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HF and Pages Loading Slow




Not sure if it's just on my end or anyone else's, but I'm noticing Halforums is taking longer than usual to load up. Normally, it loads up almost immediately, but now it takes a minute or two. Each page takes just as long to load up after I click on it.




Yeah, it's not just you, I've noticed it too. I'm looking into it, but it doesn't seem to be the usual "SQL DB got fuxxored" issue that it has been in the past. Server load levels are not above "idle" most of the time. Something else must be going on.

It's also affecting the admin control pages but not the webhost cpanel or whm, which tells me it's something xenforo specific.... which usually means the mysql database.... buuuuuuut....




Seems to have resolved itself. Back to the kitten pics!





Yeah, and I didn't even do anything of note or even pin down the problem.

Which makes me think it might have been a DDOS attack.




The webhost looks like it might've been sold in February? Could that be it?
(web-hosting is now owned by NameCheap)



Celt Z

Celt Z

Yeah, I'm having a lot of problems loading.




Yeah, it's doing it again. No, I can't figure out why. I suspect another DDOS attack.

Namecheap's been the hosting for a couple years now, though maybe namecheap itself got sold in feb or something.




AAaand there we go, all better again, and I DINDU NUFFIN




Weeelll false alarm (or false end of alarm) it's shitty again. Seems to come and go. Which would be consistent with a DDOS.




Namecheap's been the hosting for a couple years now, though maybe namecheap itself got sold in feb or something.
Wow, yeah. Looks like web-hosting.com officially got bought by NameCheap near the start of 2011, and then their front page got taken down completely (redirected) to NameCheap's main site some time around Aug 2016.





It started up again this morning around 8:30 central, and continues to be a problem. I continue to see nothing in WHM that should be accounting for this slowdown.

@Dave , I think you might need to open a ticket with the hosting provider.




Will do.




Aaaand naturally it's not doing it anymore.

Because people are actually able to use the site now, the average CPU usage is actually UP (idling in the 30s of precent) compared to where it was when the site was choking (5-20% depending).




I opened a ticket last night but have no response yet.




"We will respond to all tickets within two hours." 24 hours later and nothing.




Two Jovian hours. Read the fine print!







No it's all reddit and discord's fault.
(original website is in Spanish, use your translation service of choice if necessary)





Having this issue today, I wasn't sure if it was my ISP which has also been slow in general lately. Still slow on Halforums while other websites are back to normal.




Having this issue today, I wasn't sure if it was my ISP which has also been slow in general lately. Still slow on Halforums while other websites are back to normal.
Can confirm, it's not just you, and it is still happening today.




Yeah, it keeps coming and going. I've minute, timeout, next minute, speedy as you want.




Yeah, it's working okay for me now, but it was slower than a frozen molasses drip earlier today.




Gas hasn't been able to see anything in our settings, file structure, cPanel, or WHM. And unless the host answers, the world may never know what's going on.




Secret conspiracy: Our latest member that everyone was theorizing was a bot was actually an FSB agent infiltrating the board to counter the anti-Trump sentiment here, but was so thoroughly embarrassed that they changed tactics and are occasionally diverting some Russian intelligence controlled bots to DDOS the board to make it challenging for us to continue the constant stream of hate and ridicule towards the Orange One.




It's like you read my mind!





I mean, couldn't he/she have at least posted some scandalous pics of (allegedly) herself scantily-clad first, maybe to draw some of us into a honey trap?

I miss the days when Russian spies behaved like proper Russian spies, I tell you.




The crazy thing is it seems to start up right around 8:30 central and usually clears up by midnight. So it's a very diurnal problem... which isn't exactly typical of your average DDOS attack.




The crazy thing is it seems to start up right around 8:30 central and usually clears up by midnight. So it's a very diurnal problem... which isn't exactly typical of your average DDOS attack.




Beats Me. It seemed less severe today. Hopefully it's just... going away.




It's actually crazy that you've not had follow-up regarding the ticket though. Totally get things falling through the cracks but it's been almost a week at this point and to only have the automated intake response is wild.




Last week it said that halforums domain was registered with Namecheap.
Now it says it is registered with Enom/Tucows.





Interesting. Wonder if that transition is the cause of all our woes.




