Export thread

Hi. I'm new.



So I'm Ross' roommate and he said I should make an account here.

So here it is.

And right now I'm kinda jealous about his new computer that he's sitting here talking about. And he's loading left 4 dead. Does anyone have a handgun or 18 year old sister I could ease my pain with?




Does anyone have a handgun or 18 year old sister I could ease my pain with?
Oh you are going to fit right in. Enjoy the punch.




Hi, Fusion! Welcome to the fun.

Tell us a little about yourself.

What kinds of movies/books/games do you like?




Can you drive a forklift?




What uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup.



Things I like and dislike? I can't just link my OkCupid account?

My movie faire is around the same of highly intelligent anti-social people of my age group (i.e. Otaku; Nerd; Geek). The Prestige, Kevin Smith movies, Moon, The Brothers Bloom, Zombieland, Day of the Dead, etc.. etc.. But if you make me watch a Will Ferrel movie I will show you pain that roughly equals the agony I feel as my neurons implode one by one with each "funny voice" that man uses.

Books would be along the sci-fi and fantasy genre (With a special attention paid to Douglas Adams). I'm currently reading through my fifth set of the Enders Game novels, and just wrapped up Judas Unchained by Peter Hamilton (Not the porn star. Though that would be epic).

Video games are a varied bunch for me. I play WoW, old school RPGs, old school FPS, CS:S, a bunch of stuff from my collection in storage that I legally emulated on my computer (Yeah, I know I have a locker of all these games SOMEWHERE.. Let me find that paperwork for you). Also, I have this strange affinity to the Tycoon games. Specifically, Roller Coaster Tycoon. I don't understand that.

I played Sims3 religiously when it came out but it seems like the expansion packs kill my computer. Sims2 can't run when I install all the expansion packs. Strange.

I also like Eve, in theory. See I've never really done more than just tool around in the opening areas because the demo doesn't give you enough time to advance yourself to the point where you can DO anything. It seems so nice and fun. And yet, I wouldn't know.

TV is basically House, Big Bang Theory, Mythbusters, Family Guy, Venture Brothers, How I met your Mother, NCIS, SVU.... And I don't think I watch any of those on TV.

And, apparently. I'm now a Stormchasers fan. Le sigh. Also, if you googled the porn stars name I wrote in the second paragraph, you owe me a pizza.




Can you cook?



Yes, I can. Theoretically.

See, I've cooked many times before. But I always am missing an ingredient of some sort. And it's always a spur of the moment thing, where I don't know exactly what I'm going to cook until I start so planning is out the window. I dream of a day where I have a fully stocked kitchen that I keep in rotation (Updated weekly with a Cat9 Scanner linked to my homebuilt SQL database and printed barcodes) and can just make food when I please. That all being said, I finally perfected making omlettes and I'm craving one now.

Never mind, it's gone. I want beef lo-mein.




I'm noticing you do a lot of things in theory. Yes, you certainly will fit right in :)



Blame the Big Bang Theory. It's poisoned me. I've watched the first season and half of the second in... Ohhh.. Three days?

Also, I'm trying to figure out the best place to write a reply-rant about this CajunGal's misconception about musicals. Damn me for visiting links in signatures. And Ross is trying to make me become a forum asshole. Who is Chadwozzle and why am I going to fit in with him? I'm not an alphamale.



Howdy do! Don't forget to scope out the webcomics list, and you prolly already know about this.



Questionable Content made the list.

I am home.



Dang skippy it did. That was on the original posting way back when.



I think Faye would be the one girl I'd try the Naked Gambit with. If anyone meets a real life Faye and hooks me up I will give you one quarter of my earnings for the rest of my life.




welcome to the insanity that is Halforums




I think you'd do good battling against Chazwozel and the like.

And you never told me about your love for the Ender Series. It is amazing.

And Storm Chasers is also amazing. Don't you forget it.

This fuckin' guy knew about the PvP forums back in the day AND NEVER JOINED... but now he's here and it's all good.




Is it roommate week? Did I miss the memo?


Also, what is your quest?

Are you also nutty about lightning?




What's one opinion of yours that you'll probably never ever change?




Who would win in a fight between you and BananaHands?

You and Ross?

You and me?


Cuyval Dar

Where is your avatar? Then you shall truly be home.



Blame the Big Bang Theory. It's poisoned me. I've watched the first season and half of the second in... Ohhh.. Three days?

Also, I'm trying to figure out the best place to write a reply-rant about this CajunGal's misconception about musicals. Damn me for visiting links in signatures. And Ross is trying to make me become a forum asshole. Who is Chadwozzle and why am I going to fit in with him? I'm not an alphamale.
Damn straight you're not an alpha male. Don't you forget it!









Blame the Big Bang Theory. It's poisoned me. I've watched the first season and half of the second in... Ohhh.. Three days?

Also, I'm trying to figure out the best place to write a reply-rant about this CajunGal's misconception about musicals. Damn me for visiting links in signatures. And Ross is trying to make me become a forum asshole. Who is Chadwozzle and why am I going to fit in with him? I'm not an alphamale.
Before you do, understand that everything I write it just a spontaneous blurb that if often riddled with generalizations and incomplete thoughts, because it's not as if I have a huge following. It's just a place to "jot" as I'm in front of my computer having random thoughts. If you have a problem or disagree, I'd love for you to post there on my page. You might give me something to think about. Or you'll at least make it less lonely. :p








Yay. ^_^





You rang? Misspelled my name though.



