

Yo. Lawyer type people. Question for you. Don't all Mikey's threats mean dick since Dave doesn't live in Australia? I mean seriously, this sounds like the damn Simpson's episode from which I derived the greatest internet handle ever: CHAZWOZEL!

THE SWEDISH ARE IN ON IT TOO! Swedish man sues Google for defamation - The Local
Swedish man sues Google for defamation

If you're going to sue someone at least put the effort into proofreading.
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