I didn't record it, but the IP address looks similar enough that I don't know as it changed. DNS hijinx very well could've tanked everything, though.





I didn't record it, but the IP address looks similar enough that I don't know as it changed. DNS hijinx very well could've tanked everything, though.

It's not a DNS issue. Cpanel and WHM use the same domain name and are completely unaffected.




Just got this from the host:

[#QOD-994-85308]: IMPORTANT: Migrating your OS following CentOS 7 sunset

Recently, we have noticed that you have a server with CentOS 7, which reached its end of life on June 30, 2024.
The IP address of the server in question is as follows:
Please be aware that continuing to use CentOS 7 carries significant security risks, since there is no support for this OS anymore (including fixes for any vulnerabilities). That's why we recommend that you update your OS.
Please make sure to take a fresh backup of your server before upgrading OS. Here is a video guide for your convenience: https://www.namecheap.com/support/k...255/video-how-to-create-a-full-cpanel-backup/ .
Recently, there's been an increase of reported failed cases of migrations via Elevate script used for CentOS 7 upgrade. That's why if you perform the upgrade on your end using it or other methods, make sure to have a backup.
Alternatively, we can assist with the OS upgrade by transferring all your cPanel accounts to another server with the desired setup. This ensures a rollback option, unlike the Elevate script.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.




Just got this from the host:

[#QOD-994-85308]: IMPORTANT: Migrating your OS following CentOS 7 sunset

Recently, we have noticed that you have a server with CentOS 7, which reached its end of life on June 30, 2024.
The IP address of the server in question is as follows:
Please be aware that continuing to use CentOS 7 carries significant security risks, since there is no support for this OS anymore (including fixes for any vulnerabilities). That's why we recommend that you update your OS.
Please make sure to take a fresh backup of your server before upgrading OS. Here is a video guide for your convenience: https://www.namecheap.com/support/k...255/video-how-to-create-a-full-cpanel-backup/ .
Recently, there's been an increase of reported failed cases of migrations via Elevate script used for CentOS 7 upgrade. That's why if you perform the upgrade on your end using it or other methods, make sure to have a backup.
Alternatively, we can assist with the OS upgrade by transferring all your cPanel accounts to another server with the desired setup. This ensures a rollback option, unlike the Elevate script.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
I do recommend letting them migrate to an upgraded OS.

But I don't think this is related to the recent slowdowns, which seem to have abated.




I knew CentOS was being sunset (sorta -- Thanks a lot, Red Hat!) but of course had no idea it impacted HF. The only thing I ever personally used CentOS for was as a free, Java-capable OS for my first attempt at a standalone Minecraft server. So maybe all these slowdowns were due to other shared VMs doing their upgrades?

The "good" news is that it looks like there is a "most compatible" upgrade path directly to full-fat RHEL, though that means the headache of migrate and config and all that, plus of course having to subscribe to RHEL. The "good" part is that it looks like RHEL now allows you to register for a free production-capable license/subscription tier/option for people using 16 or fewer systems.





I do recommend letting them migrate to an upgraded OS.
Says the man I'm pretty sure is still running Windows XP




I do recommend letting them migrate to an upgraded OS.

But I don't think this is related to the recent slowdowns, which seem to have abated.
If everyone else was migrating could that have not taxed the servers enough to slow us down?




Says the man I'm pretty sure is still running Windows XP
Actually (begrudgingly) window 10 now, but there's also a difference between an outdated pc with one tech-savvy user behind a router and an outdated webhost fully exposed to the cloud, literally blocking new bot registrations constantly and already experiencing performance issues.

If everyone else was migrating could that have not taxed the servers enough to slow us down?
Ehhh, if they all did it simultaneously, maybe, but that'd have been an astonishing coincidence that everybody on our VM chose to migrate at the same time. My money's still on a DDOS attack.

Regardless, getting off CentOS 7 is a good idea. There's some other issues we've been ignoring or band-aiding too because fixing them would require updating something to a version that requires something else that in turn requires an OS update.




If everyone else was migrating could that have not taxed the servers enough to slow us down?
maybe all these slowdowns were due to other shared VMs doing their upgrades?
...I don't know which of you would have to register for the developer account. But if it's Gas, then that would mean Gas also gets to use that license to legally install/use RHEL on up to 15 of his own personal machines for ... free.

