Looking to do a short story or something for NaNoWriMo about a Wizard that comes to Earth. Now, this would not be about that. That's history. What it would be about would be after he's essentially taken over the world as an evil tyrant and how a small few start a rebellion against him.
Is this original, though? Has this been done before? The evil wizard comes to Earth has been done, but it's always about stopping him from taking over. This would be after the world failed to stop him.
Sounds worth writing, even if it has been done before. Go with it. It's a good idea.[DOUBLEPOST=1443473049,1443472914][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh, I should add that I don't recall ever seeing this idea in print, so it's original to me.
Chad Sexington
There is no new thing under the sun. But just because something has been done, doesn't mean it can't be done with new twists, interests, and talent.
Isn't that Star Wars? Palpatine is basically a wizard, and the jedi failed to stop him and he formed the empire.
Though, when George Lucas wrote that, it wasn't original then, either. And look how well he did.
The moral of the story is go ahead and write it, but if it turns into a trilogy, stop after the third one.
Narnia: The story starts with the white queen in power, and the kids have to take her down.
edit: what Chad said. Basic story premises are a dime a dozen. It's what you do with them that's important.
Sauron? Not exactly, but a bit similar?
Samurai jack
Apparently, I am illiterate.
Mogworld, by Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw.
The protagonist of the novel dies in the first chapter of the book, in a meaningless mundane war.
The second chapter begins with him being reanimated years later by a newly arrived necromancer, and being put to work.
Didn't the Simpsons do that?
New testament?
I think the closet I've seen would be "Ariel" by Steven R. Boyett. Basically one day technology just stopped working and magic happened. There's no big bad guy, though, unless you count the people who took advantage of the situation.
Wizard's First Rule might also qualify as an analogue.
Can't think of anything where magic person/people subjugated a modern-day Earth, though.
I think the closet I've seen would be "Ariel" by Steven R. Boyett. Basically one day technology just stopped working and magic happened. There's no big bad guy, though, unless you count the people who took advantage of the situation.
Cursed saturday morning cartoons. To this day I can't hear the word "visionaries" without finishing (in my head, most of the time, thankfully) the jingle "KNIGHTS OF THE MAGICAL LIGHT!"