I experienced a few cons, myself, while living in Toronto. I'm sure they pale in comparison to San Diego, but the comparison still applies.
It's a glorified flea market, especially for the big companies. You've got these giant, unnecessary displays to promote movies or games that will be mostly forgotten in a few years. I remember seeing a
huge display for Sucker Punch. They were showing the trailer over and over, selling merch, etc. There was another gigantic display for the Aliens Blu-Ray box set. You even laid down in a pod and watched the trailer for it. It just seems ridiculously unnecessary to me. It's
just promoting a boxed set of movies. It's not a carnival ride.
And of course, as the author of the article says, there's large booths dedicated to video games, as well. I saw this, as well, seeing things like the latest Halo being promoted (I don't know which one), and the Kinect.
But then I remember this stupidly huge amount of space being wasted to promote Rogers. They're a major corporate entity in Canada, responsible for a great deal of cable, internet, and phone packages. They had this luxurious set up with lounge chairs and television sets. In fact, I would wager to say it was the largest booth there. And most of the time, there was barely anyone there.
I have to wonder if maybe these cons should set up their panels different than a "first come, first serve" basis and maybe more on an individual basis. Not sell tickets, but just have people sign up or something. And for people who missed it, why not have it available online shortly after? It's going to show up on YouTube, anyway. Why not make it official?
For me, the most enjoyable stuff was meeting with different comic book creators. I got to chat briefly with Jeff "Animal Man" Lemuire, bought the first volume of his Vertigo series, Sweet Tooth, which he signed. I briefly met Dan Didio and managed to hold back ranting how his direction for DC sucks.
But yeah, my biggest impression from these things was just how they're just a huge, glorified, nerd flea market. And you've got people there who go in
droves to buy the stupidest shit. The worst sight for me was seeing all the people who lined up to see Stan Lee (myself included; I got a signed photograph of him). I can understand if you want to meet him or even have something signed (one guy had an original copy of Amazing Fantasy #15 - Spidey's first appearance - and was going to get it signed). Yet there were hundreds of people who would bring up at least half a dozen different things for him to sign. It's like they were only interested in his signature so they could sell it and nothing else.
TL;DR version: Cons suck for more reasons than the article describes.