I think Faye would be the one girl I'd try the Naked Gambit with. If anyone meets a real life Faye and hooks me up I will give you one quarter of my earnings for the rest of my life.




Woah woah woah! The whole 'Odd Couple'/will-they-won't-they roommate dynamic has already been filled!

But seriously... what is your opinion on the Lithuanian culture?



Lots of questions. Even though, as Ross just pointed out, this isn't a question thread. But lets do this thang.

Also, what is your quest?

Are you also nutty about lightning?
My quest is currently to get Ross laid. I had an encounter with a Lesbian tonight that made me realize that boy needs to get some. Hard. That should also answer your lightning question.

What's one opinion of yours that you'll probably never ever change?
Sexuality is a choice. I chose it, I've seen other people choose it. Saying you DON'T get to choose your sexuality is like saying "I can't help being attracted to redheads" or "I can't stop sleeping on my stomach." Yes you can, you just don't think you need to change it. Never be ashamed of who you are, and NEVER EVER blame it on something you can't change.

Who would win in a fight between you and BananaHands?

You and Ross?

You and me?
I only know bananahands from the post above this one... So I'm not sure, but I'm GUESSING that it would be me. Ross would be me as well. Your post is a little more masculine so it's a 50/50 tossup. I'm pretty fucking large.

Where is your avatar? Then you shall truly be home.
Who told you I was an Indigo Child?

Damn straight you're not an alpha male. Don't you forget it!
You are so insecure that in that ONE post you had to put an image of a snarling bear, a picture of the greatest starship captain of all time, and a picture of a man reading a girly magazine from Futurama. Let's dissect what you're trying to say here.

BEAR: I'm going to throw up something large and vicious looking in front of me. This is somewhat like what a moth does with the patterns on it's back, opening up the wings and showing a scary image in hopes that predators will leave it alone instead of realizing it's just a fucking little moth.

CAPTAIN: I need to present an aire of authority, so I will show an image that equates me with greatness and leadership. Thus people will see me as a big dog.


Before you do, understand that everything I write it just a spontaneous blurb that if often riddled with generalizations and incomplete thoughts, because it's not as if I have a huge following. It's just a place to "jot" as I'm in front of my computer having random thoughts. If you have a problem or disagree, I'd love for you to post there on my page. You might give me something to think about. Or you'll at least make it less lonely. :p

But seriously... what is your opinion on the Lithuanian culture?
Well I'm trying to think about how to phrase this in a way that is quick and easy to digest. The culture of Lithuania kinda sucks because it's... Well.. Lithuanians. Like there is NO diversity whatsoever. The culture has been stagnant since the early 1800s when they saw a huge influx from Russia. Currently, they have a president that is really trying to push a more global centric view of Lithuania, although she's not really sure how to do it with her GNP falling like a mofo.

And there is a huge problem with the health over there anyway. Men burn out FAST. It's still a steady diet of cigs and alcohol. Plus there is NO leisure time in Lithuanian culture. You're expected to work til you die, and be a family centric person. So no time to develop culture.

Anyone else?




Hey now, just because it's been 7 months doesn't mean I need help... but getting help is better than not getting help, I guess.



And that's where we stop posting things about the chat that occurred last night.



Sorry, Neon is distracting.




Damn internet. Since when has my photobucket ever exceeded bandwidth?

Also, I know hotlinking is bad, but I don't feel like taking the time to host them all :p



It's kinda funny. That storm was up there last time I looked.




Wait, there are Lithuanians in here? Where?

Also, welcome to the forum. *cue march band and the old-timer on the roof yelling something over the church bells* You will fit right in.

Now, for the question that will define whether I like you or crush you like an ant:

British humour. Brilliant or annoying?




Clearly it is not a perfect storm.



British humour. Brilliant or annoying?
Is that really a question?

*nudges newbie meaningfully.*

Oh, and welcome to the forums. Please fill out the relevant forms, and we'll get round to your horribly degrading initiation ceremony as soon as we grease up the Ewok.




British humour. Brilliant or annoying?
Is that really a question?

*nudges newbie meaningfully.*

Oh, and welcome to the forums. Please fill out the relevant forms, and we'll get round to your horribly degrading initiation ceremony as soon as we grease up the Ewok.[/QUOTE]

You did get the ceremonial codpiece fixed up, I hope? Last time the cod was a little rancid...



British humour. Brilliant or annoying?
I don't know. Food: Tasty or horrible? Books: Good, or bad?

I mean you're asking me to do this complete generalization about a subject that is too broad to generalize. You have the Monty Python style of humor, Mr. Bean, Blackadder, Eddie Izzard, Douglas Adams... They're all very different.




Okay, let's make it simple, you overanalyzing little... ;)




Seen it.




Opinion thereof?



Pretty good. Hugh Laurie is over the top in it a lot.




Your answer is acceptable. You will not be disintegrated :p

Welcome. Enjoy the madness, check your seriousness at the door, and have fun!




By far. The best. Scene. Ever. The best part was the look on Lenoard's face right after it happened for the first time. When Sheldon offered her it I immediately went "Oh.. OH NO." Although I will have to say that Wil Wheaton pulled off a MASTERFUL scene for not having been on TV for awhile. Although looking at his IMDB I see he did some show called leverage.

I also found the scene where Raj is talking to the group and Penny is outside the door pretty touching. Yes, it was played for laughs but it kinda got me how real it was that not even he understood his disability.
