Hey Halforum what are you listening to?

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CynicismKills said:
Movin' to the country, gonn' eat me a lotta peaches..
Movin' to the country, gonn' eat me a lotta peaches..
Movin' to the country, gonn' eat me a lotta peaches..
Lol, I had such a hate-on for the Presidents of the United States when they first hit the scene. Now I actually enjoy their stuff.

Gravity Kills- Guilty
CynicismKills said:
Yeah, I didn't like them at first either but the songs are so damn funny.

Now we're on Soul Coughing - 4 Out Of 5
I like your playlist.

WildSoul said:
Blitzkrieg Bop by The Ramones
Yours too!

Moved onto My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult- A Daisy Chain For Satan (Acid and Flowers Mix). Never heard it before, but digging it.


Listening to this for the hundred millionth time.


Best metal song ever.
Filter- Hey Man, Nice Shot.

Not much for most metal. I like heavy music, but not of the variety that reminds me of RATT.


and then


(yes, my taste in music is pretty eclectic)

Just heard these guys do tracks from their new album, Barracuda, this morning, and now I have this cover stuck in my head. (They are actually Mexican.)


Kitty Sinatra

Today was Rush Day. When I left this morning, I selected them on my iPod and shuffled through all their stuff. On my walk to and from work I heard a bit of old stuff, a bit of new stuff, some live stuff, some studio stuff. All their stuff is just great.

Philosopher B.

I can't stop listening to this (contains NSFW lyrics):

Pink Floyd: The Division Bell

Eeeee... sweet music... melts through me... Especially loving "What Do You Want From Me," "Keep Talking," and "High Hopes."

Philosopher B.

Espy said:
Just bought the BEST of Rocky on iTunes.
I love those movies so much.
I just watched the first Rocky movie the other day. I felt kind of stupid for taking so long to see such a classic. I loved it, though, and can't wait to check out the sequels. :zoid:

Wasabi Poptart


My son likes to move it.



I miss easyworld :'(
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