Things I like and dislike? I can't just link my OkCupid account?
My movie faire is around the same of highly intelligent anti-social people of my age group (i.e. Otaku; Nerd; Geek). The Prestige, Kevin Smith movies, Moon, The Brothers Bloom, Zombieland, Day of the Dead, etc.. etc.. But if you make me watch a Will Ferrel movie I will show you pain that roughly equals the agony I feel as my neurons implode one by one with each "funny voice" that man uses.
Books would be along the sci-fi and fantasy genre (With a special attention paid to Douglas Adams). I'm currently reading through my fifth set of the Enders Game novels, and just wrapped up Judas Unchained by Peter Hamilton (Not the porn star. Though that would be epic).
Video games are a varied bunch for me. I play WoW, old school RPGs, old school FPS, CS:S, a bunch of stuff from my collection in storage that I legally emulated on my computer (Yeah, I know I have a locker of all these games SOMEWHERE.. Let me find that paperwork for you). Also, I have this strange affinity to the Tycoon games. Specifically, Roller Coaster Tycoon. I don't understand that.
I played Sims3 religiously when it came out but it seems like the expansion packs kill my computer. Sims2 can't run when I install all the expansion packs. Strange.
I also like Eve, in theory. See I've never really done more than just tool around in the opening areas because the demo doesn't give you enough time to advance yourself to the point where you can DO anything. It seems so nice and fun. And yet, I wouldn't know.
TV is basically House, Big Bang Theory, Mythbusters, Family Guy, Venture Brothers, How I met your Mother, NCIS, SVU.... And I don't think I watch any of those on TV.
And, apparently. I'm now a Stormchasers fan. Le sigh. Also, if you googled the porn stars name I wrote in the second paragraph, you owe me a pizza.