Hard Drive Disappearing?

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So last night at band practice my second hard drive just up and took a walk. I got the traditional OS X message "this device was not properly blahblahblah" and then BAM it was just... gone. Maybe out for ice cream? No idea.
So I restarted this morning and it was there. It's there right now. Taunting me with it's disappearing act.

For those that might not remember, I put a second HD in my old optical drive slot using a OWC bracket mount thing they had. It's that hard drive. So it's less than half a year old? It seems to be fine now. I basically just keep media on it. I'm listening to iTunes right now and it's fine.

Any ideas oh tech wizards of Halforums?
Seriously? I just got it in April! Should I call OWC and get a new one from them? Thats not an acceptable life span.
You can call them and ask for a replacement, but in my experience if it's currently working, they won't do much, except perhaps run diagnostics.

Alternately, take it back to the place you bought it, tell them it doesn't work, and get a new one.

Chances are it was a fluke. If it happens again, then it's a problem you'll have to solve. But until it happens, just don't let your life/gig depend on it too heavily.
Excessive power draw caused it to drop? Wouldn't be the first time I've heard of it happening, especially if you had multiple USB/FW devices attached.

Excessive power draw caused it to drop? Wouldn't be the first time I've heard of it happening, especially if you had multiple USB/FW devices attached.

That sounds possible but I've been doing it for the last 5 or 6 months with no issues... I'll try again at practice tomorrow night and see what it does.
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