Hey mister, turn off the old people music

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This is what was said to me at work today.

The song I was playing? Led Zepplin's When the Levee Breaks.

I was told, earnestly, to put on Fallout Boy instead, since they're 'sooooo much better'.

I gotta be honest folks, today is the first time I felt old and had the urge to beat a teenager with a pool cue.
If you do it, just hope a middle aged cop comes to arrest you. He would likely hand-cuff the kid and leave the 2 of you alone in a small room.


the revenge is, in 10 years that teenage punk will be in your shoes when someone walks up to him and tells him to play the "Mutant Ass Rats" cause they are sooo much better.

If you excuse me, I have a stairway to climb....
I wouldn't have been able to have words for that situation.... just brutal brutal beatings with a concrete cinder block....


Staff member
Well I can't say anything in support of Fallout Boy, but I don't care much for Zepplin either.


Well we know how much your opinion matters now. :slywink:
shit, the guy has no good taste in anything, and he thinks he's perfectly normal. It's ok. just don't point it out, or he'll secretly take offense.
My immediate reaction to that story is the following:

What the fuck? Where do you work, that you have music playing in the background and yet people feel like they can walk up and make requests?

I've worked in customer service for years and that has never happened to me... Kind wish it would now.
This somehow reminds me of the recent Time 100 list of the best guitar players I heard about the other day. The top ten did not include, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Eddie Van Halen, nor Jimmy Paige. :eek:rly:

Cuyval Dar

This somehow reminds me of the recent Time 100 list of the best guitar players I heard about the other day. The top ten did not include, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Eddie Van Halen, nor Jimmy Paige. :eek:rly:
Had the Jonas Brothers,though, I'll bet.
My dad let me grow up listening to whatever music I wanted to (went through a huge Backstreet Boys phase... don't judge), but still exposed me to all types of music. He exposed me to Metallica, Lynyrd Skynyrd (one of my few fond memories of him was the concert we attended to see them, or what's left of them), Led Zeppelin, and the like. Even if I didn't like them at the time (which wasn't the case because I have been listening to classic rock radio stations for most of my life), he still made me listen to them whenever I was in his truck.

My mom, on the other hand, is responsible for my love of soft rock music by making me listen to Billy Joel, Elton John, Bread, The Beatles (which really are in a category on their own), Carpenters, etc.

What I'm trying to say, with many parenthetical anecdotes, kids SHOULD know this stuff or at least have heard it... which is what I'm trying to do with my music classes this year. They need to learn or at least be able to deduce that Paul McCartney is NOT Jesse McCartney's father, and that Green Day has been around MUCH longer before they "sold out."

Baaahhh.... the world today...

TL;DR version: Kids need to get off mah lawn.
My dad let me grow up listening to whatever music I wanted to (went through a huge Backstreet Boys phase... don't judge), but still exposed me to all types of music. He exposed me to Metallica, Lynyrd Skynyrd (one of my few fond memories of him was the concert we attended to see them, or what's left of them), Led Zeppelin, and the like. Even if I didn't like them at the time (which wasn't the case because I have been listening to classic rock radio stations for most of my life), he still made me listen to them whenever I was in his truck.

My mom, on the other hand, is responsible for my love of soft rock music by making me listen to Billy Joel, Elton John, Bread, The Beatles (which really are in a category on their own), Carpenters, etc.

What I'm trying to say, with many parenthetical anecdotes, kids SHOULD know this stuff or at least have heard it... which is what I'm trying to do with my music classes this year. They need to learn or at least be able to deduce that Paul McCartney is NOT Jesse McCartney's father, and that Green Day has been around MUCH longer before they "sold out."

Baaahhh.... the world today...

TL;DR version: Kids need to get off mah lawn.
I'm sorry, I tried to read that, but once I got to "Backstreet Boys", I couldn't concentrate, what with all the judging.
I'm sorry, I tried to read that, but once I got to "Backstreet Boys", I couldn't concentrate, what with all the judging.
Yea, when typing it I kinda zoned out after that... Any mention of BSB sends me into post traumatic shock as well as the deep seas of regret.

Mmmmm!!! M&Ms!


well now i'm humming zeppelin to myself. time to take a break with my mp3 player...

on a side note, during the katrina crisis that song was in my head on endless loop
10 years from now the Mighty Zep will still be played/studied/enjoyed, Fallout Boy at best will be a minor foot note in music history. Kinda like Coolio vs. Weird Al, if anyone remembers that little spat.

Mmmm Zeppelin...

Now where'd I leave that 3 ft. Graphix?

*Journeys to the Pelennor Fields aka happy place*


But when you guys were younger, you always loved older music and never cared for the trash of the day?
Actually, yes. Comes of my alarm clock/radio always being set for Radio 2 when I needed to get up early for school.

Ahh, memories...


Staff member
Next time, put on [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Kashmir-London-Philharmonic-Orchestra-Scholes/dp/B0000040V8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1251393483&sr=8-1"]this version of When the Levee Breaks[/ame] and see if you can break their fragile little mind.
I prefer
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vp8-tJTUWto"]YouTube - Stairway to Heaven by Dolly Parton[/ame]
I like Fall Out Boy, but I also like Zeppelin. I'd never ask someone to turn off one of LZ's better songs for FOB, though, that's just crazy talk.
there are certain bands and artists that are eternal, and are re-adopted by new generations over and over again, and can, ergo, never really be considered "old people music".

Zepellin, Who, Doors, Beatles, Queen, Floyd... bands that will be heard forever. It's just a sign of how the general populace can be so fracking ignorant if they fail to at least recognize these. They don't have to like them, fine, but not even recognize and respect?? Heathens.
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