How about a little misogyny with your news paper?

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Movie reviewer is let go from a newspaper because he reviews movies the editor doesn't like. Not just that, but the editor says he doesn't like the movies because they feature strong women. Not kidding.

Read his story here.
That email he got almost fell into parody it was so ridiculous. That man exists. And he edits newspapers.
Is it just me, or are the assholes who whine about "traditional manliness" and the evils of women always the least manly little cretins out there? I always thought a keystone of masculinity was not being so fucking insecure.


Staff member
That movie critic sure is... verbose.

It was kind of a slog to get to the actual meat of the story.
He's a movie reviewer. Being verbose is what he does.

And I think that editor is going to regret that letter a whole bunch.
He's a movie reviewer. Being verbose is what he does.

And I think that editor is going to regret that letter a whole bunch.
I doubt it. Ideologues tend to blame everyone else when things go south. Regret implies he'd recognize he did something wrong.
He's a movie reviewer. Being verbose is what he does.

And I think that editor is going to regret that letter a whole bunch.
Betcha ten Halbucks that when the backlash hits, the editor is going to blame the movie reviewer, the liberal press, the Internet, feminists, Hollywood, and probably homosexuals.
I have one of the most powerful penises in America. No wonder all gay people have a sense of superiority. Our sex lives can actually control the weather.[DOUBLEPOST=1353303592][/DOUBLEPOST]I'm like the Weather Wizard from the Flash, but my wand is in my pants.
I have one of the most powerful penises in America. No wonder all gay people have a sense of superiority. Our sex lives can actually control the weather.[DOUBLEPOST=1353303592][/DOUBLEPOST]I'm like the Weather Wizard from the Flash, but my wand is in my pants.
He's defending himself by saying that the guy was absolutely correct in assuming he was a misogynistic shitmouth?

Good work sir!
He doesn't really deny any of it. He still comes out like an asshole.

He might consider a sex change, if he feels so embarrassed because of me.
As for censorship, one person wrote, “The things that this publisher has said (in the email) should not be permitted in this century!”

Two people wrote that I was a guy with deep-seated “mommy issues.”

And while I enjoyed the unintentionally funny and immature rudeness of Calleri and some of the writers who posted comments, some, I suspect, may have a deep-seated daddy issue.

They simply hate the idea of a strong, powerful man in their cowardly and effete new world.
That right there is an asshole.
This is the old "I know I'm an asshole, so you can't call me an asshole" logic, isn't it? Fucking moron.
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